This blog is only about awakening, nothing more, nothing less. Anything that will contribute to the possibility of complete liberation from the dream, or from the mass hallucination of humanity, or from the mental matrix, or from the false self, or from the lie, or any other label you want to call it, is welcome here. The key words are FREEDOM and JOY. Sometimes I think this reporting about stuff just keeps the false story going and only adds to the insanity, and there's too much of that already. But something is trying to pry the lid off still, something awaits to be seen. We are all in this boat together, so here we go......have fun!

Showing posts with label initiation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label initiation. Show all posts

Monday, August 24, 2020


When I contemplate what is at the very bottom of the insanity—and evil— that is playing out in out world, I keep on coming back to one and the same thing. the cause—and solution—of the multiple world crises we are facing, when traced back to their very root, all have to do with that we are not in touch with our own creative power and agency. We are powerful magicians beyon—and only limited by—our imagination, but to the extent that we don’t realize this and believe otherwise, our own creative power is wielded unconsciously and boomerangs against us in destructive ways which undermine the fulfillment of our conscious aims and stifles our own creative genius. The collective evil that s playing out in the world’s body politic is reflecting—and revealing—this deeper process of unconscious self-sabotage that is being acted out within each one of us.

It is an archetypal idea, expressed in every spiritual wisdom tradition in a myriad of ways, that the powers of light and dark are mysteriously connected, and that the forces of darkness parasitically feed off of and require the energy and support of the light in order to maintain and perpetuate their seeming existence so as to appear real. This is to say that the powers of darkness have no independent objective existence on their own separate from their connection to the light. When translated back to its deeper implicit meaning, this reveals that the light has for some reason used its own creative energy to constrain and delimit its infinite radiance, as if the light has cast a spell upon itself. We—as potentially both emissaries of light and/or agents of darkness—somehow play a key, participatory role in this process.
Seen as a reflection of a dynamic happening within each one of us, this expresses how something so incredibly powerful (i.e., ourselves as the radiant plenum – the boundless sentient luminosity which is the very fabric of our being) can fall under the spell of a nonexistent phantom appearance that arises from nowhere but the immense creativity of our own mind such that it entrances the light within us into believing that this imaginary, illusory phantom of darkness is more powerful than the light that we are. These apparition-like darker forces have no intrinsic existence or creativity of their own, but can plug into and mimic our own creative power such that they can use our own disowned and unrealized creativity against us. These darker powers can only take on a convincing, apparent existence by tricking us into believing that they have power over us. These darker forces only have power over us, however, to the extent that we don’t see through their illusory nature, but rather, unwittingly give our power over to them by investing them with an undeserved objective reality, making them appear more powerful than is warranted.  
One thing that we are indisputably geniuses at is deceiving ourselves – we are masters beyond compare at fooling ourselves, at tricking ourselves out of our (right) minds and then falling for our own ploy. This is pointing to our unfathomably vast and unrealized latent genius to creatively shape our own experience - both all around us (in the world) and inside of our heads. If used without awareness, however, we have a great propensity, as if hypnotizing ourselves, to fall under our own self-created illusions – which is a chief feature of unconsciousness. This whole process is potentially revealing to us that this same creative energy with which we bewitch ourselves, if used consciously and channeled so as to shed light on itself, can help awaken us from our self-created nightmare to become conscious participatory agents in our own evolution. 
It is as if we are unknowingly in possession of a magic wand that is powerful beyond measure, but not only do we not know how to use it to benefit ourselves and the world at large, most of us do not even suspect that we have such great creative power. Many of us are unconsciously wielding our creative genius to entrance ourselves so as to think that we are not in touch with our creativity—which is then immediately confirmed by the experience we create for ourselves—which ironically, is itself a direct and immediate expression of the enormity of our creative power. Not knowing we possess undreamed of creative power, our power to create then possesses us from beneath our conscious awareness, which then fuels our worst nightmares – both of the sleeping and waking variety.  
To quote the great psychologist William James, our situation is “much like a man who, out of his whole bodily organism, should get into a habit of using and moving only his little finger.... We all have reservoirs of life to draw upon, of which we do not dream.” To amplify James’ metaphor, let us dare to dream. Let us fully incarnate into the rest of our multi-dimensional organism—both material and immaterial—and draw upon the untapped over-flowing reservoirs of creative inspiration that potentially fills us to the brim and surrounds us on all sides. The question arises: why not do this? What is stopping us? And the answer: nothing at all.   

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Wounds as the Path to Awakening

What an utterly weird, amazing and utterly frightening time we are living through. Many people are walking around with masks on their faces, and yet inwardly we are all being unmasked. We are being confronted with all of the dark shadows inside of us—our wounds, traumas and unhealed abuse issues—that we’ve been able to postpone looking at up till now. All of these shadow energies are not only in our face, but behind it as well, which is to say that we are confronted within our very soul with the darkness of the world we live in, which is a darkness in which we all share. I am curious about how these seemingly darker forces in our world (which we see playing out all around us in the outer world) have to do with our inner experience of being wounded. 
I can talk for myself. Since the advent of the global pandemic, I have felt even more intensely both the light AND dark aspects of myself, as if they are interdependent parts of a deeper process wherein one is evoking the presence of the other. Due to the feeling that there’s no time to waste—a sense of urgency—it’s as if the creative light-filled part of me has gotten more vibrant, while at the same time, the deepest darkness embedded in my unhealed wounds also seems stronger. The creative tension between the two—between the light and dark parts of myself—has correspondingly intensified to a practically unbearable degree. As my light increases, the darkness within me is simultaneously coming to the fore, making itself known to the point where it’s getting harder for me to look away from it. 
It’s as if the light that I am getting in touch with is illumining everything in me that is not of the light, i.e., that is dark, which makes sense as the purpose of light is to reveal darkness. As I more deeply connect with the light of my nature, my subjective experience is that there is a seemingly darker force within me that wants to prevent me from connecting with my light at all costs. 
Maybe this is just me, but I have an intuition that this is an archetypal, impersonal and universal situation. I find myself easily imagining that an analogous process might be going on for many, if not all of us (be it consciously or not). The question is: do we indulge in our coping strategies to keep these seemingly darker and wounded parts of ourselves at bay (food, drugs, Netflix anyone?)—which is ultimately to be avoiding relationship with ourselves—or do we unmask ourselves and turn to unflinchingly face the darker, wounded parts within us? 
Our wounds are semi-stable resonance patterns of vibratory energy to which we have become accustomed as existing in a particular way. They are held in place by how we pay attention to and interpret them. If we intentionally start attending to our wounds in a new and different way we change their resonance pattern, i.e., the way they manifest.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Global Days of Unity

Global Days of Unity is a unifying field for all forces, voices and expressions of love to co-create a whole that transcends the sum of its parts. It’s an invitation for the community of love and consciousness to come together on the 3rd weekend of every month to infuse the collective field with vibrations of Unity, Peace and Love.
Change will not come to us, it will come through us when we are awake to the fullness of who we are and connected to the fundamental truth of oneness. As we change, the world will change. Infusing the collective field with energies of love is the beginning of a new humanity.
The time is now…
Not marching, not fighting, and not legislating, but co-creating an intentional energetic impact. Wherever you are, let us co-create an ever growing circle of connection from all across the earth to resonate, amplify and infuse the field of consciousness with vibrations of Unity, Peace and Love.
This isn’t a one-off moment of mediation. This is the moment that so many of us have been longing for; the beginning of an unprecedented shift in consciousness which creates the spaciousness for a whole new paradigm to emerge.
We all have a role to play, and we are all needed.
While actions are essential, transformation will only come when we first transform ourselves and allow our actions to rise out of this new energetic reality.
This is about the courage to fly together on the wings of the unknown and the humility to co-discover the unimaginable.
Welcome home.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Time to Shine Your Light in This World of Fear and Distress

With very best wishes for a transformed world,
Fred Burks for the PEERS empowerment websites

Excerpts from the article “Hidden Hand: Interview...”
Can you look beyond what your eyes are showing you to find and express love and happiness in a world of fear and distress? If you can, you will be as a beacon of light into the darkness. Will you succumb to the darkness, or will you stand and shine your inner light? Only you can make that decision for yourself. 
Look at the things in your life that you most love to do. Ask yourself what makes you most happy. Experience these things as often as possible, as they will be related to some of the things you chose to put into your soul contract to do here. 
Also look at the negative things that often seem to recur during your lifetime. It will be highly likely that these are also things that you chose to come here to work upon. 
Use your negative emotions when they arise as the tools that they truly are. Train yourself to notice when negativity arises in you. When you catch yourself projecting a negative thought, remember that all thought is creative, and ask yourself if that is really what you want to create. 
It takes a while to become proficient, but do not give up. Just keep noticing your negative thought patterns as they arise, and in so doing, simply choose again and select a response that is more positive. It is called working on yourself and is the main reason you have chosen to be here right now – to work upon yourself.
Guard your thoughts carefully, as they are more powerful than you may imagine. If you see doom and gloom, then that is what you are projecting. The world is your mirror. It reflects back to you what you are putting out. If you do not like the reflection life is showing you, then change that which is causing it.
When you remember who you are and you know it deep within the core of your being, you will know and recognize your invisible connection to All That Is. And in so doing, joy, thanksgiving, and service will be the natural outpouring result from your grateful heart.
There is a big difference between loving yourself and being selfish. When you truly understand what it is to know and love yourself, you cannot help but to love and serve others. When you understand this at the core level of your being, you will be on the path Home.
Be as a light shining in the darkness. Do not burn others with your light, but rather allow them to be drawn to your light. And be of service to those who come to you willingly. In other words, do not become evangelical with your message, but rather be the enigmatic and loving "wise old sage", to whom others are drawn to because of the quality of vibration, rather than the volume of rhetoric.
Most importantly, practice that which you preach. Others must be able to see the effect of our Infinite Creator conducting his wonderful work through you. But above all things, keep working upon yourself and keep choosing the positive – being of service to others. Do it not because you feel that you must, but because you desire to. When you work upon yourself and learn to know the creator within you, being of service to others will be natural for you.
There is a simple method to check upon your progress. Despite what appears to being going on in the world around you, how loving and harmonious are your personal relationships? Remember that the world is your mirror. It casts back at you the reflection of that which you have projected into it. How many arguments do you find yourself engaging in? Is there bitterness and acrimony within the ranks? Do you look at others and think about how you would like to change them? Or do you love them and accept them as they are? 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

How Big Wireless Lobbied Governments to Build 5G for Citizen Data Collection and Surveillance

While the debate continues around 5G’s potential impact on human health, the environment and wildlife, often overlooked in the discussion about 5G  is how the technology will be used for data collection and surveillance. Big Wireless has spent over three decades lobbying  state powers to build this technology while selling it to the public as a means for faster downloads.
In that time the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association – an organization whose leadership has maintained a revolving door relationship with the U.S. Federal Communication Commission – has collaborated on or guided regulatory policy related to not only 5G, but the roll out of cell phones and other digital technology. The CTIA annually lobbies for the industry to the tune of millions of dollars, making them one of the most powerful telecom lobby groups.
The COVID19 pandemic has caused governments around the world to lockdown their nations, cancel public school sessions, and cost millions of people their jobs. Fears of spreading the virus and overloading the healthcare system are triggering an authoritarian response from many of these governments — including the United States. For many Americans, these aggressive measures have halted typical daily activities. Taking a trip to the gym, work, school, or out with friends – are no longer an option.
However, while most non-essential activities have stopped, the controversial expansion of the 5th generation of cellular infrastructure has continued. With the support and lobbying of the CTIA, Big Wireless’ 5G agenda is quickly expanding. Records from ProPublica show the CTIA lobbied for 2 recents bills related to 5G infrastructure.
On March 23, the 5G rollout took one step forward in the U.S. when President Donald Trump signed a bill aimed at “securing America’s 5G infrastructure.” The Secure 5G and Beyond Act calls for Congress to present a comprehensive plan for accelerating the nation’s 5G network “not later than 180 days.” The building of the next generation network has rapidly advanced due to the passing of the Secure 5G and Beyond Act and the Broadband Deployment Accuracy and Technological Availability (DATA) Act, which passed the House in December  2019.
In April 2019, President Donald Trump held a press conference where he stated his intention to expand the U.S. wireless infrastructure as part of the effort to defeat China in the so-called “Race to 5G”. During the press conference Trump stood next to the head of the Federal Communications Commission and telecommunication employees as he declared, “The race to 5G is on and we must win.” While Trump is certain that America must win this apparent race – even during the middle of a pandemic – determining exactly who is the driving force behind the push towards the 5th generation of cellular technology requires digging through decades of lawsuits, industry corruption, and captured agencies.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
In part I of this investigation, this report will take a deep dive into the web of Big Wireless, who those companies are, it’s lobbyists, law firms and industry as a whole that are spending millions of dollars pushing for 5G around the world. This report will expose the murky history of Big Wireless working within telecom companies that work with the US government to collect data on citizens, while also looking at how Big Wireless has worked to bully and silence critics who have expressed concern over its health impacts and civil liberties. 
Part II of this series will look at how 5G will be used as a surveillance tool by governments to collect data on citizens and will work to fulfil the overall goal of creating a techno-tyranny state that should concern any American citizen that upholds their civil liberties.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Revelation: Our Creative Nature Goes Viral

Dark times are usually times of great revelation. “Revelation,” to quote C. G. Jung, “is an ‘unveiling’ of the depth of the human soul first and foremost.”

Oftentimes humanity is not saved from a crisis by what we consciously think, but rather, the saving grace comes from something being revealed to us that emerges unexpectedly as a result of the crisis. Revelations—which can be likened to timeless treasures waiting to be discovered in time—come in many forms and in many ways. Sometimes they first emerge seemingly outside of ourselves through—or are triggered by—some external event in the world like the coronavirus outbreak, for example. Ultimately speaking, however, the deepest revelation is something that lies hidden within the creative nature of our soul awaiting discovery.

There are treasures literally buried within us, concealed within our unconscious. These hidden treasures are like precious jewels or diamonds in the rough that are encoded within the fabric of the unconscious psyche. They can be conceived of as existing in a higher-dimension relative to our conscious mind, and as such, are typically invisible to our conscious intellect. These treasures, having lain buried and dormant in the collective unconscious of our species from time immemorial, are typically awakened in times of great need. When the time is ripe, our intuition—due to its connection to our unconscious—divines and begins to “see” the heretofore formless creative revelation that is brewing in the cauldron of the unconscious. Our task then becomes how to bring forth and creatively express the revelation in a form that helps it come to fruition as we realize it more clearly within ourselves. To quote Jungian scholar Erich Neumann, “These images, ideas, values, and potentialities of the treasure hidden in the unconscious are brought to birth and realized by the hero [the creative individual] in his various guises.”

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

David Icke Interview with Spiro Skouros - You are Consciousness

I have been following the research, talks, and videos disseminated by David Icke for decades now, and whatever you think about his politics or opinions, there is one theme he always comes back to which I can say I have discovered for myself, and that is we are each of us pure Consciousness having a human experience. The challenge is to embrace this path of self-discovery and realize that our world as it has been delivered and taught to us is illusory and only exists if we accept it. At any moment, we have the power to choose again. It is up to each of us to make that choice if we want to escape the mind prison being created for us.