This blog is only about awakening, nothing more, nothing less. Anything that will contribute to the possibility of complete liberation from the dream, or from the mass hallucination of humanity, or from the mental matrix, or from the false self, or from the lie, or any other label you want to call it, is welcome here. The key words are FREEDOM and JOY. Sometimes I think this reporting about stuff just keeps the false story going and only adds to the insanity, and there's too much of that already. But something is trying to pry the lid off still, something awaits to be seen. We are all in this boat together, so here we go......have fun!

Showing posts with label ayahuasca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ayahuasca. Show all posts

Monday, December 7, 2020



Dylan Charles, Editor

When I look at people’s faces covered in masks, I try to discern from their eyes alone what they are feeling. And it’s tough.

But, it’s tough not because you can’t see their whole faces, it’s tough because people everywhere are hiding their whole selves behind their egoic masks of confidence, surety, and stoicism. They are hiding their true feelings, their pain and their suffering from the world.

We are all experiencing unprecedented stress, loneliness, anxiety, worry, and uncertainty right now. And in this climate, it’s very easy for the mind to take you in to fear. Fear of what’s happening now, and fear of what is to come.

But these feelings aren’t the whole story. They don’t represent the deepest truths about our lives.

The fear is a finger pointing at the moon. Pointing to something so big that we can’t see it right in front of our eyes. Yet here there is a truth much greater and far more powerful than all the fear in the world combined. And when you connect to this truth, your power and your smile return.

Speaking in a recent online conference, revered AyahuasqueroTaita Juanito shares a powerful message for all people who are experiencing these challenges right now. It’s a message that gets lost in the clutter and flash of an info-drenched and drama-craving world, but it is so simple and pure, that when you open your heart to it, it cuts right through everything else.

I hope you are doing well, but if you’re struggling right now, give some consideration to Taita Juanito’s words here, and please share them with those you know who are also in need of such a reminder.

The following transcript was taken from an interpreter to Taita Juanito in a recent presentation by Canta Con Amor 2020:

“All people that are going through difficulties, we send you many blessings, because you are our family. All of us are connected. Now, in this time it is different for all of us. Some of us have practices and medicines, and this is good. Continue practicing your spiritual path, and you can consult plants at home. But another part is that some of us don’t have spiritual practices. We’re in sadness. There’s absence in their life, in their heart. And for all of you experiencing this absence in your heart, please understand  that you have never been alone. Always, there is something greater, bigger, deeper, which is the Great Spirit. You have to connect more. You, who are experiencing absence, open your heart.

Some say that you need faith. We say you need to find balance in this time, because for those that have a spiritual path and for those that don’t, there is a lesson for both. First, never feel alone, because when you close your eyes and you feel the vibration of nature, the Spirits of nature, and the Great Creator, there, automatically you’re not alone. It’s a limiting belief that is taking you there.

For you, we pray for you, and you should pray as well, from your heart. And if you have plants, do plant baths. Share this time with your family, your children, your friends, because all this is teaching us community. We run around too frequently, searching for money, or things that we may need or want, but then we forget to live life. So now you have this chance. Live life. Live intensely, asking the Creator and nature.

The plants have always been here when you place a good intention to a bath or steam bath with plants, or you have a visionary plant, ask of the plant, and the plant will always show you the door. This time is a gift. Many people might see it different, but when we go to the deepest aspect, there’s an ecstasy, a vibration of energy, of light.

A few days ago I drank medicine and I was asking, and what I saw was a world full of vibration, full of colors, and we were observing it, and I was asking why are you showing me this? And it said to me, ‘you, humanity have to be here, in this world of vibration with nature.’

It’s always been her for you. The spirits have always been here. You might call them Guardians, Angels, or Guides, but they have always been here. We have to ask from them, ask your Guardian, ask that energy of Spirits, the Angels, to come and change your memory through a prayer, through a fast, to strengthen you.

All this fear, this absence that I feel, it is only a limiting belief which is coming, and all things which come to your life, they are for something. They will bring you strength, they will bring you study. What is this experience teaching you? What does it want to say to you? And there we connect with the art of life, the art of feeling.

This is why the Creator gave us our senses, eyes, mouth, nose, ears, skin. Activate it. Activate the listening. It’s important to listen to the heart and to listen to all the energy of the Spirits.”

(CLICK HERE for more...)


Saturday, September 5, 2020


Juliet Tang, Wake Up World

2020 is the year many in this world find themselves in an ultimate spiritual war of good and evil.
It started with a global lockdown that quickly escalated to race war, the talk of mandatory vaccines, 5G, transhumanism (the merging of human with AI), etc.
The war with Deep State (Cabal, Illuminate, the 1% elite, Satanists, etc.) has been going on for a very long time and involves multiple timelines. If you’re reading this, trust that you’ve chosen to come to this exact time to play a role during the end game, and the new beginning for humanity.
While reading this post, my advice for you is to use your discernment and do your own research, rather than take everything you watch and read to be the truth – this includes my words.
I am merely sharing with you the highest truth that is available to me at this time, after long hours of research and tuning inward.

The Time Has Come

Back in February, weeks before the lockdown in the United States occurred, I was in an unusually long and heavy psilocybin mushroom journey that foreshadowed what was to come – much of it didn’t make sense at the time because uncovering the agenda of Deep State was simply never my focus in life.
During the journey, I saw a giant light grid being formed by awakened leaders around the world; each was standing tall in their own pillar of light and holding their unique frequency of consciousness, truth, love, and liberation. This grid then activated what looked like a new earth grid inside of earth, shifting Gaia and the entire humanity into a different timeline where sovereignty reigns.
I was given the message over and over,

“The time has come. Be the message.”

Truthfully, I am not the type of person who invests time reading about ascension or galactic channelings, as I realized years ago a large percentage of the new age spirituality and plant medicine community has been hijacked by a lower consciousness, which is why there are many distortions such as scarcity mindset, emasculation of masculinity, as well as surface understanding and over-application of “love and light.” So the visions caught me by surprise.
In the next few months as the dominoes began to fall, the purpose of the visions is becoming clearer and clear, hence the birth of this post.
In order for me to share what it takes to win this war of consciousness, I’ll first address how Deep State has maintained its control over humanity.

The Matrix Has You, Neo

This one particular timeline of our current reality goes beyond what many spiritual seekers believe to be an illusion.
Our very culture is a fabricated and socially engineered existence created by Deep State to maintain a generally accepted storyline to enslave humanity, through distorting our ability to discern what’s artificial and what’s real, while children are being trafficked and sacrificed, and the puppets of Deep State (high level officials, celebrities, etc.) are committing crimes against humanity.
Symbolism and giving away clues to their plan are all part of the game Deep State plays. In fact, many Hollywood movies such as The Matrix, V for Vendetta have pretty much dropped the major clues.
Many know the harmful effects caused by GMO, vaccines, Big Pharma, fluoride in water, etc. What they don’t realize is that there’s a far more sinister agenda behind what many believe to be corporate greed.
Every industry within this Matrix has been planted and infiltrated by Deep State to maintain its control – food, health, medical, entertainment, money, politics, education, etc.
When we consume genetically modified foods that are toxic to our bodies and cells, drink fluorinated (a neurotoxin) water that calcifies our pineal gland, mindlessly tune into Hollywood movies or news that are full of hidden dark symbols and lies that hypnotize our minds, and surround ourselves with wifi, cellphone and towers that are disruptive to our brainwaves, we become an unconscious participant in their game.
In short, our bodies and minds have been greatly altered, our emotions manipulated, and our consciousness hijacked so that we are susceptible to what Deep State wants us to think, feel, and do.
Many are not only unable to discern lies from truth, but also depend on this false matrix so much that the mere suggestion of questioning the mainstream media narrative is enough to trigger cognitive dissonance or anger, because a part of their identify has been threatened.
This is the reason why the moment Google labels anything a conspiracy theory, people either dismiss it, or are triggered by the person who’s had the nerve to bring it up. That in itself is a conditioned response planted by Deep State so no one questions what they are being told, while they carry out their bigger agenda in the dark.

Divide and Conquer and Communism 

Currently, a socialist regime is being rolled out in most countries in our world by Deep State, with the intention to create a one world government, or the New World Order.
One of the signature moves of socialism/communism is divide and conquer by naming a group of citizens “common enemy” of the society. This “common enemy” group then becomes a label of hate and everything that is wrong with the society, whilst other members of the society are free to “cancel” them.
I am the granddaughter of a woman who was canceled (persecuted) by Communists in China during the Cultural Revolution that started in 1966, which resulted in tens of millions of deaths and lasting famine in its ten year duration. The social justice warriors back then were called Red Guards.
The Red Guards of China were youths and school kids – brainwashed and recruited by the government to carry out acts of what they believed to be justice, using tactics such as public shaming, property destruction, gaslighting, virtual signaling, and physical assault/torture of other human beings.
If you look closely at how division is being played out in our society today, you will recognize it in a heartbeat.
Essentially, the idea is to turn citizens against and police each other, so that we defeat ourselves with minimal effort on their part. It also divides us psychological and emotionally, which greatly weakens us, as human beings are social animals that thrive when we bond with each other.
A divided population is much easier to manipulate and control.

Information War

Those who control information, control our perspective. And each of us creates our reality from our perspective.
The excessive distortions and censorship, and character assassination of experts who dare to challenge the main stream narrative are all part of the information war we are in right now.
Some light research will help you find out that almost all mainstream media is controlled by 6 companies, owned by a few billionaires of the world.
On an energetic level, information is spelled in-formation, which means what we consume then forms our bodies and cells.
Each word carries a specific charge, and all words are spells (spell-ing).
What we are experiencing goes beyond politics. There is (dark) magic involved.
Watch out when a narrative, chant or image is being repeated over and over by the masses, it’s almost always a sign a spell has been cast.
When the masses fall under a spell, they will make choices and take actions believing it’s coming from their free will, when it isn’t.
Breaking out of a spell requires a shift in consciousness and frequency, which is presented in the solutions below.

What Is the Solution Then?

The long term solution requires us to address all fronts – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It requires the human race to work together as a team to detoxify and upgrade our bodies, communities and institutions, so that all have access to clean water, organic fresh foods, conscious education, and healthcare that is not sick care in disguise.
This will obviously take time. Since our entire history has been manufactured, we are here to remember, and rewrite everything about who we are, what we desire to create in this world, and how we can leave this planet a better place for our children and their children.
These are some of the short term solutions I have received:

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Friday, August 24, 2018

I'm Back....'s been a rather long hiatus. I don't know if I am going to be doing this on a regular basis again, but I felt to check in for some reason. Maybe it was the ayahuasca journey, maybe the increasing insanity on the planet, maybe it's the desire to make a positive contribution....probably all of the above. I know nothing about anything, really. It's all conjecture, a conversation I have with myself.

This is what I have come to's all in my head. Except that I really have no head to speak of, only this vast space wherein things come and go. As perceived, so appears. There is the conditioned mind constantly interpreting the data from the senses into this holographic reality according to preconceived thing leads to another, and another, a seemingly endless panoply unfolding in time. And then there's the aware void, the still point, before anything begins, untouched, unsullied by all of it. When grounded in this awareness, it is more like a movie than anything else, something this "I" simultaneously watches and participates in. There is no investment in any outcome. But "I" am all in.

Oh, there are many opportunities to numb out and attempt to escape and certainly it is understandable why anyone would want to. In so many ways, it's all too much.  Even the spiritual stuff depends on us believing we are NOT THAT, even though we ARE THAT which we seek. So the marketplace lures us on, even in our attempt to escape this matrix mind-control hologram.

it's such a small step, so easy to miss. But you have to STOP. Stop seeking, stop buying, stop wanting something ELSE. Be if you came to the end of the road and there was just a deep abyss, and you turned around to find where you had been no longer existed either. Think about it....what if NONE of it is real? What if it is just a story we tell ourselves over and over again because to stop is to face our fear of annihilation? What if we just let ourselves get swallowed by the nothing that we fear? The thing is, the fear itself is just part of the story, part of the script. It's the door to the way OUT. Sort of. Because all that happens is the bubble pops, and you are free.

Don't just take my word for it, try it! You'll be surprised....

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Parts 1-4

Excellent introduction to all that leads to awakening consciousness. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

2012: Time for Change

2012: Time for Change - CZ from jiloun on Vimeo.

“2012: Time for Change” presents an optimistic alternative to apocalyptic doom and gloom. Directed by Emmy Award nominee João Amorim, the film follows journalist Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, on a quest for a new paradigm that integrates the archaic wisdom of tribal cultures with the scientific method. As conscious agents of evolution, we can redesign post-industrial society on ecological principles to make a world that works for all. Rather than breakdown and barbarism, 2012 heralds the birth of a regenerative planetary culture where collaboration replaces competition, where exploration of psyche and spirit becomes the new cutting edge, replacing the sterile materialism that has pushed our world to the brink.