This blog is only about awakening, nothing more, nothing less. Anything that will contribute to the possibility of complete liberation from the dream, or from the mass hallucination of humanity, or from the mental matrix, or from the false self, or from the lie, or any other label you want to call it, is welcome here. The key words are FREEDOM and JOY. Sometimes I think this reporting about stuff just keeps the false story going and only adds to the insanity, and there's too much of that already. But something is trying to pry the lid off still, something awaits to be seen. We are all in this boat together, so here we go......have fun!

Showing posts with label debt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label debt. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


I made this video 10 years ago and it still is relevant...the way to liberty is to refuse to participate in the lie. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Saturday, August 8, 2020


(My take away from this interview is that now, more than ever before, we are needing to make some serious choices about what we value and what kind of lives we want to lead. I seriously see that a split will develop between those who heed the warning and those that choose to stay at home, wear a mask, and eventually accept the shot and all that comes with it. I am making the call to anyone in Costa Rica who is feeling the call for Family, Tribe, and Community, join the conversation HERE...)

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Resist the Crazy

Where’s evil? It’s that large part of every man that wants to hate without limit, that wants to hate with God on its side. It’s that part of every man that finds all kinds of ugliness so attractive – it’s that part of an imbecile that punishes and vilifies and makes war gladly.
– Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night
As things felt like they were spiraling out of control last week, as Americans and people around the world were inundated with endless videos of street violence in addition to reactionary calls to deploy the U.S. military to cities across the country, the temptation to lose control of one’s mental faculties and basic humanity was heightened.
I saw evidence of this all around me. There was a dark and vicious energy in the air, and it felt contagious.
“I’m sensing a very dark and vicious energy out there which seems to be affecting all sorts of people who normally wouldn’t be sucked into it. 
I need to make a conscious effort to not have it influence me or my thoughts. If you’re feeling the same, try to retain sanity.”  
Michael Krieger on TWITTER
The responses to the tweet above were encouraging and demonstrated many others sensed the same thing and were likewise troubled by it. The overall madness of last week reminded me of the months following Donald Trump’s election. In both cases, the worldview of large numbers of people was shaken to its core. I think the root cause of the breakdown in both instances was that many people’s model of what is “normal” was suddenly shattered.
For example, the idea of Donald Trump being elected president was so incomprehensible and concerning to so many, they completely lost it when he won. Likewise, images of American cities burning amidst widespread looting caused another group to crack. Neither group had fully come to grips with how broken and corrupt the U.S. economy and society had become, and that these sorts of things happen when states begin to fail.
The reaction to Trump being elected from many of those traumatized by it was to try to remove him at all costs, even if this meant spreading an outlandish Russiagate theory for three years straight. Likewise, the knee-jerk reaction from many to the riots was to send in the military to crush them. In both cases, those who had their comfort zones shattered responded by trying to make the uncomfortable situation go away as soon as possible. Nobody wanted to ask why.
Why was Trump elected? People are angry. Why did cities erupt into civil disobedience? People are angry. Lots of people are angry, but why? We should probably try to honestly answer that question sooner rather than later. There are a lot of very good reasons to be angry.
That being said, unless your life is in immediate danger, the best response to an event that shocks you to your core is to step back and take a deep breath.  You don’t have to like what’s happening, but you should consider what a productive or creative response to the situation might look like, as opposed to immediately resorting to an instant-gratification, emotionally charged, reptilian response. The response to a crisis is often worse than the crisis itself.
Someone mentioned to me that he tells all his friends: “you must stand guard at the door of your mind.” Great advice in general, but particularly necessary during times like these. This is also partly what it means to be more conscious, a topic I’ve written about extensively in recent years (see my series on Spiral Dynamics)
It’s never been more important for those who are somewhat conscious to remain that way, because just as consciousness can evolve, it can also devolve. Characteristic of an evolved consciousness is being able to acknowledge one’s own flaws and vulnerabilities. It means being aware of your more base instincts as a human, which means admitting that just as you have the capacity for love, compassion and generosity, you also have the capacity for hate, apathy and selfishness.
Being honest about this and attempting to confront it is key to evolving one’s consciousness, but ego tends to get in the way. The ego has an image it needs to maintain and protect, which ends up acting as a severe roadblock on the path to sustainable self-improvement. It affects and stifles everyone to varying degrees.
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.
“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Lying is the Origin of Evil

Whether it’s fake news, alternative facts, mainstream media propaganda or our government’s lies, it is getting increasingly harder in this Orwellian world of ours to discern truth from lies. In words that are even more true today than ever before, Jung writes, “the lie reaches proportions never known before in the history of the world.”[i] Lying has gone pandemic in our world. From the spiritual point of view, lies are a murder at the level of soul. According to Buddhism, lying in one form or another—be they big or small, lies of commission or omission, to oneself or others—is the root of all evil. As the Buddhist Maharatnakuta Sutra says, “A liar lies to himself as well as to the gods. Lying is the origin of all evils.” One of the most important requirements for confronting the forces of evil is for us to stop lying to ourselves, which is the very act that helps us to cultivate the ability to discern between truth and deception.

Our culture doesn’t supply the adequate vocabulary necessary to describe, express and thereby expose evil. Evil itself has dumbed us down, as we no longer seem able to talk intelligently about the subject. Evil’s inability to be languaged is one of the things that allows it to get away with the murder that it does. Speaking of evil, Denis de Rougemont, author of The Devil’s Share writes, “It is emptying all words of their meaning, turning them inside out and reading them backwards, according to the custom of the black mass. It is inverting and ruining from within the very criteria of truth.”[ii] The sacred mass is about communion with the divine; de Rougemont points out that, as if in a black mass, the darker forces co-opt words, the medium of communication, to have the opposite of their desired effect – to cut us off from our communion with the divine, as well as separate and divide us from each other. The relationship between lying and evil is symbolically expressed by the figure of the devil, who Christ called “a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44) 

One way we are all geniuses is our incredible ability to deceive ourselves. When someone lies and falls into the perverse situation of believing their own lies (a form of hysteria called pseudologia phantastica), they can develop a type of charisma such that their lies, through psychic contagion, become very convincing to others. Jung writes, “Nothing has such a convincing effect as a lie one invents and believes oneself, or an evil deed or intention whose righteousness one regards as self-evident.”[iii] Lying to oneself, and then absolutely convincing oneself that one is not doing so, is an extreme form of self-deception that is to be unconsciously hiding from oneself. To quote the former dissident Vaclav Havel who eventually became the first President of the Czech Republic, “Lying can never save us from another lie.” In other words, once we step on the path of lying, lies feed on and off of themselves, weaving a never-ending web of deceit in which we become caught. 

Once we become sufficiently committed to—and possessed by—this process of hiding from ourselves, as if in the throes of an addiction, we then become compulsively driven to sustain the lie that we are perpetrating on ourselves by whatever means necessary, lest we snap out of our self-generated cycle of self-deception and have to confront the lie that we have been living. Once our self-deception becomes air-tight, however, it continually doubles-down on itself without end so as to avoid both the light and the dark. We then become an alien to our true selves.  
Believing our own lies is a classic version of doublethink: in trying to reduce our own cognitive dissonance, we successfully deceive ourselves, pull the wool over our own eyes (and then forgetting that we have done so), trick ourselves out of our (right) mind, literally brainwashing and hypnotizing ourselves in the process. The result is a split—and toxic—mind that has “danger” written all over it. The consciousness of the person so afflicted, as philosopher Herbert Marcuse put it, has become inured to its own falsity. 

Fyodor Dostoyevsky, in the classic The Brothers Karamazov, writes,

“Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to such a pass that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.” 

When we lie to ourselves, we lose the ability to discern truth from falsehood, both within ourselves and out in the world. This ultimately leads to a lack of self-esteem and even self-loathing, which results in losing our ability to truly love - the greatest tragedy of all. 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Truth About the Dysfunctional System We Live Under and Why It Matters

Who Changed America from a Republic to a Financial Empire?

Money may not be the root of all evil, but debt-based money IS the root of the economic evil now descending on America. That’s the message from Damon Vrabel, a graduate of Harvard Business School and former Wall Street executive. This presentation shatters the myth that America is the home of the competitive free-market when, in fact, long ago it abandoned that economic model and replaced it with the monopoly-market model found in socialist, communist, and fascist systems. Americans who are not aware of this are prone to blame today’s economic woes on free-enterprise capitalism. They call for state intervention and control without realizing that is precisely what is causing the present economic crisis. How this came about and who engineered it – including their names and organizational affiliations – are included. We also get to see where the system is headed and why it cannot change its course – as long as it remains the system it is. They do not teach this at Harvard. [1 hr. 45 min. Original date: 2014-07-25.]

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

This is a Spiritual/Conscious War, and We Need You To Fight

In the 1800s Catholic philosopher Orestes Brownson once claimed that Satan’s “favorite guise in modern times is that of philanthropy”.
He wrote that, during the French Revolution, it was “under the influence of philanthropy [that] Europe became one vast slaughterhouse; kings and nobles, bishops, priests and nuns, old men and young women, were dragged to the scaffold, and the reign of love was drowned in torrents of innocent blood.”
What? Philanthropists are the good guys – the great guys! Surely? What could be wrong with philanthropy?
As Brownson pointed out, “philanthropy goes to work to reform—on a large scale; for philanthropy scorns small beginnings, and proposes always to commence operations on the masses.”
As a spokeswoman for the $37 billion Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation explained when pressed about why the foundation chose not to help dozens of homeless people sleeping outside its $500 million Seattle headquarters, “We’re trying to move upstream to a systems level to either prevent family homelessness before it happens or to end it as soon as possible after it happens.”
It would be ridiculous to consider actually walking out there and just helping the people right there, right?! Just as absurd as 150,000 people dying “deaths of despair” – Coronavirus’ latest victims: the depression and bankruptcy suicides and severe drug overdose and withdrawal casualties, the family violence fatalities. People are disconnected and lonely and living with fear and dread – some of the ever-so-inventive death virus – others, much more realistically, of the trillions of imaginary play money being printed to turn them into faithful acolytes.
God help us all. Because the philanthropists have other agendas.
Bill Gates is a declared atheist. He is joined in that non-belief by billionaire atheist/agnostics Warren Buffet and George Soros.
Surprise, surprise…
Watch today’s Lucy and Jeff Show to see Melinda Gates pushing hard for a global COVID-19 vaccine on the TODAY Show while wearing a bright and shiny upside-down cross around her neck, and why Barack Obama fits into this esteemed group.

Inmates of The Hotel Eccles QE Rehab Facility

Chairman Bernanke promised the Fed would unwind Fed purchases from the 2008 crisis. Now we know they can’t and won’t. The Fed balance sheet of created QE currency units will expand until a reset occurs.
When will increasing debt and the QE nonsense stop? Perhaps…
a) When a snowstorm devastates South Texas in August.
b) When the Fed begs forgiveness for its monumental sins.
c) When the US government balances its budget.
d) When global fiat Ponzi Schemes collapse.
e) When a huge financial reset occurs.
Like the Eagles said in 1977:
“Welcome to the Hotel California… Relax, said the night man. We are programmed to receive. You can check out any time you like but you can never leave.”
The 2020 post COVID-19 pandemic version could be:
“Welcome to the Hotel Eccles… Relax, said the chairman. We are programmed to deceive. You can check out any time you like but you can never leave.” We have become inmates in the Hotel Eccles QE Rehab Facility because:
  • National debt and money supply must grow. Inflate or Die!
  • U.S. National Debt of $25 trillion can never be paid in today’s dollars. It must be defaulted or devalued. Expect a reset.
  • Government and the banking cartel want dollar devaluation, consumer price inflation and more debt. They will sacrifice the dollar to support the bond and stock markets.
  • The U.S. economy runs on debt and credit. Dollars are debts of the Federal Reserve. The U.S. government spends $ trillions over its revenues each year, so national debt must increase. In the absence of foreign and domestic buyers at artificially low interest rates, the Fed must monetize. QE4ever!
  • Dishonest dollars created from nothing spend like existing dollars, but they make existing dollars worth less, until they become worthless. Countries who pursued similar policies are Zimbabwe, Argentina, and Venezuela, bad precedents.
  • Oops! The consequences of monetizing $ trillions will be catastrophic, but we must not focus on those consequences in an election year.
From the Eagles: “This could be heaven, or this could be hell.”
Post COVID-19 Pandemic version: This will be heaven and hell. It will be (for a while) heaven for the political and financial elite and hell for the lower 90%. See below.

Friday, April 18, 2014

The Four Horseman Documentary - A Must See!

If you are still in the dark about how the global system works, and why it seems to have become so dysfunctional, this documentary will open your eyes. Self knowledge, individually and collectively, is the way to transformation. As we shed light on those deceptions that have kept us from seeing the whole truth of our situation, we gain the capacity to shed our chains and embrace our natural freedom. Enjoy and share!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Transformation of Humanity: Reclaiming Our Spiritual Power

I deeply resonate with this video. Though I do not believe we are each individually and karmically responsible for the negative aspects playing out in the world today, as a collective we have agreed to go the limit and decide the world we wish to live in. What do we represent? I say not Light or Dark, but wholeness, balance, openness, honesty, and love. We can do this, dear friends, we can turn this ship around and head for open sea. Claim your true self, this pristine Consciousness where war is unknown.

More Videos by Chris Bourne of OpenHand

Friday, March 15, 2013

Dharamsala by Dean Henderson

(excerpted from Chapter 7: Trekking with God: The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries)
As a butterfly lost in a flower. As a bird settled in a tree. As a child fondling mother’s breast. For 67 years of this world I have played with God - Sasaki Roshi

In search of a hotel, I wander down a side street and notice a sign that says “Tibetan Guest House”. I walk up a narrow staircase and a pudgy 14-year-old girl comes to the door. Her pleasant demeanor captures my imagination. She and her six brothers and sisters are huddled around a television watching Bill Cosby. I take a room.

The girl brings me a huge bowl of vegetables and noodles with chopsticks, followed by the best coffee I’ve had in India. Her little brother climbs up on a chair, grabs of pack of Four Square cigarettes from atop the refrigerator and offers me one. Their mother brings me a soda. Their father walks in with fluorescent bulbs for the whole house, as if my arrival has brought them spirited rejuvenation. The kids surround him and wait for their turn at a hug. Some are content with a pat on the head. These are people who know intimately the secrets to happiness. I need to stay awhile.

I wonder if praise is not one of our biggest mistakes. When an Ituri Pygmy hunter comes home from having killed a springbuck, he gets no praise from his fellow tribesmen and is the last to receive his portion of meat. Out of this silence the hunter learns humility. He learns that his fate and that of his tribe are one. Praise for his efforts would only create a schism of the whole and fill the hunter with arrogance. In America, when one praises a friend exceedingly, that friend often begins to mistreat his or her admirer. To praise someone is to put them on a pedestal – separate from the masses of un-praised others. It is a product of dualistic thinking athe root of scores of flawed Western philosophical underpinnings.

This conundrum may explain why I always feel that I need to leave America where I treat everyone as if they are intrinsically good. Westerners, trained in dualistic thinking, take this as weakness on my part. They see my kindness as a green light to take, to gain some emotional advantage. I do not find such a dilemma in India or for that matter any other Third World nations I have visited. Here kindness is greeted by reciprocation.

I guess Reagan and his supply-siders are right in one sense about their trickle-down theories. An evil government imparts its paranoid set of values to its citizenry, whose collective denial of a bloody colonial history only reinforces the “taker” mindset. To stop and question the rules of this rigged game would be to risk losing one’s television or VCR or, God forbid, one’s cherished automobile. Westerners live in a state of guilt, shame and fear – knowing in their guts, but never acknowledging, the trail of tears they have left in their wake. Their penance is their work, their half-hearted daily grind, their boring monotonous meaningless assignment from the cruel Great White teacher. Their weekends are spent indulging in a swirl of contradictions that, by gosh, they deserve after spending all week doing penance. They break out their speedboats, gorge at fine restaurants, guzzle copious amounts of alcohol and throw their hard-earned money back into the whirling cogs of the system. They do not deserve freedom. They must repent. They are the system.

No one’s heart is sad at birth. No one is filled with gloom when their tiny eyes first awaken to the world outside their mother’s womb. No amount of phony social Darwinist propaganda can make it so. Charles Darwin, whose “survival of the fittest” terminology is often invoked by wealthy fat Republicans as justification for their callous journey through this life, actually argued that the most important key to human and animal survival was “cooperation within species”. The entire debate over whether man is naturally good or evil is itself a dualistic windstorm that could only take place within the simplistic minds of the colonial West.

Surely man has the ability to do both good and evil. He must choose which path to embark upon – one of fear and greed, or one of love and compassion. Yet his circumstances greatly influence the nature of his soul. His environment plays a much greater role than his DNA. Most pit bulls are socialized to be family protectors or worse – stone cold killers. But some pit bulls are not instructed so, and are as gentle as lambs. A grizzly bear in Kodiak, Alaska – well-fed on salmon and unused to human interaction – is much less likely to maul a person than one in Yellowstone National Park, where his habitat is a tiny island of government protection and where ignorant humans are constantly pestering him for photographs.

While the Aryans have a lock on colonization, there were rapists among the Zulu and murderers among the Lakota. These bad apples likely were impacted by negative events in their childhood and the like. But Aryan history books exaggerate these anomalies in an attempt to justify colonial endeavors. Tribal peoples treated their offenders much more compassionately. Wrongdoers in tribal cultures were shunned and sent away for a period of time. Wrongdoers in colonial cultures are executed, upsetting the cosmic balance and reinforcing the dualistic thinking that alienates industrialized man from both earth and other cultures. We can kill criminals because we believe in the dualism that they are the bad people and we the good. The fact that tribal cultures did not kill their criminals speaks volumes to their humility, to their lack of dualism-driven fear and to their earth-inspired wisdom. By all accounts the shunning of offenders worked. Recidivism among Lakota offenders was virtually non-existent. The person knew he did wrong, but he also discovered that his life was too valuable to be taken. Thus, the value of all life was reinforced in both his mind and in the collective mind of the culture.

Modern-day prisoners in South Africa, Israel, the US or China – all subject to death at the whim of their governments – hold no such respect for human life. Nor do the people who live in those countries. The nature of human existence holds no relevance in arguments for or against the death penalty. Nor does it matter in any discussion of social policy. Our decision is one of which path we shall take from right here and now. Will we choose a path of darkness and nihilism, or will we choose one that restores balance and harmony to earth and its inhabitants? When we feel good about who we are we do good things. Happiness and justice are two results of harmony – one and the same thing.

McLeod Ganje sits above Dharamsala, which is perched at 6,400’ above sea level. McLeod is a refuge for Tibetans who fled their homes following the 1949 Chinese Revolution. Their spiritual leader the Dalai Lama led them to this new mountain home, also a refuge for travelers to India who grow weary of the hot crowded hassle-ridden lowlands. Here there is much compassion and deafening silence, echoing cheerfully off snow-capped peaks.

Today the 14th Dalai Lama speaks at a three-day celebration of Tibetan culture. His presence is gentle power to an open heart. His message is compassion, which is the central tenet of Tibetan Buddhism. This ideal emerged from the philosophies of Ghautama Buddha, who centuries earlier in northern India, recognized that of all the values revered in his native Hinduism, compassion was the only one that really mattered. The Dalai Lama does not blame the invasion by Chairman Mao’s Red Army for his people’s tribulations. He attributes the act to the karma of the Tibetan people themselves. He discourages divisive language of any kind since it creates a reality where dualistic thought becomes the paradigm. Without duality there can be no enemies. He encourages compassionate living as the path to good karma and nirvana. To en-courage is to be courageous. To dis-courage is cowardice.

This tiny village is living peace – heaven on earth. I have not seen a happier, more content or more compassionate people. I feel it in the simple gourmet food, in the sparse spotless hotel rooms that you pay for when you leave, in the suddenly smiling Westerners taken aback by the joy of the place, and in the Himalayan foothills that surround the village and remind me of my smallness – peaks now shrouded in gray-white billowy clouds through which even more remote villages come into view. This evening the sound of Tibetan gongs mingles with the chattering of rhesus monkeys and macaques playing in the surrounding forest. The few cars here carry Indian tourists back down the mountain, leaving in their wake a silence so profound that I feel every dry swallow and breath of air. The sun lays itself to rest over the Changra Valley and the gentle hand of the Buddha blankets McLeod Ganje in starry darkness.

After my usual breakfast of lemon curd cake and mint tea at the Toepa Restaurant, I begin my ascent towards the Tibetan children’s village, where a festival is in its second day. I pass dancing monks in outrageous costumes and a monastery where young monks debate with the fire of Fidel Castro. I can’t stop walking. Soon I arrive at Dal Lake. I turn left on a road heading up into the Daula Dar range. I pass through the village of Niddi, where Gadi nomadic herder girls tend their sheep and goats. At the next village of Talanu the pavement ends. I take a narrow winding dirt path around the side of a majestic mountain and suddenly, I am struck with awe.

To read more, CLICK HERE.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

OPPT - The One People's Public Trust

What if the Godhead could reach down through the multi-verses and rewrite the script using the very laws once used to enslave humanity, thereby unequivocally declaring what was always true - that we are FREE in ALL WAYS in our collective Being and Doing! It might then just look like THIS:


What is the One People’s Public Trust?
The One Peoples Public Trust itself consists of every person on the planet, the planet itself and the Creator.
The One People’s Trust trustees are a group of very skilled individuals including legal professionals who, in conjunction with a positive group inside the financial system, carried out extensive investigations into the massive fraud and theft taking place at the time.
They concluded that the financial and corporate government systems were committing treason against the people and after testing different approaches at correcting the injustices against humanity they saw being inflicted, they decided that that the only solution was to terminate the entire system through UCC filings.
The final report from the investigation is to be found here.


Press Releases
Disclosure Agreement – 25th December 2012
Announcement – 28th December 2012
Current State – 15th January 2013
OPPT Foreclosure on Major Corporations – 4th February 2013

Social Sites

Oppt-in – Facebook
Oppt-in – Twitter
Oppt-in – Flickr
OPPT Book – Facebook Alternative for the OPPT Community


One People’s Public Trust Lawfully Forecloses Corporations, Banks and Governments for Operating Slavery and Private Money Systems
Corporations Masquerading as Government in Australia & World Wide
Corporations Masquerading as Government (Part II): Which “Government” Can We Trust?
Further Wake Up World Articles on OPPT
Video: One People’s Public Trust Presentation
Video: 20 Reasons to OPPT in to One People’s Public Trust

Downloadable Documents

OPPT Courtesy Notice and Courtesy Notice Guidelines
UCC Filings
Updated OPPT UCC Financing Amendment
Network of Global Corporate Control
Operation Paradigm Final Bullet Report
SWQW Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
Flash Mob Photo Kit
Radio Shows
Click here to listen to OPPT Radio Shows
One People’s Public Trust 1776 (Legal Documents)
Removing The Shackles
American Kubaki
Lisa Harrison
Angel Lucci
FUQ: Frequently Unanswered Questions of the “Australian Government”
The OPPT Daily (Web ‘Newspaper’)
Extensive List of OPPT Websites from Around the World

For more CLICK HERE.

Monday, November 19, 2012

I Woke Up This Morning...

This is a sincere plea to everyone who is involved with supporting the globalist agenda, especially those who remain unconscious of working towards their own enslavement and the enslavement of humanity. Please wake up and choose Freedom!

Monday, November 5, 2012


From hopegirl2012


So far not one of the 20 volunteers has been able to read through this without being brought to tears. It has this much heart. This much passion. And this much truth.

It is a book of solutions written by over 300 people from 37 countries. We have put thousands of combined man-hours into this over the last 3 months.

For all of you reading this now who have been waiting. THIS IS IT! THIS IS THE PARADIGM SHIFT!





Reference Library



Wednesday, September 19, 2012

LOVE and NON-COMPLIANCE Will Dissolve the New World Order

You have been under hypnosis, dreaming, unawake. Now is the time to remember the Truth of You, not the story you have been told. Have the courage to stand together as One and be Free.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Trance-Formation to Transformation: Time to Wake Up

Please, do not be afraid. This is not meant to scare you, but to empower you. You are much greater than the ideas and concepts designed to enslave you. You have merely been dreaming. Wipe the sleep from your eyes, my friend, and BE FREE.

Trance-Formation from Max Igan on Vimeo.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Charles Eisenstein: Sacred Economics

Chapter 21

The following is the twenty-second installment from
Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition

“Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: that we are here for the sake of others.” -Albert Einstein

Trusting Gratitude

The question comes up again and again: How can I share my gifts in today’s money economy and still make a living? Some people who ask this question are artists, healers, or activists who despair of finding a way to “get paid for” what they do. Others have a successful business or profession but have begun to feel that something is amiss with the way they charge for their services.

Indeed, to charge a fee for service, or even for material goods, violates the spirit of the Gift. When we shift into gift mentality, we treat our creations as gifts to other people or to the world. It is contrary to the nature of a gift to specify, in advance, a return gift, for then it is no longer giving but rather bartering, selling. Furthermore, many people, particularly artists, healers, and musicians, see their work as sacred, inspired by a divine source and bearing infinite value. To assign it a price feels like a devaluation, a sacrilege. But surely the artist deserves to be compensated for his work, right?

The idea behind the word “compensation” is that you have, by working, made a sacrifice of your time. You have spent it doing work when you could have instead spent it on something you want to do. Another context in which we use the word is lawsuits, for example when someone seeks compensation for an injury, for pain and suffering.

In an economy that deserves the adjective “sacred,” work will no longer be an injury to one’s time or life; it will no longer be a matter of pain and suffering. A sacred economy recognizes that human beings desire to work: they desire to apply their life energy toward the expression of their gifts. There is no room in this conception for “compensation.” Work is a joy, a cause for gratitude. At its best, it is beyond price.

To keep reading, Click Here

Sunday, September 11, 2011

THRIVE - What On Earth Will It Take?

THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future. THRIVE is being released online on 11.11.11 at

THRIVE contains interviews with several prominent activists, journalists, and authors, including Duane Elgin, Nassim Haramein, Steven Greer, Jack Kasher, Daniel Sheehan, Adam Trombly, Brian O'Leary, Vandana Shiva, John Gatto, John Robbins, Deepak Chopra, David Icke, Catherine Austin Fitts, G. Edward Griffin, Bill Still, John Perkins, Paul Hawken, Aqeela Sherrills, Evon Peter, Angel Kyodo Williams, Elisabet Sahtouris, Amy Goodman, and Barbara Marx Hubbard.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Carl Herman - Open Proposal for U.S. Revolution

Though this is not the normal fare for this blog, I thought I would address the growing dissatisfaction pervading our global consciousness as certain well-known events unfold on the world stage. Exposing the lies we have believed and been subservient to, both inner and outer, is the task of all those who wish to awaken. Telling the Truth is the strongest tool we have in order to accomplish this. The Truth shall set you free.

“Constitutional governments and aristocracies are commonly overthrown owing to some deviation from justice…the rich, if the constitution gives them power, are apt to be insolent and avaricious… In all well-attempered governments there is nothing which should be more jealously maintained than the spirit of obedience to law, more especially in small matters; for transgression creeps in unperceived and at last ruins the state, just as the constant recurrence of small expenses in time eats up a fortune.” – Aristotle, Politics, Book V. 350 B.C.E.

Revolution is from the Latin, revolutio, a “turn around” of political power.

The US public would revolt and end unlawful US wars and banksters’ rigged-casino fraud if they understood and embraced the central facts of these issues. This four-part series of articles provides the central facts, invites passionate public response, and proposes specific revolutionary public action.

Please share the Revolution to end unlawful US wars and return trillions of our dollars to constructive work. With millions of lives at stake (perhaps billions), there is nothing more important for public participation.

Part 1: Open proposal for US revolution: end unlawful wars, parasitic/criminal economics

Part 2: Open proposal for US revolution: end unlawful wars, all begun with lies

Part 3: Open proposal for US revolution: end parasitic and criminal economics

Part 4: Open proposal for US revolution: expose corporate media as propaganda

These four articles are academic in language and documentation. My citizen advocacy paper, Government by dicts, has additional resources.

Click Here to read entire article.