This blog is only about awakening, nothing more, nothing less. Anything that will contribute to the possibility of complete liberation from the dream, or from the mass hallucination of humanity, or from the mental matrix, or from the false self, or from the lie, or any other label you want to call it, is welcome here. The key words are FREEDOM and JOY. Sometimes I think this reporting about stuff just keeps the false story going and only adds to the insanity, and there's too much of that already. But something is trying to pry the lid off still, something awaits to be seen. We are all in this boat together, so here we go......have fun!

Showing posts with label programming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label programming. Show all posts

Saturday, April 6, 2013

We're All In This Together

by Ryan Moore

I need to know you're with me

It seems a simple choice -
succumb, or overcome?
Succeed, or fail?
Winner, or loser?

The english language is riddled with dualities,
each one of them cheapening
the fascinating variegated integrity
of creation itself.
(I.E., us.)

Many of us are force-fed these notions
and our mind, fulfilling it's function, digests them -
integrating yes/no understandings into our identity.

Are you fat, or skinny?
Stupid, or smart?
If you're not pretty you must be ugly,
and if you're not a 'have'
you must be one of the unfortunate 'have-nots.'

Are you good at dancing? Bad at sports? Can you sing, or not?
Do you have your shit together, or don't you?

Are you living up to your potential? Yes or no?

Think positive!
(Don't think negative, don't think negative, don't think negative.)

Be courageous!
(But what if I'm afraid?)

Happy people are successful!
(Great, now I'm sad and unsuccessful.)

Truth is not an either/or,
truth is terrifyingly brave
and grievously joyful.

Life is radiantly monstrous
and perfectly, perfectly fucked up.

I have been depressed for the past 24 hours,
and in my depression have found hope unconquerable -
for it has already been conquered, has already surrendered.

I would see humanity expand,
and slip loose of all the dualistic shackles
attendant to the experience
of being consciousness incarnate.

We are a phenomenon of consciousness itself, and so innately unconstrained.
We do not succumb or overcome, win or lose.

It may appear that way to those taken in by the scoreboard's simple illusion:

"Oh well, good game... we lost."

Did you?

It can be a horrifyingly ecstatic sensation, to surrender to the truths that lie beyond the boundaries of either/or.

As I commit more and more fully to abandoning myself to what is, something new seems to be happening. I sense the subtle emergence of a crystalline quality in myself, a quality that seems to suffuse everyday life with a moment-to-moment ability to be peacefully, attentively, alertly, and contemplatively present.

I don't find it easy, I find it a challenge to completely surrender the widely-held belief system which insists that there's a right way and a wrong way to do, a right way and a wrong way to be.

Often I find myself desperate for some evaluative criteria the same way I'd be desperate for air underwater - there is a similar sense of losing myself.

Often I race back to dualistic standards like a child fleeing back to mom and dad - the playground is too noisy, too confusing, too chaotic and I don't know what to do, don't know how to play, don't know what the rules are... at least with mom and dad I know if I'm doing it right or not.

When this happens, I can be pretty hard on myself - I've had a lot of practice establishing unrealistically high expectations and then berating myself when I fall short.

I find it hardest when I feel isolated.
Although I can be quite articulate here in blog-world,
in the face-to-face interactions of everyday life I'm often at a loss
when asked to speak about what I'm doing with my life.

People ask me questions like:

"What did you do today?"


"What are you working on?"

and I don't know how to answer. Once I tried saying:

"I'm intentionally outgrowing the dichotomy of polarity, because I'm utterly inspired by the vision of what humanity will inevitably collectively accomplish once we all do the same."

...and the conversation sort of stalled at that point.

To continue reading CLICK HERE.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Morpheus: I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.

Sovereignty (noun)
• supreme power or authority • a self-governing state

Sovereignty is the quality or authority of being independent and in charge of the conditions you live under.

Please note: that sovereignty carries with it responsibility. Meaning... if you take your life in your own hands you also take upon yourself to act responsibly and with integrity in regards to your own life... your family, your community, your fellow human beings and the planet as a whole.

We have been courageous in our choice to enter this level of density with complete AMNESIA!

Our collective consciousness on the planet creates a thought field that is very dense. The resulting density of these thought patterns carries a level of frequency equivalent to a force or object with mass.

Bill Hicks: All matter is merely energy condensed into a slow vibration.

It is the collective consciousness that holds this holographic/virtual reality in its present existence. Human thoughts trapped within lower frequency waves results in human confinement to this matrix.

Put away those bad feelings. Prevent those bad thoughts from happening. Please. They are the bars of your prison. Or more simply, the 'bad' in your bad days.

Running here and there to find freedom is a sign that we have not grasped the true understanding of sovereignty. When we continue to find ourselves plagued by fear, jealousy, guilt, shame, doubt, attachment and all the adverse emotions that prey on the mind, it is evidence that we are not free. We are ultimately held captive within our own minds.

We exist in our minds. So free your mind and the rest will follow.

Bruce Lee: Knowing is not enough we must apply, Willing is not enough we must do.

To simply be aware of the illusion of separation will not be sufficient. We must passionately invoke the will to move beyond the illusion. Should we fail to invoke this level of passion, we will continue to exist based solely on the old experiences being stored in the brain. All thoughts are then formed from the old programming. Why not hack into your mind... and re-write your program? It is of great significance that we focus on our own transition and uphold the understanding that every moment is divine. In doing so, we can begin to rid ourselves of the lingering judgment of others as well as of ourselves.

Morpheus: It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes, to blind you from the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell, or taste, or touch... a prison for your mind.

As we stumble through this game with amnesia for the event...the key to remember is that transcendence requires sovereignty of mind.

Agent Smith: I must get free, and in this mind is the key, my key.

If we stand in certainty of our connection with source and detach from the need for a go-between or third party... we would discover truth. And through this realignment we let go of the dependency on guides, religion and gurus, and know...All things are you.

Until we can consciously reclaim this hidden knowledge and transform our minds, we will remain imprisoned to all things external to us.

We spend so much time struggling to achieve freedom in an external manner, but true freedom can only come from within, through freeing the mind... and TO GET OUT WE MUST GO IN.

As long as human beings continue to return on the wheel of reincarnation they can easily be redirected to new experiments (times, civilizations, races, etc...) within an old game. If all souls were to awaken to their greatness there would be no souls to participate in these experiments. The overpopulation of Earth is evidence of the many souls locked into the karmic wheel. Karma means cause and effect, not fate.

For those who believe that they are here for a grand reason, such as assisting in ascension or to hold the energy... realize that becoming all that you can will greatly assist the evolution of this species. In so doing, we impart to the whole the energy of alignment through the process of our personal alignment.


What is the only thing that could keep you from doing that? What is the number one tool for keeping us bound and controlling and entire population? Fear.

Frank Herbert: I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

For the controllers, fear is the real black gold.Fear does one thing... it denies freedom. Fear is the result of imagined lack. It's the manipulative emotion witnessed in attitudes reflective of jealousy, hatred, anger, envy, doubt, distrust and the enslavement of and to all things, people and places.

Morpheus: You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind!

War. Poverty. Violence. Human misery. Fear and uncertainty have become ways of life.You may argue that it is society that needs fixing, not you... don’t treat the symptoms, cure the disease. But you alone can’t solve the world... it's a collective effort... and it must first START WITH YOU.

To continue reading CLICK HERE.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

OPPT - The One People's Public Trust

What if the Godhead could reach down through the multi-verses and rewrite the script using the very laws once used to enslave humanity, thereby unequivocally declaring what was always true - that we are FREE in ALL WAYS in our collective Being and Doing! It might then just look like THIS:


What is the One People’s Public Trust?
The One Peoples Public Trust itself consists of every person on the planet, the planet itself and the Creator.
The One People’s Trust trustees are a group of very skilled individuals including legal professionals who, in conjunction with a positive group inside the financial system, carried out extensive investigations into the massive fraud and theft taking place at the time.
They concluded that the financial and corporate government systems were committing treason against the people and after testing different approaches at correcting the injustices against humanity they saw being inflicted, they decided that that the only solution was to terminate the entire system through UCC filings.
The final report from the investigation is to be found here.


Press Releases
Disclosure Agreement – 25th December 2012
Announcement – 28th December 2012
Current State – 15th January 2013
OPPT Foreclosure on Major Corporations – 4th February 2013

Social Sites

Oppt-in – Facebook
Oppt-in – Twitter
Oppt-in – Flickr
OPPT Book – Facebook Alternative for the OPPT Community


One People’s Public Trust Lawfully Forecloses Corporations, Banks and Governments for Operating Slavery and Private Money Systems
Corporations Masquerading as Government in Australia & World Wide
Corporations Masquerading as Government (Part II): Which “Government” Can We Trust?
Further Wake Up World Articles on OPPT
Video: One People’s Public Trust Presentation
Video: 20 Reasons to OPPT in to One People’s Public Trust

Downloadable Documents

OPPT Courtesy Notice and Courtesy Notice Guidelines
UCC Filings
Updated OPPT UCC Financing Amendment
Network of Global Corporate Control
Operation Paradigm Final Bullet Report
SWQW Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
Flash Mob Photo Kit
Radio Shows
Click here to listen to OPPT Radio Shows
One People’s Public Trust 1776 (Legal Documents)
Removing The Shackles
American Kubaki
Lisa Harrison
Angel Lucci
FUQ: Frequently Unanswered Questions of the “Australian Government”
The OPPT Daily (Web ‘Newspaper’)
Extensive List of OPPT Websites from Around the World

For more CLICK HERE.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Transcending Language and the Leap of Faith

by Zen Gardner

Don’t you love dreams, especially the trippy ones where you’re sure you were there? I just had another one, and it brought up so many significant concepts and emphasized something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately.

Manifesting the next level with all that is in us.

The main impact of the dream concerned communication. Not the message being conveyed, but the more than amazing power of our mode of communication. Both in how it can hamper and contain, or gloriously liberate our spirits.

Something that drastically affects the entire state of humanity.

Into the Library of Light

In the experience I was transcended into this other realm by a series of very touching dream events. It was wonderful. I was transported in that spiritual yet physical kind of way “up” into this other realm. There I was introduced to this modern looking library-ish place with glass walls, and happy people of all kinds and ages. It was hovering over a pristine planet below and filled with awake, beautiful vibrant people, some floating and some walking, with lots of children around this big room with elevated library levels and a hubbub of audibly silent, peaceful activity.

Everyone was effortlessly busy and innately knew what they were supposed to be doing; no pressure, no hurry, and communication was oh so easy and simple.

I was greeted as if I was expected and was immediately accepted and integrated as everyone just kept about their business. I pestered my beautiful “governess” of the outpost guide about contacting my loved ones left behind about what had just happened to me so they wouldn’t worry. I was clearly a novice but even that was accepted blithely and in stride and they were checking out ways of contacting them. If there was “protocol” even that was open for reconsideration.

Cool? It was. But so profoundly, openly communicative.

Conscious Communication is the Key to Conscious Empowerment

The most profound realization and insight of this experience was how everyone communicated. There were many messages and many personal details involved, but the REAL world of conscious communication is NOTHING like what we experience here. Somehow everyone who needed to know something knew it. There was no useless chatter I could “hear”, and it wasn’t silence in between like something was missing.
It was perfectly orchestrated, but naturally.

What struck me as I thought about this experience is that we are all controlled by our very manner of communication more than the content. Because in this life we have this huge buffer called our ego or false self, this mind and voice box controller, we can formulate what we want the other party to hear. This makes for a huge gap in reality and allows for all these false fabrications of projected truth vs REAL truth that we witness every day.

Hence our screwed up world of lies, phony nuances and easy deception. And anyone stupid enough to tell the honest truth gets trampled on like a bug on a city street. Here. But not there.
There Truth isn’t something to strive for, it’s a simple and glorious matter of fact way of loving, vibrant life.

To continue reading CLICK HERE.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Elephant in the Living Room Is Standing On My Foot

by Robert Cinque

Question:  What is your relationship to Life?  How do you feel about being here?  Do you trust it, or are you suspicious, bitter, and withdrawn?

In my casual ego mind, I am emotionally withdrawn, absent, shut down, bewildered, disengaged, and confused.  I endlessly complain about my plight in this world and am ungrateful.  The ugly truth is that I routinely default on myself and others and on Life itself.  Life doesn’t betray me, I betray it.  When I entertain thoughts of betrayal and abandonment, I rape Life, then blame the bitch.  Life gets raped and blamed for it.

By now, I’m choking to death, but by my own hand.

This is important to recognize because, if it’s my hand, then I can remove it myself, don’t need anything or anyone to do it for me.

This is the first Office of Authentic Spiritual Practice: Recognition of and responsibility for the emotional withdrawal from Life and Love.

The Second Office is when I sit down and shut the Fuck up in the Face of the Cosmic Enormity of Life, and recognize Its Innocent, Fierce, Infinite, egoless Nature, my truest self.  I stop disassociating emotionally into my fantasies of separateness from this Profound Wonder and vomit out all the repression, the avoidance, the trauma of real and imagined disease and get into Bed with this Great Lover.

The Brilliant, Unbroken, seamless Presence of Life circulating through all creation, the Current that oscillates between the cycles of birth and death, through infinite stretches of fathomless space, that one, that Very One, is the Only Existing Reality and I am completely, always, already inherently one with It, just like a whirlpool in a River. It has always been this way.

There is only One Life living all things and It became me and you.  When we meet on that level, big things happen, because ego, the dramatization of betrayal and abandonment has been made obsolete by Noticing and Being Intimate with the One who shows up as Two. This produces emotional and spiritual intimacy between us because we are standing on what is Real.

When the whirlpool sees the River and its place in it, it swoons and falls intoxicated into bed like a lover, ready, willing, able, open, fully engaged, deeply pleasurized, intensely passionate.

Now, you are aware of the Elephant on your foot.  It hurts.  God becomes man, even poor little you and me, a painful and bloody affair. The infinite Life consents to be you and me and everything else, fully surrendered to us all, and I miss it.  The Word becomes flesh, the infinity of Life fractalizes into mortal human beings who are all going to die, and I hide my face even though I am obligated to somehow love and trust in the face of this great contradiction.  We were born with the impulse to love, and everyone we love is going to disappear.  Does this make sense?  Does it produce trust or doubt in you?

Authentic spiritual practice, true religion, begins with this:  Recognizing my emotional recoil from the Incandescent Event of Existence and overcoming it by being responsible for it.

I thereby stand before it, not as it.

Spiritual practice has exactly nothing to do with beliefs, it has everything to do with the moral obligation to face the truth, to face Reality, to tell the truth about my lies, to own my own refusal to be that which I so obviously am:  the full bodied, red blooded incarnation of Infinite Life, in spite of my mortality and all my many faults and shortcomings.

This is an Ordeal, coming to terms with the simultaneity of my infinite and mortal nature.  It’s an impossible, contradictory situation, but here I am anyway.  When I make friends with it and stop making it into a problem, my eyesight clears up, the Obvious is now Noticed, this is simply the Way God Is.  Coming to terms with this involves staring into the Paradox long enough for the light and heat to burn through the rational and metaphysical assumptions I constantly plaster onto Life, ideas like “consciousness comes from neurons firing in the brain” (scientific materialism) and “Original Sin separates Man from God” (religious psychosis)

These completely unfounded and theoretical assumptions  reduce Life to the level of a concentration camp.

We are not isolated individuals, we share a dynamic unity with literally everything. Scientism, the religion of science, as well as religious fundamentalism are maps masquerading as this Territory of the Heart.  It doesn’t matter if the whole world believes it, belief has never changed the truth, not once.
Ego ideas about life are just not equivalents to Life Itself.  No map ever could be equal to the territory it describes.  The Radiant Core of Conscious Light, Existence Itself, the Infinitely Intense Current of the Heart, is the fundamental Nature of Reality.

When human culture is based on the Recognition and Appreciation and Exploration of this Wonder, this Impossible Treasure buried in the Field, when we as individuals and nations overcome our recoil, our lack of confidence in Life, in Actual God, we will return to the disposition of the Radiant Core and humanity will become the birthplace of Real Life, not materialistic, industrialized consumerism and disaster capitalism, not fundamentalism and fascism.  Tyrants will be laughed off the planet, having no exploitable hosts to dominate. Priests will go broke for lack of work.  The searing Obviousness of Utter Unity with all Life will overwhelm the petty differences within the human family and profound gratitude for and empathy with all others will be the dominant social meme planet wide.

This will come about when Reality is met on it’s own terms and is no longer held hostage in the dungeons of ego mind.   That will be accomplished when we have had quite enough of self strangulation, capitulation to lies, collusion with saboteurs, empowerment of tyrants, belief in false gods and completely wake up to the liberating Facts of Life:  Freedom and Light and Happiness is our very nature, now.  We share the nature of That which originated us, which is Free, Self Existing, and Radiant, Intelligent Light. We are not orphans born in sin.  We are inherently blissful incarnations of love and truth (Reality) radiant fractals of eternal Light, now as always. This is the demonstrable Truth, is not a belief, an idea.  It’s Real.  See for yourself.

This is cause for great celebration and will one day be the basis of human culture.  The Recognition of the Free, Ecstatic nature of Life and our inherent unity with It will unleash the most powerful forces ever seen on planet Earth.  When we identify What is fundamentally True and live in alignment with It, everything else falls into place.

Responsibility for Love, for Life, for What is True is the only realistic way to live.  Conventional religious and scientific beliefs are like junk food, it looks good, but has no real nutritional value.

Only Truth and Love can provide Light and Life. Truth is Real, is not an opinion.  If Truth is an ocean,  belief is a ripple on its surface.

Belief systems are virtual facsimiles of this Reality, canned versions of fresh food.

Why settle for a virtual reality when you can have the Real Thing?


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Into The Vortex

Julian Rose
Activist Post

It's just a bit unnerving isn't it? I mean, the way we are all trying to hold on to our familiar patterns of existence while all around us the unfamiliar is trying to bust in and show us something else.

Elements splintering off the old order flash past our cognition at accelerating speeds. Bits fly off orthodox and seemingly fixed dogmas, disappearing into the dark vortex from whence they came.

Once sacrosanct molecular DNA models are cracking open to reveal a swirling mass of sub atomic intelligence rising and falling like human breath. Genetic determinism is dimming fast while the fluid genome is ever emergent. While our 13 billion human cells, we now understand, are intelligently engaged in a constant two way dialogue with the outside world; yet, we still think we think by using our brains.

So what's going on?

Well, for one thing, the solar system in which we live, move and have our being, is fast approaching the central gravitational plain of the greater Universe of which it is a part. A cyclic event, it seems, which comes around only once every 26,000 years, representing the culmination of a great voyage through the cosmos as well as possibly marking a certain stepping stone in human evolution.

So now, as I understand it, our world is approaching - and is about to pass through - the densest part of this universal gravitational field. Very soon, in fact. During this process, our 'normal' three dimensional experience of life will likely undergo a great shaking down; out of which may emerge something altogether slimmer, lighter and better adapted to merge into world's of fourth, fifth or even sixth dimensional experience. But only if we are prepared to allow ourselves to freely enter into such an undergoing and don't put up the shutters. 

The fact that this process is now speeding up and intensifying may explain why things are getting a bit chaotic here on Earth and why the messages that pulse out from this vortex are becoming ever more frequent and insistent. These messages are calling upon us to listen more willingly to the voice of our intuitions and to reconnect that which has for so long been disconnected; namely - 'head, heart and hand': Truly the rightful 'connected' state of existence for us human beings. Then to also allow a certain dissolving of the overtly intellectual field of expression to which our Western European culture has become so firmly attached; allowing in its place a more subtle and intuitive state to emerge.

There seems to be a call, perhaps directed towards urbanised man in particular, to ease off the computer keyboard and fore-sake the city pavement for the plough, so as to sculpt a fresh furrow in the field of life. To hone the eye to the symmetry of nature and heart to the rhythm of the seasons. Here, the call seems to be telling us, lies an enduring and time honoured river of life into which we are being invited to plunge.  

To continue reading, CLICK HERE.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Carrot and the Stick

By Robert Cinque
of Cinqueterra

The ego is born through an emotional recoil from its Origin.  This creates the appearance that God is distant and must be found.  The spiritual traditions of humanity are based on this search , this impulse for re-union with the Divine.  However, the search is based on an illusion of separateness and isolation, which reduces God to a carrot on an ego stick.

Throw away the stick. Eat the Carrot.

Creating the stick is an activity that produces “me” and then the “world”.    Authentic spiritual life is about recognizing this, not “overcoming the ego”, which cannot be done anyway because it does not exist in the first place, except in our imagination.  This practice is about Standing Prior to the birth of ego, not overcoming it after you created it.

Try picking up an imaginary rock, it’s impossible. The disease of egoity is self created and imaginary, too. When recoil is replaced with emotional intimacy, the ego is pre-empted and cannot form.

The spiritual traditions exhort us to overcome this fleshly “ego” and be more “spiritual” by identifying with our non-physical, “inner” being.  This so-called inner being is only yet another spontaneous patterning of this Infinite Consciousness, Whatever That Is altogether, but the inside of me is not the exclusive domain of truth, only That in which the inner being is appearing is the Domain of Truth, the Amphitheatre of the Heart.

I am in awe of This, I surrender in love to It. Ultimately, I am It, or rather, It became “me”.  Once it becomes clear that It is the basis of “me”, all dilemma disappears, all searching, all “other”.

Authentic spiritual life is about recognizing what is already true, not deifying my beliefs about it.  Conventional spiritual practice is like using a really excellent and detailed map of Detroit while you’re trying to find your way around Paris.  Conventional spiritual life places enlightenment at the end of the journey, the search is finally over, but authentic spiritual life places enlightenment at the beginning, middle, and end, as the very foundation of human life. It is based on heartfelt response ability, not belief, not technique, not method, not mythology, not search.

It’s about Discovery.

Jesus is reported to have said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure a man finds buried in his field.”

Authentic spiritual life is about love, which is truth.  Truth, whatever it is altogether, is identical with Reality.  What Is, is True.  Find out What Is, prior to mind, prior to “me”, prior to “world”.  That is the knockout punch and is why “you” won’t survive the “journey” to “God”.

Conventional religious belief, from fundamentalism to New Age metaphysics, is based on this search, on the “great path of return” to God, to Unity and Wholeness. Sounds great, doesn’t it?  It’s exciting, adventurous, and romantic.  The only problem with it is the fact that you’re not actually lost, not actually separate from That which you seek.  The problem with conventional religious belief is that it supports and enables a carrot on a stick.  At best, ordinary religious beliefs prepare us for authentic spiritual life if only by providing an illusion to demolish.

Only God Exists and You are not separate from It.That’s the truth that sets the heart free, not that I need to be saved from Original Sin or that I can have and do and be anything I want, that happiness can be found in the manifestation of my desires. Happiness cannot be found because it is not lost.
Happiness is the nature of Reality already and our spiritual obligation is to realize it, not believe in it, not seek it in pleasure or in the fulfillment of need and desire. Happiness is prior to pleasure and need and desire, and everything else. 

See for yourself.

To read more, CLICK HERE.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

LOVE and NON-COMPLIANCE Will Dissolve the New World Order

You have been under hypnosis, dreaming, unawake. Now is the time to remember the Truth of You, not the story you have been told. Have the courage to stand together as One and be Free.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Trance-Formation to Transformation: Time to Wake Up

Please, do not be afraid. This is not meant to scare you, but to empower you. You are much greater than the ideas and concepts designed to enslave you. You have merely been dreaming. Wipe the sleep from your eyes, my friend, and BE FREE.

Trance-Formation from Max Igan on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Unraveling the Sweater

When you were born into this world, you were undifferentiated consciousness. No concepts, no ideas, no words, just the Isness of awareness, pure and unsullied. And then someone pulled a sweater over your head that was knitted from their ideas and beliefs about the world, what they had been told was important and real and true, and they passed it on to you. And because you had little choice in the matter, you accepted this sweater, and came to believe it was a part of you and it even became the invisible backbone of your identity. Everyone wore a similar sweater, so it was clear that the sweater was a part of being a human being without exception.

If someone wore a sweater that was fairly similar to yours, there was no problem, but a different color or design sometimes was quite disturbing. It was hard not to warn anyone with unusual patterns in their sweaters of the dangers of nonconformance, and there were those who took this to an extreme whereas different sweaters had to be excluded and shunned, maybe even imprisoned or killed. A sweater, after all, is not just a sweater, it is the symbol of self, and must be true. A different sweater means something about you is incorrect, so to remain intact, one must reject whatever sweaters clash with one’s current fashion statement.

One day, as you were getting older, you noticed that the sweater had become a little tight, a little uncomfortable. So you were sent to a knitting class and learned how to sit quietly, knitting away, adding more to the sweater. Of course, you were very careful to not get too flamboyant with the design, just enough to show you had some creativity. And sometimes you would get together with others who also liked to knit and discuss how enhanced life was having discovered “the way” to knit.

Knitting was so embedded in the social structure of your life that there was little time for anything else. Everything was based on being a successful knitter, how else was anyone to tell who you were except by the sweater you wore? It was essential to keep one’s sweater in good repair and to learn how to maintain it. Everyone loved to talk about each other’s sweaters, offering compliments or criticisms as appropriate. You could always tell your enemies from your friends by their knitting techniques and yarn colors, so it was important to learn the differences and pass your knowledge on to others.

But there came a time when knitting took up so much time and energy, and questions arose as to what and who and why. Though these questions triggered great anxiety, you tried putting down the knitting needles for a bit. And for a little while, you were free from knitting and it was exhilarating! But knitting was such a habit that before you knew it, you found yourself knitting again, especially when your friends came over, since it was all anyone ever talked about. Still, you couldn’t forget that scintillating sensation of cessation, so, in secret, you began to sit without knitting, a little bit every day.

On days when your friends visited, you would pick up the knitting needles as usual, but it became apparent after awhile that you were getting a bit sloppy, dropping stitches here and there. Your friends thought perhaps you needed a refresher course, and they all had taken up with a new knitting teacher who was supposed to have the latest in techniques, especially when it came to repairing holes and tears. They encouraged you to attend these knitting workshops and at first you thought they might be right. I mean their sweaters were so beautifully done, with silver and gold thread in incredibly intricate designs. But the truth you were so reluctant to reveal was that you were tired of knitting. And you were afraid to say so, since everyone knitted something. Even ugly sweaters were better than nothing.

One day, while you sat and pondered these things, you noticed a loose thread hanging from the sleeve of your sweater. Usually, you would have taken out your needles and started furiously repairing the abnormality. But instead, you started pulling on the thread. Suddenly, the sleeve of your sweater started rapidly to unravel, at a rather frightening speed. Quickly, you took out your knitting needles and began pulling the yarn back together until one could hardly tell there had ever been a mistake. But you knew.

Now it was all you could do not to pull on that loose thread. It became like an itch under the surface of the skin. You couldn’t help it, your thoughts kept roving to the idea of no sweater and not-knitting. What would it be like to just stop? Would you be an outcast, would your friends and family leave you? Could you survive without your sweater, naked? You sat with your friends, your knitting needles idle in your hands, and many were worried that you had lost it entirely. Perhaps you would have to go to the hospital and have a surgeon repair your sweater for you, or in the worst case scenario, knit you a new sweater entirely! One friend said she would introduce you to the Swami Knityananda, who would put one of his sweaters on you and they were supposed to be just perfect, it was said no one could make a better sweater! And that his philosophy, “Knit This, Knit That”, took one to the highest levels of Knit-vana!

Well, all this talk became a bit much, and you stopped going out and you stopped inviting people over. You sat with your sweater, looking at it in the mirror, wondering at its colors and textures, its strangeness and its beauty, its ugliness and shabbiness, the whole of it. And you pulled at the loose thread. You pulled and you pulled. First one sleeve went. Then the other. You were terrified for a second, having never seen your bare arms before. But it was so freeing. So you kept pulling. And pulling. And finally the remnants of the sweater fell to the floor. And you saw your Self. The Truth of your Self. And you knew you would never be able to knit another sweater, because you knew that nakedness was sweet. And you just started laughing and laughing at the joke of it all.

One day, your friends came over and you were just sitting there, naked. At first they were outraged, then concerned, then curious. After all, you were so happy, grinning like you had an in on the biggest secret! So, as they furiously knitted away, they tentatively asked you what had happened. And with a little sparkle in your eye, you said, “It’s simple. Ask yourself “Why Knit?”

Suddenly, all the knitting needles clattered to the floor.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Take A Good Look

You cannot have made the decision to look, because that would mean that reality was split between you and your decision. The present is the entirety of reality. You cannot have something that stands before it, making it happen, because the only time anything in the past existed, it existed as the present.

~ Cieran

“I” does not exist. It is a referential concept only. A way to put our collected memories of experience over time into a handy photo album we can pull out and display at whim. We think it is real. We “think” it into reality and then turn it into a narrative, a story about “me”. It is fiction. It is a fantasy, a fairy tale, no different then pulling a children’s book off a shelf and saying “Here’s the story of my life.”

Have you ever actually looked for this “I”? Where is it here and now, as you sit reading these words? Who is reading? What is reading? Is there an “I” present? If asked, does there appear a roster of qualities, a list of personal attributes, as if by magic? Is there a recitation occurring, is there a voice in your head?

Do you believe that voice is you? Does it speak with your voice, spell out your ideas and beliefs? Has it a point of view you call “yours”? Is it the way you present yourself to “others”? Do you seek validation through it? Is it true?

You probably have never really thought to look at the possibility that there is no self and never was. You might consider the idea preposterous. But there’s no harm in looking, is there, to scientifically examining the possibility that the idea of self is merely conceptual and has no reality? If there is no self, what would that mean? Would that change the way you actually function? Is a separate self necessary to operating in the real world or is it an obstruction, a detriment? Is having a separate self actually helpful, or does it cause arguments, dissatisfaction, and disappointment?

Does this separate self have real needs or are they imagined? Could it be that this separate self is just a thought, a symbol of an idea dressed up as a body? Could it be that this idea has parasitized the life in the body by encumbering it with myriad desires, plans, expectations, feelings, motivations, and more, all in order to perpetuate itself? Has this virus of mental/emotional selfhood so overcome humanity that it has completely forgotten its natural state of freedom and joy?

Have you ever stared into the eyes of a newborn? There is nobody there. Only emptiness. But there is tremendous life force. It silences you completely. It is the state we are born to, before words, labels, ideas, and beliefs become the predominant way we interact with the world. A child has no concept of separation from experience. A child is its experience.  It is fully immersed and one with life, right at the start. And then the parents begin injecting the generally-accepted version of reality into its vulnerable brain, starting with the labels of “boy” or “girl”. Before you know it, the child thinks it’s the label. Identification with labels, words, and beliefs leads to the formation of the fictional idea of “I”.

“I” relates to categorized experience, listed and filed under headings such as good/bad, right/wrong, like/hate, etc. The categories are arbitrary and are not necessarily connected to what happened, only to how it was perceived. This remembrance of experience is not a bad thing when applied to what is actually happening. No one wants to forget what “hot” means, or repeat an action that could cause bodily harm. But when a concept replaces an experience of actual knowing, then life is immediately corrupted, disconnected, and disjointed. It becomes a lie.

Living a lie leads to intense suffering. Living in a world based on this lie spreads the suffering to everyone. And this all begins with the erroneous and false belief in a separate, individualized self.

This lie can be seen through. Prove it to yourself. Look for yourself. There is no “I”. It is only a concept. Concepts are not real things. They can only point to real things. What does “I” represent? What is the sense of it? Take a good look. Take a real good look.  Look into the face of what you fear most, the demise of “you”. What is real cannot die, what is unreal never existed.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sometimes Enlightenment Can Be a Real Kick in the A**

Very Clean Enlightenment - This is More Like It

hey ciaran
my name is diego, and i´ve been reading your work lately

how you finding it

quite frankly i´m frustrated and angry


bc i don't seem to get it

it can be a bugger
so where are you at right now
re the whole
no you thing

there is no you, looking at it from that lens


but i get pissed, bc i only am at the point of mentally understanding it, not seeing it

that's not a bad point, eh?
could be worse
might not have any idea about it
could be on fire
or in a bag
all of which would be worse
ok dude
you have to have a level of understanding
i mean, shit
you might just stumble across it
but that's a million to one
everyone i've ever popped
had to get some level
of clear idea
of what it was they were looking for
that's not just fine
it's important
it really is
and yes
while yes
of course you do need to see it
because that's where the juice is
don't be so down on yourself

so it's best to define why i want this to happen?

that would be silly
ignore that sort of thing
it's best to get try and get the issue
clear in your head
to the extent that you can
when you are not enlightened
which is to say
you have to allow
for a certain level of haze
you still gotta get some sense
of what you're looking for

and how do i go about it? other trying to understand or thinking about it

well look
the difference with this thing
as opposed to another idea
is that this is actually true
and that changes the playing field a little
in your favour, actually
this no you thing
isn't just true
it's totally true
from every conceivable angle
in every possible way
it could ever be thought of
one of the major problems people have
is that they're trying to see it in this one thing
or maybe from two or three angles
or whatever
and they get stuck in some paradox or other
and they start spinning out
thing is
it's true from every angle
you can look at it from your ownership of a sandwich if you want
and actually make it
in 10 seconds
it is that total
so point one
is don't worry too much about angle of approach
because all angles hit it
after a single honest step
just pick whatever you feel most comfortable with
the second thing
is what you're actually trying to do
with this angle
or whatever

what do you mean by that?

well look
i say this over and over
it's like we're so stuck in thinking
that ideas are things
well, not things
that the arena of ideas
is the main arena of interaction
in which we operate
i know i'm getting a little out there
try to stick with it
that we don't really credit reality itself
with actually being there
we think we need to believe this or that
or whatever
otherwise it will go away
people think enlightenment
is like a special kind of confidence
you know?
that if you hold the peace
and believe there's no you
then you'll get all the hot new age babes
or whatever
but it's not like that

hahaha im
guilty of that

more than anything
cheeky scamp
more than anything
it's like seeing one of those magic eye patterns
like in the film mallrats
"it's a sailboat not a schooner"
if you've ever seen it
the truth is that there is a boat there
you don't see it
because it's unusual for you to look in that way
it's not impossible
or even particularly hard
your eyes focus in and out all the time
but you've just got to jiggle the thing a little
and then pop
or schooner or whatever
there actually is no you
in real life
it's not a game
or some special thing
that you believe
which is magic
or makes you awesome
by it's internal awesomeness
it's just a single thing
that is actually the truth
check it out man
it's trippy as fuck
there really is no you
there's just the life
that 'you' think that 'you' are living
but there's no you
there's just thinking
and living
is that not
something of a headfuck?

yes it certainly is

is it true?

honestly, i get glimpse that it isi

check them
look deeper
find out
find the real truth of this
is this just ciaran talking crap
or is it real?
you get a glimpse of it
glimpse harder
you know?
is it true?
ask yourself that
right now
is it true?

it's weird, it clicks in my thoughts

is it true?

don't know right now

find out right now
there is no you
behind your life causing it
or in front of your life
being effected by it
there's just your life
and it's not yours
it's just life
and you
are just the imagination
of yourself
headfuck yes
look at it
look how totally fucking true it is
it is mental
it is everywhere
it's so obvious
it's not magic
it's just the truth
look right now
it's real dude
look at the fucker
there's no you
in any sense
there's just life
it's crazy, yes
but it's 100% real
right now
there's no you

have got a headache right now, from looking

no you haven't
there's just a headache
it's not your headache
there is no you

so life just is?

you tell me

i'm frustrated and scared by this

no you aren't
there's just frustration
and fear
they're not your frustration
and it's not your fear
there is no yo

that feels so true

is it?

it is, but there's no change

no change in what?
in 'you'?
you dumb bastard?
i will slap you

yes, in thinking in terms of me

no shit
you're not thinking
in terms
of you
there's just thinking in terms of 'you'
and the 'you' involved in that
is a fucking fiction
that does not refer to anything
fucking look you dumb bastard
it's right there
come on
it's so simple
it's not some mental complex equation
there just isn't a you
at ALL
there's just life
and NO
it will not MAGICALLY change things
if you see
that it is actually true
it's pretty fucking mental
so look
and see
if it's fucking true or not
and don't just stare off into space
repeating it like a mantra
actually look
for the actual answer
to the question
is there really no me?
actually answer it
in real life
for yourself

there's only the thought of me

go on

there is no me, it's not anywhere

go on

it's not physical, it's not of substance


it's not fully definable

it's not in ANY way definable
because it does exist
at ALL
try again
doesn't exist rather
you know what i meant
there is no you
it's incredible isn't it
the totality and the simplicity
of the delusion
it's just huge
but at the same time tiny

it is simple

just so simple
it's right there all the time
but we just never look
it's crazy right?
this 'delusion of self'

its unnecessary

of course
is there a you
in any sense?

no, it's just a belief, fake

uh huh
look at how deep it is
inside everything
it's like the foundation stone
of all human bullshit
there's just life right
this one moving flow
of consciousness and life
we call the present
in it there are thoughts
but no you
never a you
that we would be so deluded
about something so intimate to us

everything just is

tell you what
keep exploring it
post something up whenever you see something cool
i'm off for a smoke
but will be back
in just a little while
but keep exploring how real it is
as it is
pretty mental to look at
and quite cool

thanks man

just keep looking
and keep on the conversation
just see if you can't see some more stuff
it is quite cool to look at the truth

there's no you to keep protecting
there's no self to keep nurturing
there's no self love
there's no self help
the only thing that is, is freedom

freedom indeed my newly enlightened chum
stick with it
you're really getting somewhere now
go further into it
just explore the truth of it
you don't need to persuade yourself of anything
just keep checking it the fuck out
it is quite cool
as i'm sure you'll agree

there's a feeling of lightness
and some joy
like a big release

that's the one
stay with it
keep looking into the truth of it

this moment is very full
full of life

isn't it just?

there's no struggle


but more of a childlike curiosity

i think we're finished here
that was rapid
even by the standards
of people who are very quick
you did good here
you're american right?

nope, from el salvador

but you go to uni in penn state?
how long have you been in america?

yeah i went to school there, i was in america for 4 yearsi
then came back to el salvador after graduating

not sure what it is
about hispanic people
you guys are very good at this
hispanic and irish
for whatever reason
no idea why
maybe just the fact
that both groups
are a little insane
i have irish blood
and am something of a nutcase
probably helps
now you've popped
here's the deal
all the thoughts and stuff
and the feelings
they don't go away
you can if you do nothing now
stagnate at a very shallow level
of enlightenment
so don't
get yourself
some eckhart tolle
there's a great audio thing he does
called 'through the open door'
it's really good
what you want to do now
is to deepen your vision
of the truth
not for a laugh
or because it is magic
but because there is a world
at the mercy of a lie
that's very simple
as you now understand
and cracking a person out of that lie
is not magic
nor is it really
that hard
it's a little tricky
takes a clear eye
a firm hand
and a kind heart
but it absolutely can be reproduced
i have no interest
in recreational buddhas
there is a kind of belief
in my country
that if a person has the ability to help others
they also have the duty to do so
you now have the ability
to help your people
in a way so deep
and so permanent
that it will change the whole dynamic
of the world
and turn the people of el salvador
into a beacon of truth
that can literally guide the world
out of the dark age
it is currently in
so deepen your state
and sharpen your scalpel
the world has need of you
the question is
what's more appealing to you
the serenity of a mountaintop
or the glory of a free world?
what's it gonna be?

definitely help others

good man
ok cool
you did real good tonight
that was a pleasure

have you tried this with relatives?

with some limited success
i used to be pretty harsh with it
you can be clean
and firm
firmness is important
but so is just sort of letting the purity of the truth
do all the heavy lifting for you
run along now
download some tolle
sign up on the forum
and PM me so I can add you to the list
of enlightened people
and also

ok will do

start thinking about ways
to get this shit out

ok, thanks
had to say that again

no problem hero
this is going on the blog btw

going to bed now, catch you later man

very nice enlightenment
sure man

There is more where this came from at RUTHLESS TRUTH

Also check out the forum for some gritty one-on-one, get the job done:
Ruthless Truth: The Arena

Friday, September 9, 2011

You Are Avoiding This Moment

If you really look,
you will see
you are avoiding
this moment,
you are avoiding
this moment.

It is not that you
are somewhere else
and you have to get
back to here,

it is that you are
avoiding this moment.

If you can really
be honest
and see this reflex
of avoiding this moment,
then you can really begin
to let it go
and drop into this moment.

You can begin
to let go of thinking
and experience what is here.

Our problems
make us important.
Our knowledge
makes us important.

They keep us
separated from this moment.

We hold on to our problems
and what we know
because we are scared
of the nothingness
underneath it.

We are afraid
of being nothing,
of being nobody.

We hold on to hope
and improvement
and 'feel good' quotes
because the present moment
is too vast and empty.

Yet the very thing
we keep avoiding
is the very thing
we are seeking.

The moment
you give it all up
and fully immerse yourself
in what is really here,
there is unconditional peace.

The silence of this moment
completes you.

~Kip Mazuy

Friday, May 27, 2011

Inelia Benz - Straight from the Source

This woman claims to have incarnated directly from Oneness with a clear function and mission. She exemplifies the manner in which some are now detaching from their lower vibrational 3D identities and emerging into a higher frequency state in order to facilitate the planetary awakening.

Each of us has a function that becomes clear as we detach from egoic identification, a function that acts to re-harmonize and balance all of Life.

Recognizing we are not the body we wear or the role we play is a vital step that removes us from cycles of becoming engulfed in drama and story. Embracing and incorporating our higher frequency existence then becomes as simple as breathing and no mental understanding is necessary.

We are here to facilitate awakening, this is Life's mandate. The return to what is beyond birth and death is imminent.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Wayseer Manifesto - ROCK ON!

Just in case you've forgotten....

and have been taking your role in the cosmic drama a little too seriously....


It's OK to just sit back and enjoy the show!

The whole thing's on automatic anyway, remember?

Monday, February 28, 2011

"The Heart Jewel of the Fortunate" Dudjom Rimpoche's Personal Advice on Dzogchen Praxis

"The Great Master of Oddiyana once said:
Don’t investigate the root of things,
Investigate the root of Mind!
Once the mind’s root has been found,
You’ll know one thing, yet all is thereby freed.
But if the root of Mind you fail to find,
You will know everything but nothing understand."

When you start to meditate on your mind, sit up with your body straight, allowing your breath to come and go naturally. Gaze into the space in front of you with eyes neither closed nor wide open. Think to yourself that for the sake of all beings who have been your mothers, you will watch awareness, the face of Samantabhadra. Pray strongly to your root teacher, who is inseparable from Padmasambhava, the Guru from Oddiyana, and then mingle your mind with his. Settle in a balanced, meditative state.

Once you are settled, however, you will not stay long in this empty, clear state of awareness. Your mind will start to move and become agitated. It will fidget and run here, there, and everywhere, like a monkey. What you are experiencing at this point is not the nature of the mind but only thoughts. If you stick with them and follow them, you will find yourself recalling all sorts of things, thinking about all sorts of needs, planning all sorts of activities. It is precisely this kind of mental activity that has hurled you into the dark ocean of samsara in the past, and there’s no doubt it will do so in the future. It would be so much better if you could cut through the ever spreading, black delusion of your thoughts.

What if you are able to break out of your chain of thoughts? What is awareness like? It is empty, limpid stunning, light, free, joyful! It is not something bounded or demarcated by its own set of attributes. There is nothing in the whole of samsara and nirvana that it does not embrace. From time without beginning, it is within us, inborn. We have never been without it, yet it is wholly outside the range of action, effort, and imagination.

But what, you will ask, is it like to recognize awareness, the face of rigpa? Although you experience it, you simply cannot describe it – it would be like a dumb man trying to describe his dreams! It is impossible to distinguish between yourself resting in awareness and the awareness you are experiencing. When you rest quite naturally, nakedly, in the boundless state of awareness, all those speedy, pestering thoughts that would not stay quiet even for an instant – all those memories, all those plans that cause you so much trouble – lose their power. They disappear in the spacious, cloudless sky of awareness. They shatter, collapse, vanish. All their strength is lost in awareness.

You actually have this awareness within you. It is the clear, naked wisdom of dharmakaya. But who can introduce you to it? On what should you take your stand? What should you be certain of? To begin with, it is your teacher who shows you the state of your awareness. And when you recognize it for yourself, it is then that you are introduced to your own nature. All the appearances of both samsara and nirvana are but the display of your own awareness; take your stand upon awareness alone. Just like the waves that rise up out of the sea and sink back into it, all thoughts that appear sink back into awareness. Be certain of their dissolution, and as a result you will find yourself in a state utterly devoid of both meditator and something meditated upon - completely beyond the meditating mind.

"Oh, in that case," you might think, "there’s no need for meditation." Well, I can assure you that there is a need! The mere recognition of awareness will not liberate you. Throughout your lives from beginningless time, you have been enveloped in false beliefs and deluded habits. From then till now you have spent every moment as a miserable, pathetic slave of your thoughts! And when you die, it’s not at all certain where you will go. You will follow your karma, and you will have to suffer. This is the reason why you must meditate, continuously preserving the sate of awareness you have been introduced to. The omniscient Longchenpa has said, "You may recognize your own nature, but if you do not meditate and get used to it, you will be like a baby left on a battlefield: you’ll be carried off by the enemy, the hostile army of your own thoughts!" In general terms, meditation means becoming famiIiar with the state of resting in the primordial uncontrived nature, through being spontaneously, naturally, constantly mindful. It means getting used to leaving the state of awareness alone, divested of all distraction and clinging.

How do we get used to remaining in the nature of the mind? When thoughts come while you are meditating, let them come; there’s no need to regard them as your enemies. When they arise, relax in their arising. On the other hand, if they don’s arise, don’t be nervously wondering whether or not they will. Just rest in their absence. If big, well-defined thoughts suddenly appear during your meditation, it is easy to recognize them. But when slight, subtle movements occur, it is hard to realize that they are there until much later. This is what we call namtok wogyu, the undercurrent of mental wandering. This is the thief of your meditation, so it is important for you to keep a close watch. If you can be constantly mindful, both in meditation and afterward, when you are eating, sleeping, walking, or sitting, that’s it – you’ve got it right!

"The great master Guru Rinpoche has said:
A hundred things may be explained, a thousand told,
But one thing only should you grasp.
Know one thing and everything is freed-
Remain within your inner nature, your awareness!"

It is also said that if you do not meditate, you will not gain certainty: if you do, you will. But what sort of certainty? If you meditate with a strong, joyful endeavor, signs will appear showing that you have become used to staying in your nature. The fierce, tight clinging that you have to dualistically experienced phenomena will gradually loosen up, and your obsession with happiness and suffering, hopes and fears, and so on, will slowly weaken. Your devotion to the teacher and your sincere trust in his instructions will grow. After a time, your tense, dualistic attitudes will evaporate and you will get to the point where gold and pebbles, food and filth, gods and demons, virtue and nonvirtue, are all the same for you-you’ll be at a loss to choose between paradise and hell! But until you reach that point (while you are still caught in the experiences of dualistic perception), virtue and nonvirtue, buddhafields and hells, happiness and pain, actions and their results – all this is reality for you. As the Great Guru has said, "My view is higher than the sky, but my attention to actions and their results is finer than flour."

So don’t go around claiming to be some great Dzogchen meditator when in fact you are nothing but a farting lout, stinking of alcohol and rank with lust!

It is essential for you to have a stable foundation of pure devotion and samaya, together with a strong, joyful endeavor that is well balanced, neither too tense nor too loose. If you are able to meditate, completely turning aside from the activities and concerns of this life, it is certain that you will gain the extraordinary qualities of the profound path of Dzogchen. Why wait for future lives? You can capture the primordial citadel right now, in the present.

This advice is the very blood of my heart. Hold it close and never let it go!

~ Taken from Counsels from My Heart by Dudjom Rinpoche, Chapter 7
Shambhala: Boston, 2001

(Thank you, Jeannie!)