Monday, April 13, 2020
Quantum Medicine for the Corona Virus
Coronavirus – The Aftermath. A Coming Mega-Depression...and what you can do about it...
By Peter Koenig
April 12, 2020 "Information Clearing House" - What will be next? Is a question on many people’s minds. Very likely the world will never be the same again. That might be good, or not so good, depending on how we look at this disastrous, “pandemic” which by all serious accounts does not deserve the term “pandemic”, that was unwittingly attributed to the SARS-2-CoV, or 2019-nCoV, renamed by WHO as COVID-19.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
My Refrigerator
So I’ve been watching this whole drama unfold around the COVID-19 issue and it looks to me like an opportunist grab for power by technocrats. A lot of people are suffering both illness and economic disaster while those holding the reins steer us over an Orwellian cliff. it has brought to my thinking that at some point I may have to choose to go against the grain. Again. Oh well...
Monday, March 11, 2013
Meditation Talk by Avtar - Eden Atenas, Costa Rica
Sunday, March 6, 2011
World Freedom Day -- Pura Vida From Costa Rica!
I greatly admire the work of Steve Beckow (The 2012 Scenario), especially his ability to consolidate current events with spiritual material. When he began sharing his vision of World Freedom Day, I was instantly inspired to somehow be involved, yet here where I live in Costa Rica, I wasn't sure in what manner that would present itself. Since Life always guides me correctly when I allow it to do so, I knew that if there was a way to serve it would be made effortlessly clear. Sure enough, right there on the World Freedom Day website update, it listed a gentleman by the name of Geoffrey West giving a talk at the University of Peace right here in Costa Rica and planning a Free Hugs event. I immediately left a message and comment for Steve requesting contact info for Geoff. I was very impressed that Steve found the time to immediately put me in touch with Geoff, and after exchanging emails, we agreed to meet.
Geoff relayed to me his plans for his lecture at UPEACE on March 1st and expressed a wish that there was someone available to film his presentation. How exciting it was for me to offer my assistance having bought a very nice digital camcorder last year thinking to allow one of my son's to use it for a project, and now not knowing for what purpose it might serve. So I accepted the assignment of chronicler of Geoff's talk and, though I am not a professional by any means, it all was such a great learning experience. Though not many students showed up because administration had scheduled Geoff the last day of the semester, the energy was high, and those of us aware enough to do so, just sent love and light everywhere! There being no time/space limits in reality meant everyone got the message. Geoff basically gave a rudimentary introduction to what is really going on right now in our corner of the universe, the raising of energies in preparation for humanity coming into full Awakening and how that is reflected in different events occurring across the globe. Some had never been exposed to this information, and you could just see how their minds were starting to process and assimilate the new ideas.
Unity of Costa Rica has been a favorite gathering spot for those interested in expanding awareness and raising consciousness, and Juan Enrique Toro, our beloved minister, gave a wonderful talk today about consciously choosing to turn the gaze of awareness inward and take full responsibility for those places in ourselves where we still harbor the belief in separation. If we engage in inner wars in our own psyches, then we are complicit in helping planetary conflict to continue in all its forms. This automatically changes when we shine the light of our own awareness into the dark corners of our mental/emotional closets and reclaim our freedom from the influence of the seeming darkness. It is only a mirage anyway, an illusion we bought into, so freedom in truth, is only a breath away.
This afternoon, several of us gathered at the Multiplaza Mall in Escazu to pass out Free Hugs to anyone willing to partake. No proselytizing an agenda, no need to educate, just love in action. Again, I was privileged to capture the event on film, which we hope to make available on You Tube after editing. Just to witness the looks of surprise, curiosity, smiles, laughter, tears, as well as those of concern and disbelief....well it was all incredible, every moment! We are all on this amazing journey towards Oneness together, and everyone holds a divine spark reflecting this Oneness. The heart inherently KNOWS this, and when it gets a chance to shine, the world becomes paradise instantly! I saw this happen over and over again today.
Thank you Steve, Geoff, Vicky, Vicki, Bonnie, Heather, and everyone else who showed up today, for your inspiration, and for doing your part. I am pleased to be in the company of those who serve Life's Awakening.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
World Freedom Day is Sunday, March 6th, 2011
By Steve Beckow
As a sovereign citizen of Planet Earth, I invite humanity to observe Sunday, March 6, 2011, as World Freedom Day.
I invite us, on that day, to join together, actually or mentally, physically or spiritually, to celebrate the desire of every man, woman and child on Earth to live freely, to live a life without oppression, anxiety and fear, a life of love, unity, and peace.
I invite us to join together in whatever way we can. I ask those who are able, to walk down to their town square and experience together their unity by assembling and looking each other in the face and affirming to each other that the world will be free. I ask them to assemble at 12 noon local time and celebrate each other’s company. No organization is necessary, no agenda, no ritual. Mere presence is enough.
Let all look around themselves on that day and know that the mere act of gathering is the message itself, that by being there everyone is saying that the world will be free. Let their presence in that square communicate to the world the desire of people everywhere to walk free, speak free, and be free.
At 12:30 p.m., let the assembly of people enter a moment of silence and bless the sacrifice of those who have died or been injured that the world may breathe free. Let them thank those who have paid for world freedom with their blood and their lives.
Let them silently acknowledge themselves and their assembled brothers and sisters, all gathered to tell the elites of the world, the despots, the military dictators, all those who are not friends of freedom now, that freedom has been reborn in the world.
Let all this be done peacefully, with no intent to harm to another, not even a harmful wish. Let it be done with love and goodwill. Let the people say silently with goodwill and compassion that the world is free, has always been free, and will be free again and no other way.
At the end of this universal minute of silence, let the people cheer, around the world, in celebration of freedom, which can never be lost spiritually no matter what their situation is. Let them declare the freedom of the entire human race, its unity, and its commitment to peace.
Those who live in a society where assembly is not yet permitted, where there is not even that measure of freedom, let them stop where they are, at 12:30 p.m., or if they cannot even stop lest they be punished, let them simply observe inwardly, a minute of silence. Or if even silence is not permitted, let them observe in their hearts a thought for the people of the world who have gathered to be free and who have suffered that freedom may be. And silently if they can, at the end of it, let them join with their brothers and sisters everywhere in building a common sentiment, a common thought form, which circles the globe and empowers the thought of world freedom. read more…
Friday, February 12, 2010
Be at Peace
If there was anything of value that I could say, it would be that whatever you are thinking is true, let go of it as quickly as possible and come back to HERE. All of thought is a secondary notion, a borrowed contrivance, a story believed. Awakening is an unraveling, an undoing of all that was and is, a return to the delight of pure emptiness.
And this is exactly what is happening in the world, and it is so interesting to watch the scrambling for position, the attempt to hold on to the melting icicle of an illusionary world with no substance. It is like an actor who has so succumbed to his role that at the end of the movie he cannot remember the truth of who he was before the story began. YOU ARE NOT YOUR STORY!
The fear and tension only comes because you have so identified with this earthly coil that the Truth of you seems to be a fantasy...but there was a time not so long ago that you saw through the veil clearly and let it fall away. The dream is fading now....just let it, allow it to came here to awaken so let it happen!
The events in the world are the natural result of humanity's decision to be the butterfly breaking from the chrysalis, or a child being born, there is discomfort and struggle. But the result is inevitable and ultimately joyous. Find a quiet place to sit with a few good friends and enjoy the ride!
We are here in Costa Rica, evolving community, allowing it all to unfold....
There is no way to define this by any prior definitions as the moment unfolds itself...and here words fail and I am again rendered speechless....
Be at Peace, All is Well...
Monday, May 4, 2009
Is It Time to Jump?
But people are now starting to wake up to the truth about it all, not just that we've been trained all our lives to be the slaves to this usurious economic system, but also that we are not just bit players in someone else's story. We are waking up outside of the mental matrix that has kept us on the merry-go-round of fear and confusion. We are discovering that we are not the content of our thoughts, any more than a computer is its programs. Many of us are looking for a new way to function that is outside the known, where we can finally align with our inner authenticity and creativity and give it room to breathe and grow.
When I look at the system as it is, I recognize its dysfunction. It is not designed for individual freedom at all, even though we have been taught since kindergarten that we are the free-est nation on earth. It is designed to implant in our thoughts and psyches the beliefs and reasoning that will turn us into good little consumers and taxpayers, so that the system, which benefits only those who developed the system, continues, reaping vast profits for those in control at the expense of everyone else. And the United States is the best example of how well they've succeeded in getting us to buy what they're selling.
What's really weird is when you realize that the psychological and social experiment has been an incredible success. Government and the corporate sector have received immense political and economic power because we volunteered to give it to them. In exchange, we get the burden of humongous debt. What a great ruse, eh?
So how to get out of this trap? Many believe we must go head to head with these bozos, protesting, blogging, reporting every last bit of insanity, blocking legislation or coming up with new legislation to punish the bad guys. But while we go around making a lot of noise and shaking our fists, they are quietly in the background continuing to play out their game. We think we have accomplished something by marching in the rain with our placards and signs, listening to those great inspirational speeches, and buddying up with our disgruntled neighbors for a bit, but ultimately it ends up being another distraction and nothing really changes. The number one thing we must each realize is that there is NO WHITE KNIGHT! There is no savior coming to rescue you! YOU are the only one who can create the change you seek. Why do you think you are so fed up with your cookie cutter life, based on what someone else told you it should be? The truth is, we are meant to be FREE, truly free, to live a uniquely, authentic life from your deepest dreams, not to be shuttled onto a conveyor belt where it's all decided for you.
So, if you've realized there's no rescue, what are you waiting for? Do you dare to say no to whatever is draining your energy, your attention, and your pocketbook? Whatever objects you've surrounded yourself with are your prison. Let them go. Whoever keeps you in check, afraid to say, do and be the truth, slave to a clock or a schedule or a diet or a doctrine or anything outside yourself, let them go. Not with anger and hate, but with the realization that it was just an honest case of mistaken identity. And then do what you've dared to dream. You already know what that is. You've been afraid to think it, let alone say it. But NOW is the time, and HERE is the place, and there's no getting around it this time. There's no escape.
To step outside the known is the greatest adventure imaginable. It allows for great revolutionary, evolutionary acts. It is moment to moment creation, incredibly alive and creative. It is knowing that whatever you thought you needed faith in is so real, that faith become superfluous. What is needed becomes very simple and clear. Food, water, shelter, clothing, these things are the bottom line. Life in all simplicity is absolutely abundant. It isn't about accumulating stuff or money, anymore. It's about LIVING, being FULLY ALIVE EVERY MOMENT!
Friday, March 20, 2009
What is an Intentional Community?
by Kelly N Patterson
There are thousands of intentional communities all over the world: for a better idea, just visit the intentional community international directory at There are hundreds of intentional communities in Costa Rica alone. There are so many of these communities in Costa Rica that an online, open-source directory of these Costa Rican communities is currently being constructed, called the Intentional Conscious Communities of Costa Rica (ICCCR) directory (coming soon to
By definition, an intentional community is a planned, usually residential community designed, operated and maintained by a group. The members of an intentional community typically hold a common social, political, religious , or spiritual vision. Community members also share responsibilities and resources. Intentional communities are all inclusive; they include co-housing communities, residential land trusts , eco-villages, communes , holistic and alternative health retreat centers, organic farms, kibbutzim , ashrams, student co-ops, and housing cooperatives . They are often called “Conscious Communities” throughout Costa Rica. Usually new members of an intentional community are selected by the community's existing membership, rather than by real-estate agents or land owners (if the land is not owned collectively by the community.)
The ICCCR’s definition of an intentional conscious community is any shared work and housing group, community or program that seeks to do a combination or elements of mind-body-spirit-earth work that is eco-sustainable and empowers the local community (Ticos!): nonprofit organizations, social entrepreneurial programs, and small businesses alike.
The ICCCR, seeks to identify, assess, and unify these communities through an informational, open-source web portal, with the ultimate objective of empowering these communities through networking; skills-share; marketing their products and services locally, domestically and internationally; information exchange; capacity-building workshops; matching them with conscious investors and stewards; as well as keeping them up to date on funding opportunities such as social entrepreneurial grants and carbon credits.
Ultimately, the ICCCR seeks to empower these intentional conscious communities in Costa Rica in order that they can be economically sustainable, as well as eco-sustainable, stimulate their local economies, and protect Costa Rica’s natural resources (the rainforests are just one of many!) from big development. The ICCCR seeks to be a valuable tool for Costa Rica’s natural resource management.
The ICCCR, in collaboration with Fincas Amanecer and Fincas Paraiso Verde (both organic farm communities in Londres, Quepos) are holding their very first workshop for intentional communities in Costa Rica:
Intentional Conscious Community Planning Hands-On Workshop (For Beginners/Forming Communities to Established Communities): March 27-30, 2009
Workshops include how to write a short-term and long-term business plan for people who do not speak Business; how to market your products and services on the internet (social media network marketing); how carbon credits work; how to procure social entrepreneurial grants and seed money; pigs for propane; an edible and medicinal plant tour (which can be used as an income generation tool for eco-communities!); and then valuable information about legal, business and residency issues in Costa Rica.
Monday, February 2, 2009
First 3-Day Silent Retreat in Costa Rica
Our Zendo |
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Our Daily Focus |
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The Buddha Watches.... |
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Reflecting Stillness... |
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Beauty Is... |