This blog is only about awakening, nothing more, nothing less. Anything that will contribute to the possibility of complete liberation from the dream, or from the mass hallucination of humanity, or from the mental matrix, or from the false self, or from the lie, or any other label you want to call it, is welcome here. The key words are FREEDOM and JOY. Sometimes I think this reporting about stuff just keeps the false story going and only adds to the insanity, and there's too much of that already. But something is trying to pry the lid off still, something awaits to be seen. We are all in this boat together, so here we go......have fun!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Globalization of Goodwill

Lhasa, Tibet, Saturday 8/8/20
ANY motion can be turned to humanity’s advantage. The current cranky and ill-conceived effort by somewhat demented tinkerers to control the planet is no exception.
Several great positives have emerged from their psychological warfare offensive against the people.
One is that they have revealed themselves, their methods and their collaborators and accomplices a little too much for their own comfort.
Another is that they have thereby made themselves the common enemy in the minds of many people throughout the human community and that, at last, is the CORRECT TARGET.
Another is that they have inadvertently increased the sense of brotherhood among people, the concept of humanity as one race wherein our nations – ideally at least – are self-governing neighbourhoods confederated into a broader global community.
Another is the speed with which the culprits – the global crime syndicate of psychanthropists, would-be authoritarians and utopian tinkerers who just LOVE to use the planet’s human community as their experimental laboratory –  were found out.
Another has been the speed with which resistance has flourished, a growth that is now almost exponential and promises to sweep the globalist criminals aside in a massive groundswell of popular revolt – PROVIDED we persist.
But there’s another from which we should all take even greater heart. Consider:

  • There are MANY good people out there willing and able to speak out and fight back even at personal risk. This has been a revelation and one should take great pride in belonging to species capable of such courage and character, man’s habitual defamers and detractors notwithstanding.
  • Among these heroes of the evolution are a veritable army of medical professionals, people of great honour who take the Hippocratic oath seriously and are not about to let the politics of totalitarian turds force them into violating it.
  • There are millions of people of goodwill willing and able to get along. Among the vast majority of human beings there is NO thirst for war, destruction or mayhem, no desire to rob or deceive or cheat or disenfranchise their fellows.
  • Among them are people of immense ingenuity, capability, creativity and constructive power. And YOU are one of them.
  • There are advanced technologies capable of producing wonders in so many fields thanks to the powerful minds of generations of thinking men and women.
  • There is a sane pro-survival desire among the human communities of Earth for unity and the protections afforded self and others by just laws applicable to all. It is that very desire that has been hijacked by the globalists and perverted into the incremental process of enslavement. Yet that human drive for cooperation, peace and unity as a species is nonetheless real and worthy.

The point I am making here is that, right here and now, we the people of the human community of Earth have in our possession ALL the ingredients, components, skills, resources, willingness and desire necessary for the construction of a new and betterg lobal  civilisation.
They comprise the wherewithal for a new kind of globalism infinitely more desirable, beneficial and endurable than the shabby, tawdry and uninspiring imitation put forth by the globalists, a global community not enforced or imposed by trickery and deceit but GROWN from the grass roots and which consults the willingness and desire of people of good will, which the planet has in great abundance.
The globalists, intent upon their self-serving mockery don’t want you to know this. Hence the turmoil, the infiltration and sabotage of decent movements, the divide-and-rule and the relentless injection of dismay into the affairs of men.
But their crime syndicate is of no service or help to Man and therefore of no value. They have nothing to offer humanity and stand merely as an impediment to our  creation of something vastly superior
They are getting in our road.
Sweep them aside.
For we can conceive and play a better game.

Time to Reimagine Our Waking Dream

I dreamed I was underwater, in a vast garden of green leafy sea vegetables, growing upward endlessly toward the filtering light of day. I understood that there was an endless supply of this delicious, nutritionally dense food, and that earth was designed to give abundantly to all who dwelt upon her. I gathered the stalks as I ascended upward, intending to share this with everyone I could....

Coming out of the depths of that dream, I realized we are enthralled by a  very different dream, one of scarcity, fear, and self-hatred. It’s one that has been taught to us throughout all our cultural experiences, to think of the world and participate in  society according to it’s dictates. Sometimes, if we are lucky, something comes along and pops our bubble, and we are suddenly outside the box, no longer a part of the matrix. Then we see our programming for what it is and can think constructively and originally again, practicing and using our skills and not being obsessed with the contents of our thoughts.

Our thoughts, all of them, are designed by what information we are exposed to and we have been exposed to a world that primarily serves a small smattering of very selfish and dis-eased people who fabricated a social experiment that captured and steered the perceptions of billions. You must not believe a single thought in your head that has no correlation to your present moment reality. It is being mesmerized, an illusionist’s trick. That small glitch between being lost and being found, happens in an instant. 

Practice very present and at ease with what is. If you want to learn this technique, study a cat. Discover what is available to you as information by being fully absorbed in the sensation of consciousness-ing. Every bit of truth imaginal is available to you here. It is the only reality where choice is optional because you are no longer operating on automatic. Take a deep dive into a close encounter with yourself.

Then...ACT from that space within that is in harmony with this planet and all that lives upon her...a much deeper knowing than Google AI will ever replícate or express. Billions of years of ancient wisdom reverberate within, a rhythmic heartbeat, the call of the drums of our elder teachers and shamans. We each arise brand new from that place, and uniquely flower when we shake off the shackles and free ourselves.

We are surfing a rough and tumble sea. Find your balance. Relax. BE safe. You are THAT...!




(First of all, be forewarned this video is an hour and a half long, so settle in for a bit. This video will show you a history of fraud perpetuated throughout the last several decades stemming from numerous successful attempts to fabricate diseases and then profit from them. The beneficiaries of this fraud have been politicians, pharmaceutical companies, and various bad actors who have played their parts to the T and been well rewarded. This video focuses on AIDS and highlights certain struggles that will look like an exact replica of what we are being faced with today. Many highly respected and recognized doctors and scientists dissenting views were ignored and denigrated just as many in the same league are being shut off from the internet and silenced today. This is not Fauci’s first go round on the spin parade, so why are we trusting him now? This man should be in jail...)

Saturday, August 8, 2020



(My take away from this interview is that now, more than ever before, we are needing to make some serious choices about what we value and what kind of lives we want to lead. I seriously see that a split will develop between those who heed the warning and those that choose to stay at home, wear a mask, and eventually accept the shot and all that comes with it. I am making the call to anyone in Costa Rica who is feeling the call for Family, Tribe, and Community, join the conversation HERE...)



Dylan Charles, Editor

During the run up to 2012 the world was fascinated by the idea of the shift, that is, an awakening that first takes place within the individual, then radiates outward into our communities and societies at large, changing the world for the better.
At that time, attention was mainly focused around the personal dynamics involved in this, including the work of navigating the upheaval and turmoil that precedes inner peace and profound transformation. Much of this shift was triggered by newfound awareness of the corruption and deception in our political and social institutions. The pain of realizing that the material world is built on lies left us with no place to go but inward.
We explored meditation and energy healing, radically altered our diets, opened our minds to different ways of thinking and relating to the world, embraced ancestral wisdom, and we fearlessly answered the call to purge, heal and connect. The energy around this was very intense, but it inspired a tremendous sense of wonder and creativity.
But, as all things do, the flow in this new space began to ebb, and since around 2016 it has felt like a major regression happened, taking us back into the dense, murky energies of cognitive dissonance and willful ignorance. So much so, that the last few years has had many of us wondering what the hell the point was in all of this. We began to doubt that our willingness to change had any real value in a world so hopelessly shipwrecked in the shallow end of the pool.
When 2020 began, nothing had substantively changed in the world around us, and for many of us, this muddled our sense of purpose and direction. Many of us fell back into old habits and old pursuits. Business and pleasure.
And then all of a sudden, boom! Here we are.
No denying it now, the train has left the station and everything is being exposed. All of the darkness, depravity and evil that we’ve been collectively covering up and ignoring for generations is squealing and squirming in this flash of bright light. The powers that be see what’s happening, they’ve revealed their hand, and they’re pulling out all the stops in order to maintain the illusion of control.
Indeed, we find ourselves in quite a vulnerable position, and since we’ve been quarantined from all of the distractions that’ve helped to blanket us from reality, we can no longer avoid the truth. A new awakening is happening now, and this time it is global. We can no longer numb ourselves to this.
“We numb vulnerability — when we’re waiting for the call… This is the world we live in. We live in a vulnerable world. And one of the ways we deal with it is we numb vulnerability…
And I think there’s evidence — and it’s not the only reason this evidence exists, but I think it’s a huge cause — We are the most in-debt … obese … addicted and medicated adult cohort in U.S. history. The problem is — and I learned this from the research — that you cannot selectively numb emotion. You can’t say, here’s the bad stuff. Here’s vulnerability, here’s grief, here’s shame, here’s fear, here’s disappointment. I don’t want to feel these. I’m going to have a couple of beers and a banana nut muffin.” ~Brené Brown
As the awakening rolls forward, it’s taking everyone with it. How it ends is anyone’s guess, and since we’re all along for the ride, it may be insightful to connect some of what we’re feeling to the bigger picture of the change that is coming our way.