This blog is only about awakening, nothing more, nothing less. Anything that will contribute to the possibility of complete liberation from the dream, or from the mass hallucination of humanity, or from the mental matrix, or from the false self, or from the lie, or any other label you want to call it, is welcome here. The key words are FREEDOM and JOY. Sometimes I think this reporting about stuff just keeps the false story going and only adds to the insanity, and there's too much of that already. But something is trying to pry the lid off still, something awaits to be seen. We are all in this boat together, so here we go......have fun!

Showing posts with label financial elite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label financial elite. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Life Starts from Here: The Great Reject


By Julian Rose

Let’s do a reality check: many of us wake up in the morning with our default memory sleepily reverted back to a pre-covid state of seeming ‘normality’. But after splashing our face with cold water, taking the dog for a walk and having some breakfast, it dawns on us that we are being strung-along by the hands of a puppet master, whose tweaking of the strings of power is making us dance to a tune which is 100% alien to our natural evolutionary inclinations.

That puppet master is actually not one person, but a number of people; although calling them ‘people’ might already be an error, since they operate in the shadows of a life less than human and impose their will based on a narcissistic ambition to ‘own’ everything – and of course, to control it too.

So you turn on your radio/television, open a newspaper/computer and you get something called ‘The News’. And what is it you are actually getting? Is it really The News?

Your slow mind, which prefers to remain in a convenience/comfort mode, leads you to believe you are actually receiving The News – well doesn’t it?

But once you get that mind sharpened-up a little, straighten your back, and let some sense of the true reality start to manifest, you recognize that it is not the news at all – but simply ‘the spin of the day’. The Daily Spin.

It’s a formula designed and constructed by the puppet master and his less than human cabal, to ensure they remain on course to ‘own’ everything on this planet – which includes you, me our children, aunt Mary, uncle Tom, granny and grandad, our/their houses, furniture, gardens, money, cars, and even – thoughts.

With something of a jolt you realize (once again) that The News is a grand indoctrination exercise, duplicitously contrived by those who own and run ‘the media’; and that these ‘less than human’ entities work hand in hand with the grand puppet master, as part of a mafia-esque stitch-up in which the ‘news owner’s’ get a handsome reward for printing and broadcasting ‘The Daily Spin’.

But, you may well ask, from where does the cabal get its billions? How can it pay-off the great majority of the media chiefs so as to keep The Spin going from day to day? Pay-off not just the media chiefs but all the other operators who work from the shadows to keep this virtual agenda pumping its fake news into our overloaded psyches?

Where does their blood money come from? These fake kings and queens of imposed virtual reality whose psychopathic ambition is to rule the world.

Wait a minute – don’t we know this? I mean, we take out a loan or get an overdraught agreement from our bank – and suddenly we owe that enterprise/corporation some repayment for its supposed ‘generosity’.

Puppet master Big Banker really is a true master of deception – a magician! He applies a simple but brilliant formula which has been around a good few centuries now, but still works a dream. Yes, he simply ‘lends’ you that which he does not have – and commands you to pay him back with something you do actually have – your earnings garnered from your work, your job. A truly treacherous sleight-of-hand, wouldn’t you agree?

But you see, in this way the great cabal – which is actually a very small fiefdom (probably less than 0.2% of the population) can acquire an infinite amount of dosh and thereby ‘run the world’ according to its desired despotic blueprint. That is – just so long as you and I keep taking out loans or overdraughts with Big Banking plc.

They press a button and hey presto! We have 50,000 pounds/dollars in our bank account – wow! But if you go to the cashier and ask for that 50,000 in bank notes, you will be refused. Why? Because the bank doesn’t actually have it. It’s just on paper, created from thin air. Once you get into your repayments you may be allowed to withdraw around 10% in notes, but only in separate tranches and at separated time gaps. And only so long as bank notes are kept in circulation, in this digital age of illicit surveillance.

They control how you can use your money. It is this amazingly deft act of in-your-face theft which keeps the cabal, media, fake democracies and corporations in the high chairs of control. It is this supreme act of deception which underpins the destructive capacity and longevity of the deep state; the huge debts now faced by ‘forever borrowing’ governments of nation states. Governments that then circulate the fraud by borrowing at interest from the Goldman Sachs’s of this corporate world, who in turn are supplied with endless liquidity by the Bank for International Settlements, the biggest launderer of all launderers.

Give your dirty laundry to the BIS and it will redistribute it around all the banking fiefdoms of the planet. And thus wars are financed, Soros/Gates/Rothschild ‘colour revolution’ putsches underwritten, false flag events fueled; propaganda, social engineering and behavioral psychology agencies kept at work. All engaged in mind controlling the masses into submission.

“Keep the Great Reset on course!” demands the puppet master. The Reset, with its dystopian fake green techno-fascistic agenda brazenly heralded by The Daily Spin. The ‘green new deal’ ‘zero carbon’, ‘smart grid internet-of-things’ promised land we have all been dreaming about?

Yes, dear friends, many among us – and maybe you – shout “Crime!” briefly grasping the truth during that high moment of the day, or night, when the cabal’s road map suddenly comes into focus and the truth is out. But the next morning, once again bamboozled by the digitalised torrent of words; the tinkling announcement of incoming calls on your pocket sized microwave handset; the beckoning big brother flat screen TV on your living room wall; the long list of sterile supermarket fake-foods you need to purchase – not to mention Covid, the social agenda, the demands of the job – if one still has one – all this and so much more – cloud that moment of truth once again – and leave one as slavishly dependent as ever on the puppet master’s darkly disguised template for global control.

“Take the vaccine and submit to my will.”

How in God’s name to get out of this manic cul-de-sac? Answer: you must want to get out. That’s the precondition of all freedom. One must want it. One must love what it offers, uncertainties and all, more than one loves one’s slavery. But the puppet master quite obviously doesn’t want you to want to get out. He wants you to continue to buy-into his little game of domestic and digital distractions. He wants his empire and its occupants, to be largely robotic; 5G driven and mindless.

Now, draw back. Listen. Just around the corner is the ‘cashless society’, according to the cabal’s blueprint. If and when that little objective is put in place we will have to admit to having capitulated to becoming an instrument of a 100% surveillance coup which leaves no recourse to daily survival other than a piece of digitally primed traceable plastic or RFID chip under the skin.

Let’s not let it get that far shall we? Let’s take the steps today that will keep freedom alive tomorrow. One by one you can wean yourself off all the convenience items you adopted to make surviving in the rat-race that little bit more..err..’comfortable’.

On one level it’s quite simple: you don’t want 5G scrambling your your DNA? Give up the cell phone. You don’t want sterile, denatured, genetically modified and irradiated food busting your immune system? Give up the stupor-market. You don’t want big banks stealing your money? Give-up big banking. You don’t want Covid? Give up being afraid of life and give-up your mask. You don’t want to be permanently under the cosh of arrogant technocrats? So say “No” to those bully-boy fake authority figures. “I do not consent.”

Give it all up. Give your support instead to down-to-earth decentralized life-affirmative alternatives. They exist, in embryonic forms and will flourish once a critical mass joins-up. Once you have started down this road you have shifted from being an “it’s them!” accusative in-activist, into an “it’s us” self assertive activist. Now that’s real. Once tens of thousands – in each country – get on the same trajectory, the Big Brother blueprint starts to wobble. Once tens of millions take up the challenge, the globalist agenda starts to pale. Once that wave becomes a surfer’s dream, the Great Reset becomes the Great Reject.

(To Continue Reading CLICK HERE)

Saturday, September 12, 2020

New Revelations on the COVID Death Count

Hope you’re sitting down...

Saturday, September 5, 2020


Juliet Tang, Wake Up World

2020 is the year many in this world find themselves in an ultimate spiritual war of good and evil.
It started with a global lockdown that quickly escalated to race war, the talk of mandatory vaccines, 5G, transhumanism (the merging of human with AI), etc.
The war with Deep State (Cabal, Illuminate, the 1% elite, Satanists, etc.) has been going on for a very long time and involves multiple timelines. If you’re reading this, trust that you’ve chosen to come to this exact time to play a role during the end game, and the new beginning for humanity.
While reading this post, my advice for you is to use your discernment and do your own research, rather than take everything you watch and read to be the truth – this includes my words.
I am merely sharing with you the highest truth that is available to me at this time, after long hours of research and tuning inward.

The Time Has Come

Back in February, weeks before the lockdown in the United States occurred, I was in an unusually long and heavy psilocybin mushroom journey that foreshadowed what was to come – much of it didn’t make sense at the time because uncovering the agenda of Deep State was simply never my focus in life.
During the journey, I saw a giant light grid being formed by awakened leaders around the world; each was standing tall in their own pillar of light and holding their unique frequency of consciousness, truth, love, and liberation. This grid then activated what looked like a new earth grid inside of earth, shifting Gaia and the entire humanity into a different timeline where sovereignty reigns.
I was given the message over and over,

“The time has come. Be the message.”

Truthfully, I am not the type of person who invests time reading about ascension or galactic channelings, as I realized years ago a large percentage of the new age spirituality and plant medicine community has been hijacked by a lower consciousness, which is why there are many distortions such as scarcity mindset, emasculation of masculinity, as well as surface understanding and over-application of “love and light.” So the visions caught me by surprise.
In the next few months as the dominoes began to fall, the purpose of the visions is becoming clearer and clear, hence the birth of this post.
In order for me to share what it takes to win this war of consciousness, I’ll first address how Deep State has maintained its control over humanity.

The Matrix Has You, Neo

This one particular timeline of our current reality goes beyond what many spiritual seekers believe to be an illusion.
Our very culture is a fabricated and socially engineered existence created by Deep State to maintain a generally accepted storyline to enslave humanity, through distorting our ability to discern what’s artificial and what’s real, while children are being trafficked and sacrificed, and the puppets of Deep State (high level officials, celebrities, etc.) are committing crimes against humanity.
Symbolism and giving away clues to their plan are all part of the game Deep State plays. In fact, many Hollywood movies such as The Matrix, V for Vendetta have pretty much dropped the major clues.
Many know the harmful effects caused by GMO, vaccines, Big Pharma, fluoride in water, etc. What they don’t realize is that there’s a far more sinister agenda behind what many believe to be corporate greed.
Every industry within this Matrix has been planted and infiltrated by Deep State to maintain its control – food, health, medical, entertainment, money, politics, education, etc.
When we consume genetically modified foods that are toxic to our bodies and cells, drink fluorinated (a neurotoxin) water that calcifies our pineal gland, mindlessly tune into Hollywood movies or news that are full of hidden dark symbols and lies that hypnotize our minds, and surround ourselves with wifi, cellphone and towers that are disruptive to our brainwaves, we become an unconscious participant in their game.
In short, our bodies and minds have been greatly altered, our emotions manipulated, and our consciousness hijacked so that we are susceptible to what Deep State wants us to think, feel, and do.
Many are not only unable to discern lies from truth, but also depend on this false matrix so much that the mere suggestion of questioning the mainstream media narrative is enough to trigger cognitive dissonance or anger, because a part of their identify has been threatened.
This is the reason why the moment Google labels anything a conspiracy theory, people either dismiss it, or are triggered by the person who’s had the nerve to bring it up. That in itself is a conditioned response planted by Deep State so no one questions what they are being told, while they carry out their bigger agenda in the dark.

Divide and Conquer and Communism 

Currently, a socialist regime is being rolled out in most countries in our world by Deep State, with the intention to create a one world government, or the New World Order.
One of the signature moves of socialism/communism is divide and conquer by naming a group of citizens “common enemy” of the society. This “common enemy” group then becomes a label of hate and everything that is wrong with the society, whilst other members of the society are free to “cancel” them.
I am the granddaughter of a woman who was canceled (persecuted) by Communists in China during the Cultural Revolution that started in 1966, which resulted in tens of millions of deaths and lasting famine in its ten year duration. The social justice warriors back then were called Red Guards.
The Red Guards of China were youths and school kids – brainwashed and recruited by the government to carry out acts of what they believed to be justice, using tactics such as public shaming, property destruction, gaslighting, virtual signaling, and physical assault/torture of other human beings.
If you look closely at how division is being played out in our society today, you will recognize it in a heartbeat.
Essentially, the idea is to turn citizens against and police each other, so that we defeat ourselves with minimal effort on their part. It also divides us psychological and emotionally, which greatly weakens us, as human beings are social animals that thrive when we bond with each other.
A divided population is much easier to manipulate and control.

Information War

Those who control information, control our perspective. And each of us creates our reality from our perspective.
The excessive distortions and censorship, and character assassination of experts who dare to challenge the main stream narrative are all part of the information war we are in right now.
Some light research will help you find out that almost all mainstream media is controlled by 6 companies, owned by a few billionaires of the world.
On an energetic level, information is spelled in-formation, which means what we consume then forms our bodies and cells.
Each word carries a specific charge, and all words are spells (spell-ing).
What we are experiencing goes beyond politics. There is (dark) magic involved.
Watch out when a narrative, chant or image is being repeated over and over by the masses, it’s almost always a sign a spell has been cast.
When the masses fall under a spell, they will make choices and take actions believing it’s coming from their free will, when it isn’t.
Breaking out of a spell requires a shift in consciousness and frequency, which is presented in the solutions below.

What Is the Solution Then?

The long term solution requires us to address all fronts – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It requires the human race to work together as a team to detoxify and upgrade our bodies, communities and institutions, so that all have access to clean water, organic fresh foods, conscious education, and healthcare that is not sick care in disguise.
This will obviously take time. Since our entire history has been manufactured, we are here to remember, and rewrite everything about who we are, what we desire to create in this world, and how we can leave this planet a better place for our children and their children.
These are some of the short term solutions I have received:

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Plandemic: Indoctornation World Premiere - Digital Freedom Platform

On August 18 2020 at 5pm UK time, the Digital Freedom Platform by London Real is proud to be exclusively livestreaming PLANDEMIC – INDOCTORNATION.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Globalization of Goodwill

Lhasa, Tibet, Saturday 8/8/20
ANY motion can be turned to humanity’s advantage. The current cranky and ill-conceived effort by somewhat demented tinkerers to control the planet is no exception.
Several great positives have emerged from their psychological warfare offensive against the people.
One is that they have revealed themselves, their methods and their collaborators and accomplices a little too much for their own comfort.
Another is that they have thereby made themselves the common enemy in the minds of many people throughout the human community and that, at last, is the CORRECT TARGET.
Another is that they have inadvertently increased the sense of brotherhood among people, the concept of humanity as one race wherein our nations – ideally at least – are self-governing neighbourhoods confederated into a broader global community.
Another is the speed with which the culprits – the global crime syndicate of psychanthropists, would-be authoritarians and utopian tinkerers who just LOVE to use the planet’s human community as their experimental laboratory –  were found out.
Another has been the speed with which resistance has flourished, a growth that is now almost exponential and promises to sweep the globalist criminals aside in a massive groundswell of popular revolt – PROVIDED we persist.
But there’s another from which we should all take even greater heart. Consider:

  • There are MANY good people out there willing and able to speak out and fight back even at personal risk. This has been a revelation and one should take great pride in belonging to species capable of such courage and character, man’s habitual defamers and detractors notwithstanding.
  • Among these heroes of the evolution are a veritable army of medical professionals, people of great honour who take the Hippocratic oath seriously and are not about to let the politics of totalitarian turds force them into violating it.
  • There are millions of people of goodwill willing and able to get along. Among the vast majority of human beings there is NO thirst for war, destruction or mayhem, no desire to rob or deceive or cheat or disenfranchise their fellows.
  • Among them are people of immense ingenuity, capability, creativity and constructive power. And YOU are one of them.
  • There are advanced technologies capable of producing wonders in so many fields thanks to the powerful minds of generations of thinking men and women.
  • There is a sane pro-survival desire among the human communities of Earth for unity and the protections afforded self and others by just laws applicable to all. It is that very desire that has been hijacked by the globalists and perverted into the incremental process of enslavement. Yet that human drive for cooperation, peace and unity as a species is nonetheless real and worthy.

The point I am making here is that, right here and now, we the people of the human community of Earth have in our possession ALL the ingredients, components, skills, resources, willingness and desire necessary for the construction of a new and betterg lobal  civilisation.
They comprise the wherewithal for a new kind of globalism infinitely more desirable, beneficial and endurable than the shabby, tawdry and uninspiring imitation put forth by the globalists, a global community not enforced or imposed by trickery and deceit but GROWN from the grass roots and which consults the willingness and desire of people of good will, which the planet has in great abundance.
The globalists, intent upon their self-serving mockery don’t want you to know this. Hence the turmoil, the infiltration and sabotage of decent movements, the divide-and-rule and the relentless injection of dismay into the affairs of men.
But their crime syndicate is of no service or help to Man and therefore of no value. They have nothing to offer humanity and stand merely as an impediment to our  creation of something vastly superior
They are getting in our road.
Sweep them aside.
For we can conceive and play a better game.


(First of all, be forewarned this video is an hour and a half long, so settle in for a bit. This video will show you a history of fraud perpetuated throughout the last several decades stemming from numerous successful attempts to fabricate diseases and then profit from them. The beneficiaries of this fraud have been politicians, pharmaceutical companies, and various bad actors who have played their parts to the T and been well rewarded. This video focuses on AIDS and highlights certain struggles that will look like an exact replica of what we are being faced with today. Many highly respected and recognized doctors and scientists dissenting views were ignored and denigrated just as many in the same league are being shut off from the internet and silenced today. This is not Fauci’s first go round on the spin parade, so why are we trusting him now? This man should be in jail...)

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Truth About the Dysfunctional System We Live Under and Why It Matters

Who Changed America from a Republic to a Financial Empire?

Money may not be the root of all evil, but debt-based money IS the root of the economic evil now descending on America. That’s the message from Damon Vrabel, a graduate of Harvard Business School and former Wall Street executive. This presentation shatters the myth that America is the home of the competitive free-market when, in fact, long ago it abandoned that economic model and replaced it with the monopoly-market model found in socialist, communist, and fascist systems. Americans who are not aware of this are prone to blame today’s economic woes on free-enterprise capitalism. They call for state intervention and control without realizing that is precisely what is causing the present economic crisis. How this came about and who engineered it – including their names and organizational affiliations – are included. We also get to see where the system is headed and why it cannot change its course – as long as it remains the system it is. They do not teach this at Harvard. [1 hr. 45 min. Original date: 2014-07-25.]

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

It’s Time to Step Into the Arena

There’s a passage in Teddy Roosevelt’s famous 1910 “Citizenship in a Republic” speech I want to share with you today:
If a man’s efficiency is not guided and regulated by a moral sense, then the more efficient he is the worse he is, the more dangerous to the body politic. Courage, intellect, all the masterful qualities, serve but to make a man more evil if they are merely used for that man’s own advancement, with brutal indifference to the rights of others. It speaks ill for the community if the community worships those qualities and treats their possessors as heroes regardless of whether the qualities are used rightly or wrongly. It makes no difference as to the precise way in which this sinister efficiency is shown. It makes no difference whether such a man’s force and ability betray themselves in a career of money-maker or politician, soldier or orator, journalist or popular leader. If the man works for evil, then the more successful he is the more he should be despised and condemned by all upright and far-seeing men. To judge a man merely by success is an abhorrent wrong; and if the people at large habitually so judge men, if they grow to condone wickedness because the wicked man triumphs, they show their inability to understand that in the last analysis free institutions rest upon the character of citizenship, and that by such admiration of evil they prove themselves unfit for liberty.
The above words strike me as a perfect description of the deep hole we find ourselves in presently throughout these United States of America. It takes a whole nation to screw things up as badly as we have, and boy have we ever.
Yes it took parasites, sociopathic oligarchs and a power drunk national security state to bring us to our current state of affairs, but it also took the rest of us. For far too long we as a people have been apathetic, hoodwinked spectators to the life unfolding around us. Voting for “the lesser of two evils” for decade upon decade thinking it might be different this time. Putting up with the economic game that’s been put in front of us, despite the fact that it demonstrably and systematically rewards and incentivizes predatory and destructive behavior. As a people, we have been superficial, indifferent and gleefully ignorant of reality. It’s time to change all that.
You can consider today’s post a rallying cry to step into the arena. Stepping into the arena is often portrayed as becoming involved in national politics or some other large platform action, but I see it differently. If you think the only way to have a real impact is by voting or running for Congress, you’re likely to give up and remain passive. The truth is your entire life can be repurposed to be an expression of increased kindness, wisdom and strength. It’s the most impactful long-term action most of us can have on this earth, and anyone can do it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

This is a Spiritual/Conscious War, and We Need You To Fight

In the 1800s Catholic philosopher Orestes Brownson once claimed that Satan’s “favorite guise in modern times is that of philanthropy”.
He wrote that, during the French Revolution, it was “under the influence of philanthropy [that] Europe became one vast slaughterhouse; kings and nobles, bishops, priests and nuns, old men and young women, were dragged to the scaffold, and the reign of love was drowned in torrents of innocent blood.”
What? Philanthropists are the good guys – the great guys! Surely? What could be wrong with philanthropy?
As Brownson pointed out, “philanthropy goes to work to reform—on a large scale; for philanthropy scorns small beginnings, and proposes always to commence operations on the masses.”
As a spokeswoman for the $37 billion Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation explained when pressed about why the foundation chose not to help dozens of homeless people sleeping outside its $500 million Seattle headquarters, “We’re trying to move upstream to a systems level to either prevent family homelessness before it happens or to end it as soon as possible after it happens.”
It would be ridiculous to consider actually walking out there and just helping the people right there, right?! Just as absurd as 150,000 people dying “deaths of despair” – Coronavirus’ latest victims: the depression and bankruptcy suicides and severe drug overdose and withdrawal casualties, the family violence fatalities. People are disconnected and lonely and living with fear and dread – some of the ever-so-inventive death virus – others, much more realistically, of the trillions of imaginary play money being printed to turn them into faithful acolytes.
God help us all. Because the philanthropists have other agendas.
Bill Gates is a declared atheist. He is joined in that non-belief by billionaire atheist/agnostics Warren Buffet and George Soros.
Surprise, surprise…
Watch today’s Lucy and Jeff Show to see Melinda Gates pushing hard for a global COVID-19 vaccine on the TODAY Show while wearing a bright and shiny upside-down cross around her neck, and why Barack Obama fits into this esteemed group.

Inmates of The Hotel Eccles QE Rehab Facility

Chairman Bernanke promised the Fed would unwind Fed purchases from the 2008 crisis. Now we know they can’t and won’t. The Fed balance sheet of created QE currency units will expand until a reset occurs.
When will increasing debt and the QE nonsense stop? Perhaps…
a) When a snowstorm devastates South Texas in August.
b) When the Fed begs forgiveness for its monumental sins.
c) When the US government balances its budget.
d) When global fiat Ponzi Schemes collapse.
e) When a huge financial reset occurs.
Like the Eagles said in 1977:
“Welcome to the Hotel California… Relax, said the night man. We are programmed to receive. You can check out any time you like but you can never leave.”
The 2020 post COVID-19 pandemic version could be:
“Welcome to the Hotel Eccles… Relax, said the chairman. We are programmed to deceive. You can check out any time you like but you can never leave.” We have become inmates in the Hotel Eccles QE Rehab Facility because:
  • National debt and money supply must grow. Inflate or Die!
  • U.S. National Debt of $25 trillion can never be paid in today’s dollars. It must be defaulted or devalued. Expect a reset.
  • Government and the banking cartel want dollar devaluation, consumer price inflation and more debt. They will sacrifice the dollar to support the bond and stock markets.
  • The U.S. economy runs on debt and credit. Dollars are debts of the Federal Reserve. The U.S. government spends $ trillions over its revenues each year, so national debt must increase. In the absence of foreign and domestic buyers at artificially low interest rates, the Fed must monetize. QE4ever!
  • Dishonest dollars created from nothing spend like existing dollars, but they make existing dollars worth less, until they become worthless. Countries who pursued similar policies are Zimbabwe, Argentina, and Venezuela, bad precedents.
  • Oops! The consequences of monetizing $ trillions will be catastrophic, but we must not focus on those consequences in an election year.
From the Eagles: “This could be heaven, or this could be hell.”
Post COVID-19 Pandemic version: This will be heaven and hell. It will be (for a while) heaven for the political and financial elite and hell for the lower 90%. See below.

COVID: Going to the Root of the Poisonous Tree

Before I jump in, I want to point to a film that hacks away the leaves, the branches, the trunk and the roots of the poisonous tree of vaccination all at once: VAXXED II (at vaxxed2[dot]com), directed by Brian Burrowes.  I urge you to watch it.  "Urge" is too light a word.  What is coming down the pipeline at us, in terms of attempts at vaccine mandates...this film will only strengthen your resolve, even if you're quite sure you don't need strengthening.  The film contains many interviews with parents of vaccine-devastated children, and the children are there, too.  The children who have died are there as well.  Nobody has ever made a film like this.

A month or so ago, a reader made a crucial point: researchers and writers should make it clear whether they are operating from WITHIN the official paradigm of the epidemic, in order to reveal gross inconsistencies and internal contradictions; or whether they are standing OUTSIDE that paradigm and attacking its basic foundations.

Going further, we need to drill down to the roots of the poisonous tree.

Some people make this calculation: "I don't want my view to appear too radical.  That would drive the audience away.  So I'll cut myself off at a certain point and try to give the audience pieces of the puzzle they can digest..."

For example, they would assert: "I'm not against vaccines.  I just want to make them safer."

They would say: "We have to agree there is a new virus spreading around the world.  If we don't, people will reject everything we say.  So let's focus on whether the virus is as dangerous as health officials claim it is."

They would say: "We have to accept official case numbers as a starting point, even if untold numbers of people are being diagnosed with COVID by a casual glance at their symptoms, and even if the tests are inaccurate..."

Bit by bit, and piece by piece, people would be accepting the official COVID story, until there is very little to argue about.

Let's take the issue of safer vaccines.  How are they going to be made safer?  Manufacturers are going to throw in the towel and just eliminate the toxic adjuvants?  They'll eliminate the injected germs which are the very basis of the exercise?  They'll make vaccines in outer space, where, hopefully, contamination with random viruses would be avoided?

Deeper still, why do immune systems need a "rehearsal for the real thing"---which is the foundational hypothesis underlying vaccination.  Nature isn't sufficient?  We must fight off every conceivable germ with a shot in the arm?

Why not try to improve the strength of immune systems through non-medical means?  Nutrition, for instance, was the key reason for the historical decline of traditional diseases. Along with improved sanitation.  No matter how many vaccines you inject in a person with a weak immune system, he is going to get sick (aside from the obvious toxic effects of the vaccines).

"No, let's not go there.  Too many people will reject us if we reject vaccines."

I beg to differ.  We are in a long-term war against the medical cartel.  It's not going away.  Think ten thousand years into the future.  That's a reasonable estimate of the length of the battle.