This blog is only about awakening, nothing more, nothing less. Anything that will contribute to the possibility of complete liberation from the dream, or from the mass hallucination of humanity, or from the mental matrix, or from the false self, or from the lie, or any other label you want to call it, is welcome here. The key words are FREEDOM and JOY. Sometimes I think this reporting about stuff just keeps the false story going and only adds to the insanity, and there's too much of that already. But something is trying to pry the lid off still, something awaits to be seen. We are all in this boat together, so here we go......have fun!

Showing posts with label solutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label solutions. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2012

It's a New Day and All you Need is Love

I am busting at the seams to say so much, yet at this moment I can say very little. 

I know that people are hurting and desperate.  I know that people are loosing hope that the changes will come in time.  I know that people- especially those who've been awake & aware for so long- are feeling the heavy hand of exhaustion and despondency as the end of the year draws nigh.  I know that the newly awakened walk the line between doubt and elation searching for proof to assure them selves that they haven't lost their minds.  I know that dinarians feel like their golden ticket is slipping from their grasp.

I have spent all day thinking about what I can write in this update. Trying to figure out what little bit I CAN say, vs the HUGE pile of what I can't say.  I hate being cryptic, but there is so much going on right now that is extremely sensitive and cannot become public knowledge... not just yet... but very soon.

I hinted at some things last week during my updates, and some smart cookies caught on right away (eh ariel?).  

In the past 7 days amazing things have taken place, changes have been made, and there is a perceivable shift that has happened.  (did you feel it?) A battle was fought this past week. A battle for not only the American people, but for every person on Earth. A battle for freedom. 

...according to everything I'm hearing, we won.

.....I'm hearing that the mail man will be extremely busy very soon

Maybe all those folks that are about to loose their cushy jobs can get work at the post office.

Over the course of the next week I think we'll be hearing some things that will shock a whole lotta people out of their stupor. It's about time.

When the party starts I hope that everyone will take a moment to  think about all the people that have made huge sacrifices for all of us. People have died to bring you freedom. Lest we forget.

Before I disappear for the night I want to remind you of what human spirit is and what it can do.  I want to show you that love conquers all and that humans, for all that they have struggled under oppression and been blinded by brainwashing and fear.... Humans rise above that.  

THIS is the mistake that the Cabal didn't figure into their equations:  HUMAN SPIRIT. 

To continue reading, CLICK HERE.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

International Day of Peace - September 21, 2012

Organizations from around the world have come together with the vision of co-creating the Largest Globally-Synchronized Meditation and Prayer for Peace in human history.

There will be live events in hundreds of cities around the world, starting at 6pm in local timezones, creating a profound wave of peace moving across our planet.

There will also be three specific moments during the day when everyone around the world will connect at the same time: 12am, 12 noon, and 12 midnight EDT, creating three deep planetary Pulses of Peace.
BeThePeace welcomes people from every culture, every spiritual tradition, and every political perspective to join Together as One.

We invite local organizations to collaborate and create events in your city. We invite global organizations to spread the word and inspire the masses to join.

Together, we are creating a world where inner & outer peace is the normal way of life. Together, we are creating history!

Join us!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Trance-Formation to Transformation: Time to Wake Up

Please, do not be afraid. This is not meant to scare you, but to empower you. You are much greater than the ideas and concepts designed to enslave you. You have merely been dreaming. Wipe the sleep from your eyes, my friend, and BE FREE.

Trance-Formation from Max Igan on Vimeo.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Beginning is Near

Change is afoot. Can't go under it. Can't go over it. Can't go around it. Gotta go THROUGH IT.
Pace yourself. Breathe. Smile. It's all good.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Charles Eisenstein: Sacred Economics

Chapter 21

The following is the twenty-second installment from
Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition

“Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: that we are here for the sake of others.” -Albert Einstein

Trusting Gratitude

The question comes up again and again: How can I share my gifts in today’s money economy and still make a living? Some people who ask this question are artists, healers, or activists who despair of finding a way to “get paid for” what they do. Others have a successful business or profession but have begun to feel that something is amiss with the way they charge for their services.

Indeed, to charge a fee for service, or even for material goods, violates the spirit of the Gift. When we shift into gift mentality, we treat our creations as gifts to other people or to the world. It is contrary to the nature of a gift to specify, in advance, a return gift, for then it is no longer giving but rather bartering, selling. Furthermore, many people, particularly artists, healers, and musicians, see their work as sacred, inspired by a divine source and bearing infinite value. To assign it a price feels like a devaluation, a sacrilege. But surely the artist deserves to be compensated for his work, right?

The idea behind the word “compensation” is that you have, by working, made a sacrifice of your time. You have spent it doing work when you could have instead spent it on something you want to do. Another context in which we use the word is lawsuits, for example when someone seeks compensation for an injury, for pain and suffering.

In an economy that deserves the adjective “sacred,” work will no longer be an injury to one’s time or life; it will no longer be a matter of pain and suffering. A sacred economy recognizes that human beings desire to work: they desire to apply their life energy toward the expression of their gifts. There is no room in this conception for “compensation.” Work is a joy, a cause for gratitude. At its best, it is beyond price.

To keep reading, Click Here

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Invitation to Liberation

This is not new. People have seen this before. All that's changed is that we've broken it down to the core trigger mechanism. That means it can be spread. That means that if you're not free, reading this, you can be. In seconds. There is no you. Look.

The self doesn't exist. There is nothing there. But because we assume some outside cause for reality itself, we assume there is – and because it's THE fundamental cause, it's so important to us. It's almost as if, when you look at the lives people live, the lie of self is like a kind of disguise that thoughts and feelings use to sneak up on people and eat them alive. We are so often the puppets of ideas and emotions that we think of as being us. That is why we have so little control over our lives - over our internal lives.

The fundamental problem of a life lived under the delusion of self is that your life is limited. If you want something too much, you get consumed by that wanting, and it takes you over and plays you like a puppet. Almost always you lose the thing you wanted anyway. Or if you care too much about something, or someone too much, you get consumed by that caring, and it takes you over and destroys you. And then you lose the thing you cared about anyway. Often if you love someone too much you get can get consumed by that and it takes you over and destroys you. And then you lose the person you loved anyway. That's the fucking devil right there, laughing all the way to the bank. Or how about anger? What about when we encounter something horrific, something terrible, something that needs to be confronted? But we shy away from it, because we know that if we let that genie out of that bottle, we'll never get it back in. And everyone knows it. I think that's maybe why we all tolerate such horror in the world we live, because anger, which is often necessary and justified, sucks us up into this whirlwind we have no way to escape.

Liberation is not the end of anger. Or pain. Or sadness. But. There is no you. There's nothing there, just an emptiness where that you should be, but isn't. That emptiness is always at peace, and can never be consumed. So - that nothing that you are, and your sight of it, means that you will always have a way out of hell. Now yes, if you want to, you can simply stare off into that void for the rest of your life, and bliss out, and feel the peace. You have that option now. Billions do not. Billions of real people living real lives chained to a process that is eating them alive.

I don't really have time for or respect for recreational zen. I think that when you look around, look at the scale of this, the scale of the problem and the scale of this opportunity, there is another option than sitting down and wallowing in peace for your own amusement and the adulation of whatever followers you accrue. That's Enlightenment. This is different. It has the same core, the same trigger mechanism. But what we do here we call Liberation. And Liberation is different. Because once you have that freedom, you can experience life to the full, and never be crippled or destroyed by it. Even if the whole world was free, I would still not choose to wallow in peace. There's just so much living to be done. And freedom not exercised is no better than a cage. To those who wallow in peace I say, you have exchanged the metal of your bars for cushions and comfort. But you are still not free.

And the world's not free. It's trapped, and we now have enough of a handle on how to trigger this freedom that it's not in any sense crazy to imagine that we can, in one generation, free this planet. I think we can do it quicker. And to be honest, I don't know of any adventure I'd rather live.

Are you in?

~ Ciaran in "Brutal Beginnings"

Sunday, September 11, 2011

THRIVE - What On Earth Will It Take?

THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future. THRIVE is being released online on 11.11.11 at

THRIVE contains interviews with several prominent activists, journalists, and authors, including Duane Elgin, Nassim Haramein, Steven Greer, Jack Kasher, Daniel Sheehan, Adam Trombly, Brian O'Leary, Vandana Shiva, John Gatto, John Robbins, Deepak Chopra, David Icke, Catherine Austin Fitts, G. Edward Griffin, Bill Still, John Perkins, Paul Hawken, Aqeela Sherrills, Evon Peter, Angel Kyodo Williams, Elisabet Sahtouris, Amy Goodman, and Barbara Marx Hubbard.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Carl Herman - Open Proposal for U.S. Revolution

Though this is not the normal fare for this blog, I thought I would address the growing dissatisfaction pervading our global consciousness as certain well-known events unfold on the world stage. Exposing the lies we have believed and been subservient to, both inner and outer, is the task of all those who wish to awaken. Telling the Truth is the strongest tool we have in order to accomplish this. The Truth shall set you free.

“Constitutional governments and aristocracies are commonly overthrown owing to some deviation from justice…the rich, if the constitution gives them power, are apt to be insolent and avaricious… In all well-attempered governments there is nothing which should be more jealously maintained than the spirit of obedience to law, more especially in small matters; for transgression creeps in unperceived and at last ruins the state, just as the constant recurrence of small expenses in time eats up a fortune.” – Aristotle, Politics, Book V. 350 B.C.E.

Revolution is from the Latin, revolutio, a “turn around” of political power.

The US public would revolt and end unlawful US wars and banksters’ rigged-casino fraud if they understood and embraced the central facts of these issues. This four-part series of articles provides the central facts, invites passionate public response, and proposes specific revolutionary public action.

Please share the Revolution to end unlawful US wars and return trillions of our dollars to constructive work. With millions of lives at stake (perhaps billions), there is nothing more important for public participation.

Part 1: Open proposal for US revolution: end unlawful wars, parasitic/criminal economics

Part 2: Open proposal for US revolution: end unlawful wars, all begun with lies

Part 3: Open proposal for US revolution: end parasitic and criminal economics

Part 4: Open proposal for US revolution: expose corporate media as propaganda

These four articles are academic in language and documentation. My citizen advocacy paper, Government by dicts, has additional resources.

Click Here to read entire article.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

World Freedom Day -- Pura Vida From Costa Rica!

I greatly admire the work of Steve Beckow (The 2012 Scenario), especially his ability to consolidate current events with spiritual material. When he began sharing his vision of World Freedom Day, I was instantly inspired to somehow be involved, yet here where I live in Costa Rica, I wasn't sure in what manner that would present itself. Since Life always guides me correctly when I allow it to do so, I knew that if there was a way to serve it would be made effortlessly clear. Sure enough, right there on the World Freedom Day website update, it listed a gentleman by the name of Geoffrey West giving a talk at the University of Peace right here in Costa Rica and planning a Free Hugs event. I immediately left a message and comment for Steve requesting contact info for Geoff. I was very impressed that Steve found the time to immediately put me in touch with Geoff, and after exchanging emails, we agreed to meet.

Geoff relayed to me his plans for his lecture at UPEACE on March 1st and expressed a wish that there was someone available to film his presentation. How exciting it was for me to offer my assistance having bought a very nice digital camcorder last year thinking to allow one of my son's to use it for a project, and now not knowing for what purpose it might serve. So I accepted the assignment of chronicler of Geoff's talk and, though I am not a professional by any means, it all was such a great learning experience. Though not many students showed up because administration had scheduled Geoff the last day of the semester, the energy was high, and those of us aware enough to do so, just sent love and light everywhere! There being no time/space limits in reality meant everyone got the message. Geoff basically gave a rudimentary introduction to what is really going on right now in our corner of the universe, the raising of energies in preparation for humanity coming into full Awakening and how that is reflected in different events occurring across the globe. Some had never been exposed to this information, and you could just see how their minds were starting to process and assimilate the new ideas.

Unity of Costa Rica has been a favorite gathering spot for those interested in expanding awareness and raising consciousness, and Juan Enrique Toro, our beloved minister, gave a wonderful talk today about consciously choosing to turn the gaze of awareness inward and take full responsibility for those places in ourselves where we still harbor the belief in separation. If we engage in inner wars in our own psyches, then we are complicit in helping planetary conflict to continue in all its forms. This automatically changes when we shine the light of our own awareness into the dark corners of our mental/emotional closets and reclaim our freedom from the influence of the seeming darkness. It is only a mirage anyway, an illusion we bought into, so freedom in truth, is only a breath away.

This afternoon, several of us gathered at the Multiplaza Mall in Escazu to pass out Free Hugs to anyone willing to partake. No proselytizing an agenda, no need to educate, just love in action. Again, I was privileged to capture the event on film, which we hope to make available on You Tube after editing. Just to witness the looks of surprise, curiosity, smiles, laughter, tears, as well as those of concern and disbelief....well it was all incredible, every moment! We are all on this amazing journey towards Oneness together, and everyone holds a divine spark reflecting this Oneness. The heart inherently KNOWS this, and when it gets a chance to shine, the world becomes paradise instantly! I saw this happen over and over again today.

Thank you Steve, Geoff, Vicky, Vicki, Bonnie, Heather, and everyone else who showed up today, for your inspiration, and for doing your part. I am pleased to be in the company of those who serve Life's Awakening.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

World Freedom Day is Sunday, March 6th, 2011

By Steve Beckow

As a sovereign citizen of Planet Earth, I invite humanity to observe Sunday, March 6, 2011, as World Freedom Day.

I invite us, on that day, to join together, actually or mentally, physically or spiritually, to celebrate the desire of every man, woman and child on Earth to live freely, to live a life without oppression, anxiety and fear, a life of love, unity, and peace.

I invite us to join together in whatever way we can. I ask those who are able, to walk down to their town square and experience together their unity by assembling and looking each other in the face and affirming to each other that the world will be free. I ask them to assemble at 12 noon local time and celebrate each other’s company. No organization is necessary, no agenda, no ritual. Mere presence is enough.

Let all look around themselves on that day and know that the mere act of gathering is the message itself, that by being there everyone is saying that the world will be free. Let their presence in that square communicate to the world the desire of people everywhere to walk free, speak free, and be free.

At 12:30 p.m., let the assembly of people enter a moment of silence and bless the sacrifice of those who have died or been injured that the world may breathe free. Let them thank those who have paid for world freedom with their blood and their lives. Wisconsin

Let them silently acknowledge themselves and their assembled brothers and sisters, all gathered to tell the elites of the world, the despots, the military dictators, all those who are not friends of freedom now, that freedom has been reborn in the world.

Let all this be done peacefully, with no intent to harm to another, not even a harmful wish. Let it be done with love and goodwill. Let the people say silently with goodwill and compassion that the world is free, has always been free, and will be free again and no other way.

At the end of this universal minute of silence, let the people cheer, around the world, in celebration of freedom, which can never be lost spiritually no matter what their situation is. Let them declare the freedom of the entire human race, its unity, and its commitment to peace.

Those who live in a society where assembly is not yet permitted, where there is not even that measure of freedom, let them stop where they are, at 12:30 p.m., or if they cannot even stop lest they be punished, let them simply observe inwardly, a minute of silence. Or if even silence is not permitted, let them observe in their hearts a thought for the people of the world who have gathered to be free and who have suffered that freedom may be. And silently if they can, at the end of it, let them join with their brothers and sisters everywhere in building a common sentiment, a common thought form, which circles the globe and empowers the thought of world freedom. read more…

Friday, February 11, 2011

Earth Stands on the Threshold...

The excitement is becoming palpable. You are probably sensing it already.

Do you feel it?

We are about to enter a brave new world. A world that will never be the same again and there is no turning back. As it stands now, there is nothing that will be able to stop an array of dramatic events from occurring over and over again.

We as a human species have reached the point in our history where the most monumental transformations ever seen upon planet Earth are about to unfold.

Literally and figuratively, we are standing at the doorstop to a great new future that is opening up before us in the year 2011.

World events are accelerating at such a warp speed now that the pressure coming to bear upon the old paradigm of negativity, deceit and oppression is about to collapse in upon itself. Behind it will unfold the most wonderful and the most profound times ever in the entire history of the human race.

From major world-wide economic reform, to the fall of tyrannical leaders, to a return to constitutional government in the US, to the release of suppressed technologies, to extra-terrestrial disclosure, to the massive awakening of human consciousness, the internet is aflame with various reports of impending revolutionary changes. We are indeed living in the most exciting times ever in our history!

We know with absolute certainty that we are in a period of great change due to the consciousness evolutionary timeline we have been on for some 16.4 billion years. And now we are about to move into the fast lane heading straight for the finish line this year.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

And The People Stand Firm, Unafraid, and Listen

This is the essence of what is happening and unfolding, moment by moment. The only thing we can do is allow, breathe, accept, say "Yes." Life is in motion, coming into balance on its own, and we are moved by this naturally into awakening. And so it is.

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In the face of rising warmth and light, a flower opens to the new day's Sun.

In the face of rising light and love, a planet's population wakes from sleep emerges from control, and reclaims its freedom.

It wakes from fear, throws off paralysis, and reclaims its power.

It wakes from hate, throws off suspicion, and reclaims its love.

It wakes from violence, throws off control, and reclaims its peacefulness.

And the people stand firm, unafraid, and listen.

And all around, the forces that controlled them lash out with every weapon they possess – police, provocateurs, military, water cannons, tear gas, guns. They issue threats; warn of reprisals; unleash storms and earthquakes; rain chemicals from the air; disrupt their travel, business, education, families.

But the people join together not as citizens of Iran, Tunisia, Myanmar, or France; not as Hindus, Muslims, Christians, or Jews; but as citizens of the world. They recognize how they've been carved up into nations, classes, religions; had language differences and class divides imposed on them; and in every other way been divided and conquered. They reject all division and join together as one - men, women, and children.

They raise the banner of light and love, peace and harmony. They tell the truth and seek more of it. They declare the freedom of all people and the right to health and choice and learning. They reject the use of force and control, censorship and manipulation, indebtedness and impoverishment.

They set their faces against fear and hate. They refuse to harm or kill or cooperate with those who do. They lay down their weapons everywhere. They walk away from bombs and poisons, warships and warplanes.

They depart from organizations that produce pandemic viruses and tainted vaccines, plot to overthrow democratic regimes, issue threats and carry out assassinations, suppress new technologies, and pollute the Earth.

They liberate the halls of power, courts of justice, places of confinement, and mediums of communication.

And the people stand firm, unafraid, and listen.

They learn of their part in bringing on their own subservience and in throwing off their chains.

They wonder how this could have happened and what is next.

They hear how this new age has been expected and anticipated, fostered and nurtured. They learn how this awakening, emergence, and rebirth are supported by a cast of millions, who until now have worked in the shadows and behind the scenes.

They learn how these people are our families from other places, dimensions, and even ages. They learn how these people have come here to end our impoverishment, debilitation, and subjugation.

They learn how these people have seen to it that the light of freedom was never quenched or servitude imposed on us as a planet.

They learn how these people have in hand the means of abundance, freedom, and fulfillment and give it freely.

And the people stand firm, unafraid, and listen.

They hear how our controllers intended to depopulate the globe and retain a fraction of us to serve them. They hear how fear has been used to control and exploit us. They drop their anxiousness of terrorism, Armageddon, starvation, catastrophe, and annihilation.

They rejoice at what awaits us - freedom from suppression and control. They realize the future is ours to decide with no new master looming; They see that no one seeks to place us under heel but to liberate us.

They breathe in new energy, share new abundance, look upon new technologies, and see the Earth being newly cleansed. They realize the sleep of millennia is over and a new day has dawned, a day without barriers, fear, or control.

And the people stand firm, unafraid, and listen.

And the people laugh and shout for joy, in loving anticipation.

~ Steve Beckow - The 2012 Scenario

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward

Awaken from your slumber, friends...
Open your eyes!

Monday, April 5, 2010

OSHO - On Meditation

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My whole life I have been talking about meditation. There are one hundred and twelve methods of meditation; I have gone through all those methods—and not intellectually. It took me years to go through
each method and to find out its very essence, and after going through one hundred and twelve methods I was amazed that the essence is witnessing. The methods' non-essentials are different, but the center of each method is witnessing. Hence I can say to you, there is only one meditation in the whole world and that is the art of witnessing. It will do everything—the whole transformation of your being.

Whatever I am doing, my meditation continues. It is not something that I have to do it separately; it is just an art of witnessing. Speaking to you, I'm also witnessing myself speaking to you. So here are three persons: you are listening, one person is speaking, and there is one behind who is watching and that is my real me. And to keep constant contact with it is meditation.

So whatever you do does not matter, you just keep contact with your witness. I have reduced religion to its very fundamental essence. Now everything else is just ritual. This much is enough. And this does not need you to become a Christian or a Hindu or a Mohammedan or anybody, and this can be done by an atheist, by a communist, by anybody, because it needs no kind of theology, no kind of belief system. It is simply a scientific method of slowly moving inwards. A point comes when you reach to your innermost core, the very center of the cyclone.

The basic element running through all the methods of meditation is witnessing. You ask me: What is witnessing? Whatever you are doing. For example, right now you are writing. You can write in two ways. The ordinary way that you always write. You can try another method: you can write it and you can also inside witness that you are writing it. And you ask: Does that mean some kind of detachment? A detachment. You are a little distant, away, watching yourself writing. So any act, just moving my whatever you are doing, just remain a witness. If you have any ego, it will destroy it, because this watching is very much poisonous to the ego. It is not ego that watches. The ego is absolutely blind. It cannot watch anything. You can watch your ego. For example, somebody insults you and you feel hurt, and your ego feels hurt. You can watch it. You can watch that you are feeling hurt, your ego is feeling hurt, that you are angry. And you can still remain aloof, detached, just a watcher on the hills. Whatever goes on in the valley you can see.

So all the methods are basically different ways of witnessing. I have condensed them in a very simple way: First, watch your actions of the body. Second, watch your actions of the mind: thoughts, imaginations. And if you can succeed in watching all these three, and as your witnessing grows deeper and deeper, a moment comes that there is only witnessing but nothing to witness. The mind is empty, the heart is empty, the body is relaxed. In that moment happens something like a quantum leap. Your whole witnessing jumps upon itself. It witnesses itself, because there is nothing else to witness. And this is the revolution which I call enlightenment, self-realization. Or you can give it any name, but this is the ultimate experience of bliss. You cannot go beyond it.

This is the simplest. And because it can be done without in any way interfering with your everyday life, because it is something that you can go on doing the whole day. Any other method you have to take some time apart for it. And any method that needs one hour or half an hour to sit and do it is not going to help much, because twenty-three hours you will be doing just the opposite. And whatever you have gained in one hour will be washed away in twenty-three hours. This is the only method that you can continue around the clock. While falling asleep you can go on witnessing, witnessing, that the sleep is coming, coming, coming, that it is getting darker and the body is relaxing. And a moment comes when you can watch that you are asleep. And still there is a corner, a space in you which is awake.

When you can watch yourself twenty-four hours, you have arrived. Now there is nothing to be done. Then witnessing has become natural to you. You don't have to do it. It will be simply like breathing, happening to you.

This is my basic method. But there are other methods. If people feel that this is difficult for them, they can try other methods. All are available. I have returned from a movie show. It is surprising to see how much the light and shade photos projected on the screen captivate people. Where there is really nothing, everything happens! I watched the audience there and it felt as if they had forgotten themselves, as if they were not there, but the flow of electrically projected pictures was everything. A blank screen is in front and from the back the pictures are being projected. Those who are watching it have their eyes fixed in front, and no
one is aware of what is happening behind their backs. This is how leela, the play, is born. This is what happens within and without. There is a projector at the back of the human mind. Psychology calls this back side the unconscious. The longings, the passions, the conditionings accumulated in this unconscious are being continuously projected onto the mind's screen. This flow of mental projections goes on every moment, non-stop. The consciousness is a seer, a witness, and it forgets itself in this flow of the pictures of desires. This forgetfulness is ignorance. This ignorance is the root cause of maya, illusions, and the endless cycle of birth and death. Waking up from this ignorance happens in the cessation of the mind. When the mind is devoid of thoughts, when the flow of pictures on the screen stops, only then the onlooker remembers himself and returns to his home.

Patanjali calls this cessation of the activities of the mind Yoga. If this is achieved, all is achieved. To understand the mind, there are the three points: The first thing is tremendous fearlessness in encountering the mind; the second thing is no restrictions, no conditions on the mind; the third point is no judgments about whatever thoughts and longings arise in the mind, no feelings of good or bad. Your attitude should simply be indifferent. These three points are necessary to understand the perversions of the mind. Then we will talk about what can be done to get rid of these perversions, and go further. But these three basic points have to be kept in mind.

This is my observation of thousands of people: I see them carrying such great psychological luggage, and for no reason at all. They go on gathering anything they come across. They read the newspaper and they will gather some crap from it. They will talk to people and they will gather some crap. And they go on gathering. And if they start stinking, no wonder!

I used to live with a man for a few years. His house was so full of unnecessary luggage that I had to tell him "Now, where are you going to live?" And he would go on collecting any kind of thing. Somebody would be
selling his old furniture, and he would purchase it, and he already had enough. He had no time to use that furniture, and he had no friends to call. His whole house was full of furniture: old radio sets, and all kinds
of things. And I said "But, I don't see the point why you collect all this." He said "Who knows, any time it may be useful." One day we went for a walk and on the road. By the side of the road, somebody had thrown a cycle handle. He picked it up. I said "What are you doing?" He said "But, it must be worth twenty rupees at least, and I have picked up a few other things also—sooner or later I am going to make a bicycle!" And he showed me. He had one wheel, one pedal, that he had picked up from the roads. And he said "What are you saying? Soon you will see!" This man died. The cycle remained incomplete. And when he died, everybody who came to look was puzzled by what he was doing in this house—there was no space even to move.

But this is the situation of your head. I see cycle-handles, and pedals, and strange things that you have gathered from everywhere. Such a small head, and no space to live in! And that rubbish goes on moving in your head; your head goes on spinning and weaving—it keeps you occupied. Just think what kind of thoughts go on inside your mind.

Sometimes, sitting under the stars, you feel a bliss arising within your heart. It seems not of this world. You are surprised. You cannot believe it. I have come across simple people who have known many moments in their life which are Buddha-like, which belong to Christ consciousness, but they have never talked about them to anybody because they themselves don't believe that they were possible. They have in fact suppressed them. They have been thinking that they must have imagined them: How can it happen without any effort of my own? How is it possible that suddenly one becomes blissful? You can remember them in your own life—and in such moments when you were never expecting them—just going to the office, in the daily routine, the sun is high and you are perspiring, and suddenly something strikes home, and for a moment you are not the old you. Paradise is regained. And then it is lost again. You forget about it because it is not part of your style of life. You don't even talk about it, you think 'I must have imagined it. How are these things possible? And I have not done anything so how can it happen? It must have been hallucinatory, an illusion or a dream.' You don't talk about it. As I have observed thousands of people deeply I have not come across many people who have not found such certain moments in their life. But they have never talked of them to anybody. Even if they tried to, people laughed and they thought: You are foolish, stupid. They don't believe, they repress.

Not only has humanity repressed sex, has humanity repressed death, humanity has repressed all that is beautiful in life. Man has been forced to become like an automaton, a robot. All clues, all doors, have been closed towards the unknown. It is my continual experience of thousands of people that when they come for the first time to meditate, meditation happens so easily because they don't have any idea what it is. Once it has happened, then the real problem arises—then they want it, they know what it is, they desire it. They are greedy for it; it is happening to others and it is not happening to them. Then jealousy, envy, all kinds of wrong things surround them.

The inner world is a new world where you have not even looked, where you have never taken a single step. So I have to teach you how, slowly, you can step inwards. Even when I say to people to go inwards, immediately they ask questions which show how focused on the outside things they are. I say to them, "Sit silently." And they will ask me, "Can I do gayatri mantra?" Whether you do gayatri mantra or you read the newspaper does not matter, both are outside. I am telling you, "Sit silently." They say, "That is right, but at least I can repeat omkar…" It is pitiable. I feel sad for them, that I am telling them to be silent but they are asking me to fill their silence with something. They don't want to be silent. If nothing else, then omkar will do—anything will do.

In India people go on doing all kinds of things. They concentrate, they chant mantras, they fast, they torture their bodies, and they hope that through all these masochistic practices they will realize God. As if God is a sadist! As if God loves you to torture yourself! As if he demands that the more you torture yourself, the more worthy you become. God is not a sadist; you need not be a masochist. I have come across people who think
that without long fasting there is no possibility of meditation. Now, fasting has nothing to do with meditation. Fasting will only make you obsessed with food. And there are people who think celibacy will help them into meditation. Meditation brings a kind of celibacy, but not vice versa. A celibacy without meditation is nothing but sexual repression. And your mind will become more and more sexual, so whenever you sit to meditate your mind will become full of fantasies, sexual fantasies. These two things have been the greatest problems for the so-called meditators: fasting and celibacy. They think these two things are going to help—they are the
greatest disturbances!

Eat in right proportions. Buddha calls it "the middle way": neither too much nor too little. He is against fasting, and he knows it through hard experience. For six years he fasted and could not attain to anything. So when he says, "Be in the middle," he means it. About celibacy also: don't enforce it upon yourself. It is a by-product of meditation, hence it cannot be enforced before meditation. Be in the middle there too, neither too much indulgence nor too much renunciation. Just keep a balance. A balanced person will be more healthy, at ease, at home. And when you are at home, meditation is easier.

What then is meditation? Just sitting silently doing nothing, witnessing whatsoever is happening all around; just watching it with no prejudice, no conclusion, no idea what is wrong and what is right.

~ Osho

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Monday, February 15, 2010

The Connection Between Lifestyle and Disease as Related by Two Medical Doctors

This is such important information, so supportive of the Truth of the actual workings of the body and how to take care of it and heal it. Your body has natural protection mechanisms built into it to protect it from harm, and your primary emotions are meant to signal you as to whether your choices are leading towards complete physical, mental, and emotional health or disease and addiction. Your sense of spirituality and of wholeness are no more and not less than the body and mind giving you positive feedback for your life choices. When all is in balance the evolutionary spiral is complete, and you are living in the vibratory frequency of harmony with all of Life.

This excerpt is from the alternative news show Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman (which I highly recommend over FOX or CNN).

Dr. Gabor Maté: “When the Body Says No: Understanding the Stress-Disease Connection”

The Vancouver-based Dr. Gabor Maté argues that too many doctors seem to have forgotten what was once a commonplace assumption—that emotions are deeply implicated in both the development of illness and in the restoration of health. Based on medical studies and his own experience with chronically ill patients at the Palliative Care Unit at Vancouver Hospital, where he was the medical coordinator for seven years, Dr. Gabor Maté makes the case that there are important links between the mind and the immune system. He found that stress and individual emotional makeup play critical roles in an array of diseases.

Dr. Lorraine Day's Story About How She Healed Her Own Cancer (Click Here to Link to Video Interview)

Faith or Doctors? You Choose!

When we are facing the statistics that 1 in 3 of every US citizen will develop cancer of some sort, you may want to turn to Dr. Lorraine Day for education, guidance and practical wisdom. At 69 years young on the day we interviewed her, Dr. Day is a living testament to creating health and healing through natural means.

Lorraine trained as an orthopedic surgeon and was head of the department in San Francisco General. She has investigated the source of the AIDS virus and has challenged conventional wisdom, her colleagues and the medical establishment. A strong and determined woman, Lorraine tells it like it is, so if you have someone in your family that has a medical condition and you don't trust what you hear, you may want to pay very close attention to this interview.

Her official products site contains natural healing products, CD's and DVD's that won't cost nearly as much as your next prescription. If you have anyone in your family that has cancer, please urge them to listen to this interview.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Channeling by David Wilcock


The reason you are up in the middle of the night asking yourself these questions is very simple. We have an agenda to perform. The simplest requests are often not heard by you, so it takes diligence and patience to perform some of these operations.

You know as well as I do the stakes that are involved. Nothing less than the survival of the human race as it goes through this critical transition. Therefore, be at peace with the coming changes and allow yourself to rectify that which is not understood in the glow of honest acceptance of that which is.

What we have for you is a new view of humanity from this clear perspective that speaks only of love and light.

For in love and light is a vista of consciousness that opens the door to mastery.
That has always been the way it works. Spirit melds with matter and produces majesty. All is revealed in a nanosecond to those who are ready for it. The law of love approaches the law of infinity, and there is a merger of the mortal with the sublime and limitless.

(Click here to continue reading....)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thinking the Unthinkable: Not Growing the Economy

At what point does economic growth become uneconomic growth?

by Tim Jackson in Common Dreams

Every society clings to a myth by which it lives. Ours is the myth of economic growth. For the last five decades the pursuit of growth has been the single most important policy goal across the world. The global economy is almost five times the size it was half a century ago. If it continues to grow at the same rate, the economy will be 80 times that size by the year 2100.

This extraordinary ramping up of global economic activity has no historical precedent. It's totally at odds with our scientific knowledge of the finite resource base and the fragile ecology we depend on for survival. And it has already been accompanied by the degradation of an estimated 60% of the world's ecosystems.

For the most part, we avoid the stark reality of these numbers. The default assumption is that - financial crises aside - growth will continue indefinitely. Not just for the poorest countries where a better quality of life is undeniably needed, but even for the richest nations where the cornucopia of material wealth adds little to happiness and is beginning to threaten the foundations of our well-being.

The reasons for this collective blindness are easy enough to find. The modern economy is structurally reliant on economic growth for its stability. When growth falters - as it has done recently - politicians panic. Businesses struggle to survive. People lose their jobs and sometimes their homes. A spiral of recession looms. Questioning growth is deemed to be the act of lunatics, idealists and revolutionaries.

But question it we must. The myth of growth has failed us. It has failed the two billion people who still live on less than $2 a day. It has failed the fragile ecological systems we depend on for survival. It has failed spectacularly, in its own terms, to provide economic stability and secure people's livelihoods.

Today we find ourselves faced with the imminent end of the era of cheap oil; the prospect (beyond the recent bubble) of steadily rising commodity prices; the degradation of forests, lakes and soils; conflicts over land use, water quality and fishing rights; and the momentous challenge of stabilizing concentrations of carbon in the global atmosphere. And we face these tasks with an economy that is fundamentally broken, in desperate need of renewal.

In these circumstances, a return to business as usual is not an option. Prosperity for the few founded on ecological destruction and persistent social injustice is no foundation for a civilized society. Economic recovery is vital. Protecting people's jobs - and creating new ones - is absolutely essential. But we also stand in urgent need of a renewed sense of shared prosperity. A commitment to fairness and flourishing in a finite world.

Delivering these goals may seem an unfamiliar or even incongruous task for policy in the modern age. The role of government has been framed so narrowly by material aims and hollowed out by a misguided vision of unbounded consumer freedoms. The concept of governance itself stands in urgent need of renewal.

But the current economic crisis presents us with a unique opportunity to invest in change. To sweep away the short-term thinking that has plagued society for decades. To replace it with policy capable of addressing the enormous challenge of delivering a lasting prosperity.

For at the end of the day, prosperity goes beyond material pleasures. It transcends material concerns. It resides in the quality of our lives and in the health and happiness of our families. It is present in the strength of our relationships and our trust in the community. It is evidenced by our satisfaction at work and our sense of shared meaning and purpose. It hangs on our potential to participate fully in the life of society.

Prosperity consists in our ability to flourish as human beings - within the ecological limits of a finite planet. The challenge for our society is to create the conditions under which this is possible. It is the most urgent task of our times.

Friday, March 20, 2009

What is an Intentional Community?

by Kelly N Patterson

There are thousands of intentional communities all over the world: for a better idea, just visit the intentional community international directory at There are hundreds of intentional communities in Costa Rica alone. There are so many of these communities in Costa Rica that an online, open-source directory of these Costa Rican communities is currently being constructed, called the Intentional Conscious Communities of Costa Rica (ICCCR) directory (coming soon to

By definition, an intentional community is a planned, usually residential community designed, operated and maintained by a group. The members of an intentional community typically hold a common social, political, religious , or spiritual vision. Community members also share responsibilities and resources. Intentional communities are all inclusive; they include co-housing communities, residential land trusts , eco-villages, communes , holistic and alternative health retreat centers, organic farms, kibbutzim , ashrams, student co-ops, and housing cooperatives . They are often called “Conscious Communities” throughout Costa Rica. Usually new members of an intentional community are selected by the community's existing membership, rather than by real-estate agents or land owners (if the land is not owned collectively by the community.)

The ICCCR’s definition of an intentional conscious community is any shared work and housing group, community or program that seeks to do a combination or elements of mind-body-spirit-earth work that is eco-sustainable and empowers the local community (Ticos!): nonprofit organizations, social entrepreneurial programs, and small businesses alike.

The ICCCR, seeks to identify, assess, and unify these communities through an informational, open-source web portal, with the ultimate objective of empowering these communities through networking; skills-share; marketing their products and services locally, domestically and internationally; information exchange; capacity-building workshops; matching them with conscious investors and stewards; as well as keeping them up to date on funding opportunities such as social entrepreneurial grants and carbon credits.

Ultimately, the ICCCR seeks to empower these intentional conscious communities in Costa Rica in order that they can be economically sustainable, as well as eco-sustainable, stimulate their local economies, and protect Costa Rica’s natural resources (the rainforests are just one of many!) from big development. The ICCCR seeks to be a valuable tool for Costa Rica’s natural resource management.

The ICCCR, in collaboration with Fincas Amanecer and Fincas Paraiso Verde (both organic farm communities in Londres, Quepos) are holding their very first workshop for intentional communities in Costa Rica:

Intentional Conscious Community Planning Hands-On Workshop (For Beginners/Forming Communities to Established Communities): March 27-30, 2009

Workshops include how to write a short-term and long-term business plan for people who do not speak Business; how to market your products and services on the internet (social media network marketing); how carbon credits work; how to procure social entrepreneurial grants and seed money; pigs for propane; an edible and medicinal plant tour (which can be used as an income generation tool for eco-communities!); and then valuable information about legal, business and residency issues in Costa Rica.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monetary Reform and How a National Monetary System Should Work

By Richard C. Cook in Global Research, May 11, 2007

The author has received an overwhelming response to his recent Global Research report entitled, “An Emergency Program of Monetary Reform for the United States.” The introduction to that report stated that, “the U.S. financial system headed by the Federal Reserve System has failed, and…only an emergency program of monetary reform can address conditions which may be leading to a catastrophe like the Great Depression or worse.”

This new report on “Monetary Reform and How a National Monetary System Should Work” continues the dialogue by outlining the principles and mechanisms available to help guide the creation of a monetary system for any nation that wishes to enjoy economic democracy with prosperity. This would be in contrast to the collapsing debt-based monetary system overseen by the Federal Reserve and the other central banks of the world, coordinated at the top by such institutions as the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, and the Bank of International Settlements.

Note that all the banks of the Western world are ultimately private institutions owned by the world’s super-rich. The international banking structure is operated by and on behalf of the world’s monetary elite primarily for their own profit.

Just below the banking system are the giant corporations of the global economy which derive capital from and funnel profits into the financiers’ empire. Bringing up the rear are the populations and debt-serfs of the no-longer-sovereign nation states, including those of the United States, whose participation in the system as consumers is essential, but whose jobs continue to disappear as manufacturing is increasingly automated.

The author had realized as early as 1970 that the central problem with the world’s economy lay on the side of distribution, not production. He came to Washington, D.C., that year and spent most of the next thirty-six years working within sight of the Washington Monument, learning how things really work, and pondering the methods that might be more in concord with such founding documents of American democracy as the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Twenty-one of these years were with the U.S. Treasury Department.

Now, for the first time, this report builds on the findings of many of the world’s monetary reformers past and present by offering a complete prescription for a new and better world. This prescription is radically different from most progressive reform agendas that address only symptoms of the underlying systemic failures.


When setting out to study monetary principles, we must realize how little we know of the real facts of monetary history. Economics is an extremely limited discipline rife with untested assumptions and unchallengeable dogmas. Its most pernicious doctrine is the assertion that there is something called “the market,” where there is an “invisible hand” that makes everything work out the way it is supposed to.

Actually, an economy functions according to the principles according to which it is designed and regulated. If it is designed to funnel wealth into the hands of the monetary controllers, then that is what the “market” and the “invisible hand” will do. If it is designed to foster “the general welfare,” as it should according to the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, then the “market” and the “invisible hand” will tend in that direction.

Unfortunately, we march today to the tune of the monetary elite, so they are the ones who reap the profits and the benefits. They are the ones on whom the “invisible hand” lavishes the wealth of the world.

It is done through the process of bank-created credit. While during the nineteenth century other forms of money circulated, such as large quantities of coinage, silver certificates, and government-issued greenbacks, almost all the money that exists today originates through a loan by a financial institution to an individual or a business.

When a loan is made it is issued as a liability on the bank’s ledger. When it is repaid, the liability is canceled. With today’s computer systems, all transactions are digitized, of course. The bank keeps the interest on the loan as its combined administrative fee and profit. The money that is lent had no prior existence.

Once money is created as credit, it takes many forms according to how the loan recipient spends it. Some credit is used by businesses or individuals as investment in order to generate profits over and above the amount they must repay to the bank with interest. If the money is used simply for consumer purchases, the individual consumer must pay back the loan through future earnings. In those cases where the borrower defaults on the loan or goes bankrupt, the money simply remains in circulation however it was spent.

Unfortunately, large amounts of credit are used mainly for speculation, not for any benefit to the producing economy. This includes securities bought on margin and borrowing by hedge funds where the fund may make a profit even if the value of its investments goes down. Bank-created credit in this case is little more than chips in a casino.

Other borrowing takes place by equity funds and other types of investors for leveraged mergers or buyouts of entire companies, where the predators wreck a company’s infrastructure by reducing costs and selling its assets, then pay back their bank loans before unloading the business on someone else.

The most important thing to realize about the banking system is that the money which enters into circulation as purchasing power must eventually be returned in the repayment of loans. This is why the Federal Reserve’s monetary measures—M1, M2, and M3—are meaningless, because so much of it has liens against it.

We are taught that paying it back is the way things should be—obviously, if we borrow something, we should pay back what we owe.

But the peculiar thing is that because the borrowed money pays for labor, commodities, rent, etc., it becomes part of the prices that are eventually charged for goods and services. However, when the money goes back to the bank to cancel a loan, that purchasing power disappears. Neither the banks nor economists ever make note of the fact that this process creates a chronic shortage of purchasing power which must be filled by more loans and more bank profits. The economy is thus a treadmill that borrowers must constantly trudge along in order to have enough money for survival.

So a system which is seemingly grounded in the simple adage that if you borrow you should repay is all wrong. The reason it is all wrong is that in most cases, individual consumers should never have to borrow in the first place. And we never ask ourselves why, with the abundance that is possible from modern science and technology, should people have to borrow money at interest for the necessities of life—a house, a car, household expenses, an education, etc.

Click here to read full article...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

If You Must, Take Action!

There is no point waiting for someone else to fix the problems in the world. YOU must take a hard and unwavering look at how YOU have facilitated the madness. Where is your mind, where are your thoughts? Do you waste endless hours in escapist fantasies and tactics while your world is crashing around you? Are you waiting for rescue? Do you think space ships will come next month and take you home? Do you know who you are?

If you must take action, do it NOW. If you must speak up, do it NOW! Are you working for the corporate fascists because you're afraid that if you quit you will not be able to pay your bills? Are you watching FOX, sipping a beer, waiting for your guru to call? Are you sitting in a room meditating on forgiveness while your Mac & Cheese heats up in the microwave?Are you mindlessly sucking up to what they tell you? You are cutting off your own air supply, you have given over your life and are committing slow suicide. This is no time to succumb to fear. It is either sink or swim time, and no one will escape.

Stop eating their junk food. Stop shopping at their stores. Stop taking their cancer drugs. Stop paying their salaries. Stop paying taxes. Stop using their banks. Stop funding their charities. Stop sending your kids to their schools. Stop watching their TV programs. Stop watching their movies. Stop pretending that it's all normal. Stop talking about stupid shit. Stop talking.

Listen. Listen to what they are really telling you. Listen to how much bullshit surrounds you. Listen to how they tell you how to be. Listen to how they tell you who you are. Is it true? Are you a suit, a skirt, a mask, a bit player, a role, a concept, an idea, a belief system, an ideology, a religion, a political party, a nation, a skin color, a race, a product, a feeling, an emotion, an ego, a thought? Are you an original or a copy?

What is true? What is it that is always true? What is it that DOESN'T change? If you are going to ask questions, they ought to be good ones!