This blog is only about awakening, nothing more, nothing less. Anything that will contribute to the possibility of complete liberation from the dream, or from the mass hallucination of humanity, or from the mental matrix, or from the false self, or from the lie, or any other label you want to call it, is welcome here. The key words are FREEDOM and JOY. Sometimes I think this reporting about stuff just keeps the false story going and only adds to the insanity, and there's too much of that already. But something is trying to pry the lid off still, something awaits to be seen. We are all in this boat together, so here we go......have fun!

Showing posts with label creation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creation. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Alive Ones


By Caitlin Johnstone

The opposite of life is not death.

The opposite of life is habit.

One who moves from cradle to grave
in the flip book illusion we call time
without deeply attending to this cavalcade of miracles
is one who never lived.

Lifeless are they who live by habit,
who walk by habit,
who sit by habit,
who see by habit,
who think by habit,
who feel by habit.
Lifeless are they who drift through on dead patterns
instead of giving the omnipresent Holiness its due reverence.

The alive ones meet each moment
like a dog greets its master at the door after work.
They do not think: they wonder.
They do not watch: they marvel.
They do not walk: they adventure.
They do not sit: they engage.
They do not wait: they worship.

Awe was never meant to be exceptional.
Awe is the only sane response to this mess.
The alive ones know this.
The alive ones live this.
The mundane does not exist for them.
The ordinary is a fairy tale told by the lifeless
to which the alive listen with rapt fasciation.

They take in breath with the passion of a lover in bed.
They entertain light in their retinas like a beloved guest.
They merrily lose every war with the world.
They dance without music in the frozen food aisle.
They go out into the rain with bare feet and empty wine glasses.
They greet every experience with exuberant curiosity,
and as death approaches it receives that same greeting.

And when they are gone those they leave behind
will be saddened but fulfilled,
and so very grateful,
to have known one who truly showed up here.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Time to Reimagine Our Waking Dream

I dreamed I was underwater, in a vast garden of green leafy sea vegetables, growing upward endlessly toward the filtering light of day. I understood that there was an endless supply of this delicious, nutritionally dense food, and that earth was designed to give abundantly to all who dwelt upon her. I gathered the stalks as I ascended upward, intending to share this with everyone I could....

Coming out of the depths of that dream, I realized we are enthralled by a  very different dream, one of scarcity, fear, and self-hatred. It’s one that has been taught to us throughout all our cultural experiences, to think of the world and participate in  society according to it’s dictates. Sometimes, if we are lucky, something comes along and pops our bubble, and we are suddenly outside the box, no longer a part of the matrix. Then we see our programming for what it is and can think constructively and originally again, practicing and using our skills and not being obsessed with the contents of our thoughts.

Our thoughts, all of them, are designed by what information we are exposed to and we have been exposed to a world that primarily serves a small smattering of very selfish and dis-eased people who fabricated a social experiment that captured and steered the perceptions of billions. You must not believe a single thought in your head that has no correlation to your present moment reality. It is being mesmerized, an illusionist’s trick. That small glitch between being lost and being found, happens in an instant. 

Practice very present and at ease with what is. If you want to learn this technique, study a cat. Discover what is available to you as information by being fully absorbed in the sensation of consciousness-ing. Every bit of truth imaginal is available to you here. It is the only reality where choice is optional because you are no longer operating on automatic. Take a deep dive into a close encounter with yourself.

Then...ACT from that space within that is in harmony with this planet and all that lives upon her...a much deeper knowing than Google AI will ever replícate or express. Billions of years of ancient wisdom reverberate within, a rhythmic heartbeat, the call of the drums of our elder teachers and shamans. We each arise brand new from that place, and uniquely flower when we shake off the shackles and free ourselves.

We are surfing a rough and tumble sea. Find your balance. Relax. BE safe. You are THAT...!


Monday, July 27, 2020

Exploring the Subtle Realms: The Issue of Skepticism

Have you developed Covid Interpretation Fatigue (CIF) yet? 
It’s a rapidly spreading secondary condition of the virus. Symptoms include deep sighs and eyes glazing over on coming across yet another profound analysis of ‘what’s really going on.’ 
I mean, I know that the coronavirus is the brontosaurus in the room right now but…..enough already. Can’t we talk about anything else? 
In this spirit, I’m returning today to a topic I was writing about just before we got shipwrecked on Pandemic Island. The subtle realms and how we develop our relationship with them. 
There is much to say about this topic, so I plan to explore it over a series of posts in the coming months. 
Don’t tell anyone, but the truth is that this subject is far more than a fascinating diversion from current affairs. That’s because the exploration of the subtle realms and the beings we encounter there is an inescapable step in the process of restoring our connection with the Earth, in all its mysterious depths. Developing our relationship with these realms opens a direct channel of connection between us and the creative intelligence of nature. Once established, this bridge provides an inexhaustible source of guidance that can transform our lives into a truly magical unfolding. Nature is constantly feeding us creative ideas that bring us into ever deeper and more delightful forms of self-expression that are also in harmony with the whole of life. As our external systems and supports dissolve around us in the challenging passage ahead, knowing how to follow this magical trail will become an increasingly vital navigational capacity.
At the same time, our explorations of these realms form part of a profound collective process unfolding in our times to re-connect human consciousness with the natural, multidimensional intelligence of life. This change in consciousness is crucial to enable us to access and embody the holistic solution patterns for the meta-crisis we find ourselves in. 
And so (we can now all see), this shift is WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON. It’s what the Covid19 crisis IS ALL ABOUT.
Oh darn. There I go again. Wading into profound analysis territory. My sincere apologies. I’ll stop now. I’m a responsible global citizen and I do not wish to spread CIF. 
The subtle realms: encountering skepticism
One of the first things we can encounter when exploring the subtle realms is our skepticism. Even if we want to develop a deeper relationship with these dimensions, we often find within ourselves a barrier of doubt. Anyone who has received a modern Western education has been deeply conditioned to regard experiences of these realms as mere figments of our imagination. Thus we tend to have developed within ourselves an internalized guardian of the orthodox, disenchanted modern worldview. Whenever an experience starts to arise that seems to threaten that picture of reality, this guardian steps in to shut it down, often with considerable force. 

Monday, June 15, 2020

Global Days of Unity

Global Days of Unity is a unifying field for all forces, voices and expressions of love to co-create a whole that transcends the sum of its parts. It’s an invitation for the community of love and consciousness to come together on the 3rd weekend of every month to infuse the collective field with vibrations of Unity, Peace and Love.
Change will not come to us, it will come through us when we are awake to the fullness of who we are and connected to the fundamental truth of oneness. As we change, the world will change. Infusing the collective field with energies of love is the beginning of a new humanity.
The time is now…
Not marching, not fighting, and not legislating, but co-creating an intentional energetic impact. Wherever you are, let us co-create an ever growing circle of connection from all across the earth to resonate, amplify and infuse the field of consciousness with vibrations of Unity, Peace and Love.
This isn’t a one-off moment of mediation. This is the moment that so many of us have been longing for; the beginning of an unprecedented shift in consciousness which creates the spaciousness for a whole new paradigm to emerge.
We all have a role to play, and we are all needed.
While actions are essential, transformation will only come when we first transform ourselves and allow our actions to rise out of this new energetic reality.
This is about the courage to fly together on the wings of the unknown and the humility to co-discover the unimaginable.
Welcome home.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Time to Shine Your Light in This World of Fear and Distress

With very best wishes for a transformed world,
Fred Burks for the PEERS empowerment websites

Excerpts from the article “Hidden Hand: Interview...”
Can you look beyond what your eyes are showing you to find and express love and happiness in a world of fear and distress? If you can, you will be as a beacon of light into the darkness. Will you succumb to the darkness, or will you stand and shine your inner light? Only you can make that decision for yourself. 
Look at the things in your life that you most love to do. Ask yourself what makes you most happy. Experience these things as often as possible, as they will be related to some of the things you chose to put into your soul contract to do here. 
Also look at the negative things that often seem to recur during your lifetime. It will be highly likely that these are also things that you chose to come here to work upon. 
Use your negative emotions when they arise as the tools that they truly are. Train yourself to notice when negativity arises in you. When you catch yourself projecting a negative thought, remember that all thought is creative, and ask yourself if that is really what you want to create. 
It takes a while to become proficient, but do not give up. Just keep noticing your negative thought patterns as they arise, and in so doing, simply choose again and select a response that is more positive. It is called working on yourself and is the main reason you have chosen to be here right now – to work upon yourself.
Guard your thoughts carefully, as they are more powerful than you may imagine. If you see doom and gloom, then that is what you are projecting. The world is your mirror. It reflects back to you what you are putting out. If you do not like the reflection life is showing you, then change that which is causing it.
When you remember who you are and you know it deep within the core of your being, you will know and recognize your invisible connection to All That Is. And in so doing, joy, thanksgiving, and service will be the natural outpouring result from your grateful heart.
There is a big difference between loving yourself and being selfish. When you truly understand what it is to know and love yourself, you cannot help but to love and serve others. When you understand this at the core level of your being, you will be on the path Home.
Be as a light shining in the darkness. Do not burn others with your light, but rather allow them to be drawn to your light. And be of service to those who come to you willingly. In other words, do not become evangelical with your message, but rather be the enigmatic and loving "wise old sage", to whom others are drawn to because of the quality of vibration, rather than the volume of rhetoric.
Most importantly, practice that which you preach. Others must be able to see the effect of our Infinite Creator conducting his wonderful work through you. But above all things, keep working upon yourself and keep choosing the positive – being of service to others. Do it not because you feel that you must, but because you desire to. When you work upon yourself and learn to know the creator within you, being of service to others will be natural for you.
There is a simple method to check upon your progress. Despite what appears to being going on in the world around you, how loving and harmonious are your personal relationships? Remember that the world is your mirror. It casts back at you the reflection of that which you have projected into it. How many arguments do you find yourself engaging in? Is there bitterness and acrimony within the ranks? Do you look at others and think about how you would like to change them? Or do you love them and accept them as they are? 

Friday, May 15, 2020

Collective Evolution and Individual Enlightening are the Same Thing

Revolution–the real kind–is an inside job.

This is not a click-friendly fact to highlight. Whenever I talk about revolution as having more to do with sincere inner work than with demonstrations and pitchforks and the proletariat rising up against the bourgeoisie, I get met with a lot of blank stares and dead air. It’s much more click-friendly to talk about how terrible this or that politician or oligarch or media figure is and how they should be launched into the sun with a giant crossbow.

It’s true though. Revolution is an inside job.

This is not a click-friendly thing to say because it is not an egoically pleasing thing to say. When they ask why the world is screwed up and what to do about it, people want to be told that it’s because of those Bad Guys over there and they need to be put in their place by these Good Guys over here; they don’t want to be told they need to disentangle themselves from egoic consciousness so they can see clearly enough to operate in an efficacious way.

But it’s a fact.

This is not some new agey, metaphysical philosophical position. I’m not saying that there are no villains outside yourself or any of that dopey spiritual woo woo crap; there absolutely are horrible people in the world who absolutely are doing horrible things that have absolutely horrible consequences for all of us. I’m not saying that if you do inner work you’ll magically make the sociopathic elites who are manipulating humanity toward its doom somehow turn into nice people via some esoteric mystical principle or anything like that. And I’m definitely not saying not to organize, demonstrate or take large, decisive actions against establishment power structures.

What I am saying is that the most effective thing you can do to fight the bastards and create a healthy world is to bring clarity to your own inner processes, so that’s where your energy should be most emphasized.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Magician Awakes

by Jon Rappoport
July 15, 2013

Here is another section from my unfinished manuscript, The Magician Awakes.

In this scene, the "speaker" is talking to Jimmy in a cheap hotel room. Jimmy has volunteered to go to FreeTown, which some people call FryTown, because they suspect it's a prison.

But it isn't. It's an offworld colony where men and women seeking a different kind of life are emigrating.

Jimmy and the speaker have already been talking for hours. Jimmy thinks he's qualified to take his place in the new colony, but the speaker has his doubts, and he expresses them at length in this final wrap-up:

Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. I keep talking to you, but everything I say disappears. How do you do that? You're a black hole.

It's as if you're folding time back in on itself, Jim. Do you really believe there's nothing new under the sun?

All the ideas worth contemplating have already been hashed over, and it's just a matter of going Spiritual Shopping at the great mall?

Most people live in the past, Jim, whether they admit it or not. So they guard it. They patrol it with weapons loaded.

New ideas are never preordained.  That's a hard one for people to swallow, Jimmy. They enjoy thinking about a universal library that contains all thoughts. Or an ideal invisible universe that's already there. All laid out. Is that what you believe in?

They prefer it to the notion that something can come from nothing.

But nothing is exactly where something comes from, Jim.

There is no such thing as smooth cause-and-effect from the past to the present. That's a fairy tale. There are always gaps, Jimmy. In our best moments, we live in the gaps.

People want to plug up the nothing and pave it over with explanations. Hundreds, thousands, millions of explanations.

God is a favorite. He created us with free will but he didn't want us to create anything new? Is that how you think it really works, Jimmy? I don't even know whether you believe in God, Jim, but if you do, I bet you have a pretty strange idea about who he is.

You think he made everything there was to make all at once, and then he stopped, and there we were, with freedom, but everything was already laid out? How do you square that, Jim?

If you want to describe the nothing from which something comes, you could do a lot worse than "invention."

You invent.

"Nothing new" equals slavery.

The fear of new ideas is the fear of inventing.

The universe isn't a mother or father, Jimmy. No. It isn't whispering instructions in our ears.

The universe is "deciding whether things are meant to be?" Are you kidding, Jim? Where did you get that one from? A New Age church on Sunday? From a guy in a suit that cost five grand who has a thousand-yard stare and a smile plastered on his face?

There's a Great Plan? You mean, Jim, the Plan blots out all your freedom and you're just a machine trying to figure out what your programming is so you can follow it? Is that your best shot?

Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy.

What am I going to do with you?

You're walking around the dinner table looking at the food and you're reaching out to put something on your plate, and then you're drawing back. You're hungry but you're not.

You're doing yes, no, and maybe. You're looking for a way in and a way out.

You want to punch a time clock but you want to be free.

Let's say you're free right now. You'd have to ask yourself, what is freedom for?

What are you going to do with it?

Go back to the past, where everything is already settled? Is that what you want?

Imagine the whole world living in the past, moving along like one big machine, all the parts coordinated. Switch a few parts here, switch a few there. People trying to figure out what to do with their freedom inside the machine. That doesn't sound realistic, does it, Jim?

In the middle of that craziness, somebody stands up and says he has the most important ideas to share. He says they're time-tested and wonderful. But he's in the machine, too.

People believe in him, and they start oiling parts and oiling themselves, and changing locations here and there. They want a better machine.

Who is going to support this new "prophet?" The people who own the machine. That's who. But here's the thing. The people who own the machine are inside it, too. They just don't know it.

Could you dream up a more ridiculous situation?

I know some people believe the men who own the machine are outside it, but they aren't. If they were really free (outside), they wouldn't be stepping on everybody's head. They'd be doing something else. Trust me.

Freedom is real. If you take it. It feels so good, you wouldn't use it to crush people. Not in a million years.

You wouldn't do that with real freedom.

You know, Jim, we started with a lot of people like you in FreeTown. And it didn't work out. We made mistakes.

We had people who said they wanted freedom, but when they arrived at the colony, a strange thing happened. They went back to living the lives they had before.

We told them FreeTown wasn't the past, but they didn't understand. They were all about the principle of freedom, like you are, but inside them something else was going on.

They were putting themselves together like androids.

Look, Jimmy, we're not going to turn you down. We'll book your passage. But we have a way station. You'll stop there for three years first. Three years.

The way station's a special place. Some people call it Limbo, but that's ridiculous. It's anything but. But it is where you make your bones if you can.

It's stupidly simple, when you come right down to it. No frills. No jive. No symbolism or hocus-pocus. No ritual.

It's not a new kind of reality. It's not a place that does something to you. You do something to it. Which is the whole point, if you've been listening to anything I've been saying.

We call the way station by its proper name. The House of Clay.

You'll live in a little apartment over a studio. The place is all yours.
The studio has five thousand pounds of clay. Your job is to work the clay. Make anything you want from it. Use all of it. Make lots of things.

No rules. No guidelines. We don't care what you make.

After three years of doing that every day, you'll go to FreeTown.

We're betting on the fact that...

Well, I don't have to spell it out. I think you get it.

That's the deal. Are you willing to take it?

Everybody who lives in FreeTown has been through the House of Clay. We've all done it. See, Jimmy, it's one thing to say you want out of this system and you want freedom, but it's another thing to go to a place where freedom actually exists and not screw it up.

You have to start inventing, Jimmy.

That's what freedom is for.

Not just thinking about it. Doing it.

Inventing new realities.

Are you up for that?

Are you?

We're giving you the chance, if you want to take it.

Or go back to sleep, curl up in the bed you call freedom. Sleep in the past where nothing is new.

Jon Rappoport
The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Quantum Simplicity

... Quantum Simplicity ...

The universe, high and low, is really a "Divine-Make-Work" project. Everything runs on Universal Energy most people call God or TIL - The Infinite Light.  It's a Vibration of Energy and it's Neutral. The actual "Divine-Work-Makers" are Beings equivalent to what we could call animal-trainers. They control or program the lower worlds. Naturally, they are a few steps higher than the average lion tamer, for they are Divine Beings or Co-Creators. Meanwhile, all things are relative...

All worlds are similar to global size circuses and all the "Make-Work" is created so that Souls or Universal-Energy-Units are able to have experiences. Actually, many of these Units create their own experiences since all Units are Holograms of the ICU - the Infinite Creative Universe...

The ICU is The One Mind imagining that it is The Many and it lets its imagination run free within, or throughout all of its aspects. The trick is to enjoy this imagination, including the experiences it creates, without comparing them to others. If it was not for the Divine-Work-Makers, loosely called the Programmers, the universe would be totally stagnant or dead. It would be an infinite Computer without Software!  This way - all Aspects are busy and most have the idea that they are going some place...

Naturally, no one Being or Entity goes any place, because all happenings are dreams that take place in their own infinite Mind or Imagination. By design, no Being can pop out of its own dream at will. However, this does occur when True Awakening takes place. This happens to all dreamers or co-creators when they have reached the end of their Creative-Program or when they fully realize that the entire universal activity is nothing but a Divine-Make-Work project. All Beings or Entities cycle within the universe from Top to Bottom and up again. One cycle is called an Infinity. The universe is a Structered-Movement within Awareness or Consciousness. It is on an Infinite Journey without a specific destination - except the final goal of Full Awakening! We are Unborn Awareness cycling up and down as well as sideways...

Most Beings (and especially Human Beings) who speak to their fellow Beings about the Divine-Make-Work project are declared insane immediately! As a rule the masses are too busy to notice that they have been hit by the Truth. Most people, for example, hate the Truth and shun it like a plague. Yet, all of them are looking for it without realizing that they Are The Truth. All are very self-involved by trying to fix or save the world. They work the Light so to speak. Fixing and saving the world is a selfish addiction I call Feeling Important! Notwithstanding this nasty addiction - the allover effect of the Divine-Make-Work project gloriously declares the universe a win-win proposition. In other words - there are no losers...

It is mandatory for all humans and other creatures to be subjected to the Divine-Make-Work project. It's an automatic or a default situation!  Eventually, all of them move up and become Divine-Work-Makers themselves. There is lots of room and work at the Top. All Beings and Entities are basically Creative Energy Units raising themselves. If one becomes really good at it, one is promoted to Divine-Work Programmer or Co-Creator. All Galaxies are full of them...

The work at hand in the universe is divided according to the ability of forgetting OneSelf and playing any role convincingly without revealing the secret that "anything goes" or "flipping out" like I did by telling you all this (Please Grin). In the mean time, very few actors make universal history by becoming a Christ or a Buddha immediately. Some already were when they landed - but no Master will tell that s/he is a Master! Last but not least, it is useful to mention again that the entire Universe is... 

! A Divine-Make-Work-Project of Love !


To read more, CLICK HERE.

*Quantum Physics* Welcome to the Matrix!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Philosophy of Anon

1 : archaic : at once : immediately
2 : soon, presently /tomorrow will be here anon - Nathaniel Hawthorne/
3 : after a while : later /more of that anon/

You live in a Universe
that exceeds your perception of it
You may see it, taste it
hear it or feel it
And while it contains all those things
It is more

To name the Universe
is an attempt to limit
Yet there is a part of us
that speaks
And that part needs names
So let us call this Universe,
with the understanding
there is more to it
Then we can ever name

There is also a part of us
that wants to be free of naming
Wants to be free of detail
free of manifestation
A part that only wants
the underlying mystery and magic
of Reality

The historical conflict between these two parts
these two engines of the mind
Is perhaps the result of a misunderstanding
We often feel it would be best
to be one and destroy the other
But who would cut off his right hand
because he wants to be left handed?
Who would willingly blind himself in one eye
or deliberately destroy one foot?
Who wants eternal Daylight
or forever Darkness
Why then should we seek only to name Reality
or to end all naming?
It is in the balance
that we find the universal harmony

Perhaps this dichotomy
is part of the natural human heritage because
We perceive this Reality
through the filters of our human brains
the Left and the Right minds
The Left brain understands
Logic and Language
The Right brain understands
Love, Magic and Religion
The Left analyzes and dissects
The Right synthesizes and creates
But who would want only one or the other?
Who would want rainbows of only one color?
All mystery and manifestation within us
arises from our perception and reflection
of the Universe
But the Cosmos is not obliged to reside
only within our grasp of it
Who can truly say
there is no more?
Who can limit the limitless?

You have been told there are
Three dimensions, perhaps Four
Things are not Black or White but Grey
such dogma denotes limited thinking

Believing thus you bleed
all color, texture and taste from Reality
We live in a multi-dimensional Universe
Unbound in its responses
to our eyes
hands and pallet
Our waking and dreaming mind
And still extending beyond

Perhaps when you name a thing ugly
you limit the beauty you can find in it
Perhaps when you name a thing bad
you limit the good that you can see in it
Is this a really balanced perception?
We may limit our perception
but we can not limit the Universe

Living is balanced by Non-living
Arduous is balanced by Easy
Day by Night
Love by Fear
Light by Darkness
Hope by Despair
Heat by Coolness
Earth by Fire by Water by Air by Earth . . .

None of us can expect an endlessly easy life
we all must touch Reality
Or spend our lives trying to hide from it
But when overwhelmed by one extreme
remember the other is not far away
You will discover that Reality is balanced
but not perfectly symmetrical
Such Cycles are a means of Balance
Everything happens
It just doesn't happen all at once
That's why we have Time

Let us consider for a moment
the two aspects of Balance
There is static Balance
where all things stop
all motion stops
no sound, no heat, no matter . . .
And there is dynamic balance
such as a man walking
the middle of a curving road
Know the difference
You can not control a thing
by only stopping it
Control comes from directing the motion
of things

When Balance is achieved
Is it possible to act
without doing anything?
To dance without moving?

Is it possible to be taught
without a teacher?
To have without holding?
To Act outside of Fear or Anticipation of reward?

Is it possible
to let things appear in the distance
move to this place
and let them go
While perceiving the balance
of this motion within Reality?

It is said that our current aspect of Universe
Began in a great explosion
or rending of nothingness into which
one tiny seed of energy became everything
The speaking side of the mind
sees the Wonder of this
The mysterious side of the mind
sees God

A beginning
a middle
what of the end?
Is this not in keeping with Balance?
The Past and the Future
fuse in this Instant

While the Matter/Energy of this Cosmos
remains balanced
The possibilities are without limit
The Universe is
the Well of first things
A storehouse of new and old things
ever evolving, growing, changing
The Universe is an ever opening flower
And You are part of the Dance
You are not divorced from it
how can you be an unnatural thing?
Are your atoms from somewhere else?
Is your pattern so bizarre?
You are human and share
in the heritage of human beginning
middle and end
How could it be otherwise?

Inside of You . . .
you are a universe
There is the infinite circular ring of You
surrounded the receding
Great out-there
and filled with the vast
Great In-here
The Universe touches your universe
at every points
and all points beyond
You can paint your walls
any way you like
Or you can learn
to see the subtle colors
already there

Hold to the center of the Universe
If you talk of it
and do not dance with it
you will become confused
If you paint it with all the pigments known
and do not reflect it
you will become murky
If you follow the rituals of others
with infinite attention to detail
you will become disillusioned

But if you face each moment
with an open hand
an open heart
an open mind
You will be the Master
of the Moment
And a life is built
of such moments

It is said that the Universe
is running down
But is in this degradation of energy
lies the integration of Life
Human life is the water
that runs uphill
Notice how beautifully
Order arises out of Chaos
without breaking any of the True Rules

The vast open spaces within the Universe
contain an indeterminate number of worlds
The Universe is always pregnant
giving birth to the New
This birthing is the rising up
from the ashes
The fresh breeze of Spring
within the depths of Winter
It is always present within you
How will you use it?
It is said
That which is not born can not die
Is that wisdom?
Is that eternal?
Perhaps . . .
But each moment is born
and passed to the past
If these moments are of no use
why do we build them?
Each is special, different
Not a thing to be wasted
If you waste the moments of your life
you will end up
with a bunch of wasted moments

The Past touches the Future
As this moment
this instant
this Now
Right now
The waters of the Sea
are transformed into the mist
And in this same instant
the clouds are congealing and twisting
And in this same instant
the rains are nourishing all things
And passing through caverns
creek and riverbeds
Running away
away to the Sea
All in Motion
all in Balance
as it should be

There are myriad other examples
of this balance in process
and you should take time
to name them and see them in your mind
Do this and you will never grow bored
You must keep you mind ductile

In living
remember the Earth, the Air, the Fire
and the Rain
I know we have much fancier names than these
But you get my drift

Keep things simple
in your mind
Children have such complicated minds
to be truly simple
you must be older

Confront your adversaries
with your understanding of the Truth
Examine your own motives
seek counsel in wise people
Be Fair and Just
They are people too
and people generally will not do
things that they feel are wrong

If a person does a bad thing
he will have to lie to himself
"I have the right to . . ."
"He hurt me and my honor demands . . ."
This is an attempt to avoid responsibility
to make the other an object
which can be destroyed with impunity
It is a lie

Try to avoid making such lies
But when the Truth is manifest
as it always must be
Forgive your opponents
forgive your friends
forgive yourself
Odds are its all non-sense
though it wont seem so at the time

Chose a vocation that you enjoy
Avoid over zealous competition
Commerce, like Life, is a process
not a means to an end
Avoid comparing yourself to others
Each of us has many attributes
and envy is not a nice one to have

Father and Mother your Children well
Any civilization
which does not prepare a place for
the children
Has about one generation
to realize its mistake

William C. Burns, Jr.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Infinite Self – Reclaiming Your Inner Power

The Enlightenment


Click on the link above ...
Remember who you are, dear friends...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Dreamwalker-Santa Muerte: All That Matters is Not Gold

This is Santa Muerte, otherwise known as the Angel of Death.
There is a criticism that as a remover of barriers I may at times remove too many barriers between the subject and the objective.
My response to this has been that whatever barriers you might see before you are simply illusions to the objective that you wish to achieve.
So for those who are not so good at “delayed gratification” know that their expectations are not unreasonable. It is possible to have everything you desire NOW.  It is only your own creation of those barriers that prevents instant gratification of all that you desire.
It is to some degree (to a large degree) a product of a linear mind. You feel that you need to deal with things one at a time, so you place before you / between you and the objective, barriers to manage the flow of information your brain needs to deal with.
But your heart exists in every possibility as a multidimensional organ. This is why sometimes you hear the suggestion that the heart can handle what the head cannot. The heart can handle everything that is thrown at it, it is the brain that needs to take information and events in little pieces. By knowing this it is possible to allow the focus of the mind to see what it needs to see and not be bothered by the fact that the heart is taking in so much more of the whole. This is becoming whole-hearted.
So how is the mind trained to stop focusing / requiring linear events?
The answer to this lies in the philosopher’s stone. It is a stone that philosophers use. This is important because it is not a stone that is used by someone who builds things, or by someone who manages money, or by someone who wants to turn lead into gold! It is used by someone who wishes to know how to think with their heart.
When you are given a philosopher’s stone, you might be disappointed to learn that it is nothing more than a clear faceted gem. You are encouraged to look through it, and see not the gem or the gem’s facets, but the world around you. What do you see? Probably not very much, but you become aware that there are multiple views of the same thing. It is after all the reflection of the world that a diviner sees when scrying a water vessel (bowl). And then when one removes the crystal it is possible to continue to see every aspect of the world in this manner. In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy might have been given emerald glasses to view the emerald city. But perhaps by donning those glasses she was in fact able to see the path to defeat the evil witch. The two events are not unrelated, but a critical part of the story often left out of the final telling. [I also hear "Agartha", in that there is a key to how it is revealed here.]
So how does this relate to the process of alchemy? Alchemy is transmutation, which is changing “matter” from one form to another. So what matters to you? And how much can you change what doesn’t matter into what does matter? That is an interesting question and key to the process of changing lead to gold. Is changing lead to gold really what matters to you at this time? What matters more? By analyzing these questions you might find that you have higher priorities.  So the philosopher’s stone (that which you hold now in your heart) tends to transform matter into that which matters. If you pay attention to your timeline you will see that this is true in every case. This can be a difficult thing for the mind to deal with because what matters in the heart and what matters in the mind are not always the same thing. When they become the same, you have unlocked the secret of the philosopher’s stone.