This blog is only about awakening, nothing more, nothing less. Anything that will contribute to the possibility of complete liberation from the dream, or from the mass hallucination of humanity, or from the mental matrix, or from the false self, or from the lie, or any other label you want to call it, is welcome here. The key words are FREEDOM and JOY. Sometimes I think this reporting about stuff just keeps the false story going and only adds to the insanity, and there's too much of that already. But something is trying to pry the lid off still, something awaits to be seen. We are all in this boat together, so here we go......have fun!

Showing posts with label awake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awake. Show all posts

Monday, October 18, 2010

Neither Nothing Nor Something - Robert Adams

What do you have to be to become nothing? What do you have to know to be nothing? To be nothing is a misnomer, for you make the nothing into some thing. If you're trying to be nothing, then you're trying to be something, aren't you? Because the nothing is something, that you're trying to become. Consequently, you should never strive to be nothing and you should never strive to be something, for they're both erroneous concepts. None of them really exist.

The question therefore is, "If something doesn't exist, and nothing doesn't exist, well what is?" And the answer is silence. Absolute silence. For the human mind and the human thinking, the human thoughts, can never comprehend what silence is. You try to put it into words, and you spoil it. There are no words that can interpret the silence, for when you go into the true silence, you go beyond nothing and something. Yet everyone has experienced this true silence who has gone beyond nothing and something, and appeared to have to first become something and nothing, in order to be silent.

There's something you have to know: No. 1. Nothing is as it appears. You have to feel this deep in your heart. Nothing in this whole universe is as it appears. So do not be fooled by appearances. You do not allow the appearance to get to you, to make you feel this way or that way, no matter what the appearance may be. You are to look at the appearance as you would look at a mirage. And this is scientific, for the appearance will change sooner or later anyway. Therefore when you feel something from an experience, it is subject to change. You'll not be the same again. This is why the average person keeps going up and down like a yo-yo. They respond to a condition, then the condition changes and they respond in a different way to the same condition, and this changes and you respond again to the condition. They keep responding again and again to what they see as a condition.

No. 2. Do not say that the world is maya, for if you say the world is maya, that's a concept you have. And this is a non-duality concept, but nevertheless it's a concept, for you're holding on to the fact that the world is maya. In reality maya does not exist. There is no maya. Therefore everything that appears to come from maya, must also not exist. Do you follow this?

Whatever you think does not exist, is a concept. It becomes a thing, something to hold on to. You go around saying, "Everything is maya, everything is maya, the universe does not exist." But that maya exists, and this is the biggest mistake you're making, for you think maya exists. What is maya? An illusion. To whom comes the illusion? To the one who believes maya as a concept, maya as a thing, a belief. In other words, everything that you believe up to this point is erroneous, and it should be dropped.

The same is true with the words of absolute reality, pure awareness, Brahman, sat-chit-ananda. These things become a safe haven for you, and they keep you back from your full realization, for you are holding on to these beliefs that there is absolute reality, there is sat-chit-ananda, there is nirvana. Where would these things come from except from your own mind? It is you who gave these things names. We have given names to something we do not understand. We call it reality. What is reality? Something that never changes. And the something that never changes, becomes a concept and you hold on to that.

Is it any wonder such few people are self-realized? Is it any wonder that certain people only are liberated, very few people liberated? For we have simply exchanged terms. We say the world does not exist but maya exists. We say everything comes from consciousness, everything comes from the absolute reality. We merely change words, change terms.

There is no absolute reality. There is no sat-chit-ananda. There is no Brahman. It is we who made these terms up, and we feel safe and secure by holding on to them. At one time we used to say, "God is with me." Now we say, "Consciousness is with me," or, "I am the absolute reality." We've just changed the names. That's all we've done.

No. 3 is: you are not even the silence, for as long as you can express the word silence, that's not it. You have to get to the place where you have absolutely nothing to hold on to, nothing to lean against. Even when Buddha said to take refuge in the Buddha, take refuge in the sangha, take refuge in the eight fold path, this again is a mistake. I'm not saying the Buddha made a mistake. What I'm saying is the reason he said this, is because he was speaking to ignorant people who had to hold on to something. But the Buddha realized there's nothing to hold on to. There never was anything to hold on to. Even when you’re told you're total freedom, the word freedom becomes a concept for you. As long as you can lean on to it, as long as you can hold on to it, and you feel good in it, it's a mistake.

Again, this is the reason so few people are self-realized. You're holding on to something. You're attached to something. Whether it's a teaching, or a person, or a satsang, or a sangha, you can never become free while you're attached to something.

So the question is, what shall I do? You do exactly what you're doing now, but do not think about it. This is the important point. Do not try to find some new profound teaching, that will give you new words, or new methods, or new rules and regulations. You merely do what you're doing now and you do not think about it, you do not attempt to analyze it, you do not think this teaching is higher than any other teaching. You leave yourself alone. When you learn to leave yourself alone, in body and in mind, you have arrived. Do not ask, "Where have I arrived? To what have I arrived?"

This spoils the whole thing. That's what I'm trying to explain to you. Do not look at something that I say, and attempt to analyze it, tear it apart, try to make something out of it, or take refuge in it. Just be. Be neither this nor that.

If you were only able to do what I tell you, you would immediately feel a tremendous happiness, a tremendous bliss inside of you. You would feel a tremendous joy welling up within yourself. This happiness, this bliss and this joy is your very nature. It has nothing to do with words, places or things. It is what you are when you let go of everything that you've been holding on to.

To Read more, CLICK HERE...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Deepened Entrenchment

It seems like it would be very easy for someone you’ve given some sort of authority to (even an unintended, projected authority) to say all the right words to you, all the right things to you, all the most comforting, ideologically satisfying terms and conditions when it comes to what you want to hear about spirituality. And the marketplace is geared for that. There is just about every single flavor out there for people to dive into. And they do. Those who say they are leading spiritual lives, and they are spiritual people, and so forth. There is very little challenging that goes on. And the challenging that does come about is a challenge more toward – well, deepening an entrenchment into identification, rather than a challenge in the opposite direction, of allowing to dismantle what’s allowing one to believe lies, to believe untruth, to believe what’s not the case in favor of what is totally the case, and always has been and always will be, in a time bound structure – and beyond. What is fascinating to see is just how completely riveted a spiritual seeker can be on thinking and believing that they are making “progress” because they have done so much “work” on themselves. And to see directly, while as perfect as that is – those are the trajectories that need to be followed – but in light of what they THINK are being pointed toward, it’s the exact opposite. It could not be more averse or unattuned. Now, in the broad scheme, sometimes you need to be duped for a long, long time in order to finally have the day come where the shackles come off and the scales fall from the eyes – and that’s why I say it’s perfect. What I’m merely trying to convey is that, to watch this going on – to hear this – to sort of see people becoming so entrenched, and being so caught up – there is a remembering of what that was like. And how caught up in the brambles one can be come in that situation. However, when it comes to Truth Realization, ultimately any sort of self development, self improvement like that, makes no sense. There is nothing you can do to any of that kind of a structure that’s going to have any bearing on Truth Realization. It’s slated or not slated from moment one. What working on the ego, self improvement, self development does is bury people even further into this tangled mess – yet at the same time they think all of this so-called development is “working”, and they listen to people who are telling them to do keep doing this – maybe even challenging them on those counts, but challenging them in the wrong direction. And how willingly our belief is suspended in that position – how willingly we allow ourselves to fall into that trap, to fall into that guise of progress, fall into somebody telling us, or “challenging” us to be better – while, when it comes to Truth, what they are actually often doing is moving us away, trapping us, or even burying us further into the muck than perhaps we have ever been.

Just Perception

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Quotes from Adyashanti

Ego is basically the movement of the mind toward objects of perception in the form of grasping and away from objects in the form of aversion.

This fundamentally is all the ego is.

This movement of grasping and aversion gives rise to a sense of a separate "me," and in turn the sense of "me" strengthens itself this way.

It is this continuous loop of causation that tricks consciousness into a trance of identification.

Identification with what?

Identification with the continuous loop of suffering.

After all, who is suffering?

The "me" is suffering.

And "who" is this me?

It is nothing more than a sense of self caused by identification with grasping and aversion.

You see, it's all a creation of the mind, an endless movie, a terrible dream.

Don't try to change the dream -- trying to change it is just another movement in the dream.

Look at the dream. Be aware of the dream.

That awareness is It.

Become more interested in the awareness of the dream than in the dream itself.

What is that awareness? Who is that awareness?

Don't go spouting out an answer, just be the answer.

Be It.

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One of the most beautiful inquiries is, “What does my life serve?” This is a big question. It’s not asking, “What form is my service taking?” It doesn’t particularly matter what form our service takes when we are serving the silence of the heart. The only thing that’s important is, “What is my life really serving?

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"If you are a true seeker of liberation you've got to be willing to stand alone. At the moment of Liberation everything falls away...everything. Suddenly the ground beneath your feet is gone, and you are alone. You are alone because you have directly realized that there is no other, there is no separation. There is only you, only Self, only limitless emptiness, pure consciousness.

To the mind, the ego, this appears terrifying. When the mind looks at limitlessness and infinity, it projects meaninglessness and despair. To the ego Absolute Freedom can look terrifying. But when the mind is let go of, the view changes from meaningless despair and fear to the unending joy and wonder of Liberation.

In Liberation, you stand alone. You stand alone because you need no supports of any kind. You need no supports because you have realized that the very notion of a separate you no longer exists; that there is nothing to support; that the whole ego experience was a flimsy illusion. So you stand alone but never, never lonely because everywhere you look, all you see is That, and You are That."

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This innocence waking up, realizing that everything is itself, even all the confusion and all the ignorance and everything....this is the dissolving of confusion, of ignorance, of karma.

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Enlightenment is perceiving not through the lens of ego. It is not an unending satori experience, unending awakening experience. This misunderstanding will create
more tail chasing than it is dreamed possible.

It is not the quality of "aha" that will sustain because it will not sustain itself. Next week you may be going to have another "aha" that is bigger.

True practices or useful spiritual disciplines, if there is any, is a way not fueling the egoic consciousness.

The liberating truth is not static; it is alive. It cannot be put into concepts and be understood by the mind. The truth lies beyond all forms of conceptual fundamentalism. What you are is the beyond—awake and present, here and now already.

To be here, all you have to do is let go of who you think you are. That’s all! And then you realize, "I’m here." Here is where thoughts aren’t believed. Every time you
come here, you are nothing. Radiantly nothing. Absolutely and eternally zero. Emptiness that is awake. Emptiness that is full. Emptiness that is everything.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Wisdom of Nisargadatta Maharaj

"Either you remain forever hungry and thirsty, longing, searching, grabbing, holding, ever losing and sorrowing, or go out wholeheartedly in search of the state of timeless perfection to which nothing can be added, from which nothing - taken away.

... In it all desires and fears are absent, not because they were given up, but because they have lost their meaning."

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"Immobility and silence are not inactive. The flower fills the space with perfume, the candle -- with light. They do nothing yet they change everything by their mere presence."

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"Once the illusion that the body-mind as oneself is abandoned, death loses its terror, it becomes a part of living ... All happiness comes from awareness. The more we are conscious, the deeper the joy. Acceptance of pain, non-resistance, courage and endurance - these open deep and perennial sources of real happiness, true bliss."

"Forget the known, but remember that you are the knower. Don't be all the time immersed in your experiences. Remember that you are beyond the experiencer, ever unborn and deathless. In remembering it, the quality of pure knowledge will emerge, the light of unconditional awareness."

"But why worry so much about causation? What do causes matter, when things themselves are transient? Let come what comes and let go what goes - why catch hold of things and inquire about their causes?"

"If you could only keep quiet, clear of memories and expectations, you would be able to discern the beautiful pattern of events. It is your restlessness that causes chaos."

"Discard every self-seeking motive as soon as it is seen and you need not search for truth; truth will find you."

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"Spiritual maturity is being ready to let go everything. Giving up is a first step, but real giving-up is the insight that there's nothing to be given up, since nothing is your property."

"Having realized that I am one with, and yet beyond the world, I became free from all desire and fear. I did not reason out that I should be free, I found myself free, unexpectedly, without the least effort."

"Meet your own self. Be with your own self, listen to it, obey it, cherish it, keep it in mind ceaselessly. You need no other guide. As long as your urge for truth affects your daily life, all is well with you. Live your life without hurting anybody. Harmlessness is a most powerful form of Yoga and it will take you speedily to your goal. This is what I call nisarga yoga, the Natural yoga. It is the art of living in peace and harmony, in friendliness and love. The fruit of it is happiness, uncaused and endless."

"You must find your own way. Unless you find it yourself, it will not be your own way and will take you nowhere. Earnestly live your truth as you have found it, act on the little you have understood. It is earnestness that will take you through, not cleverness - your own or another's."

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Visit : http://nisargadatta

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Myth of "Doing Nothing"

Colin Drake

I recently was talking to a friend who was complaining of existential anxiety; which was dispelled by reading a good book on nonduality or attending an inspiring satsang, but which always returned. So I asked him what he 'did' on a daily basis to establish himself in nondual awareness, whereupon he grinned sheepishly indicating that he did nothing. Which made me ponder the teachings of many modern teachers of nondualism who say there is nothing to 'do' and everything just 'happens by itself'. Indeed even in my book Beyond the Separate Self there is a chapter entitled 'Nothing to Achieve, Find or Get' which could give the impression that there is nothing that one needs to do . However I can assure you that if one continues to live in the same headspace without 'doing anything' then there will no change in one's outlook and anxiety levels. For as I say in the book:

At a deeper level than this flow of fleeting objects (thoughts and sensations) we are this constant subject, awareness itself; this is already the case and as such cannot be achieved. All that is required is to realize this!

So awareness is central to our being, whilst thoughts and sensations are peripheral. This is self-evident for without awareness our thoughts and sensations would pass unnoticed. Thus we cannot lose this awareness; we just need to stop overlooking it.

It is impossible to get that awareness which you already are, and thus have in full abundance. All that is required is to recognize this. In this respect you do need to 'get' this, but this is in fact nothing as it is not a thing but the 'ground' from which all things arise, in which they exist and back into which they subside. So there is in fact 'no thing to get' and you do need to 'get' nothing(ness) !

So although there is:

'nothing to achieve,' we do need to realize the deeper level of pure awareness, for this to be the case.

'nothing to find', we do need to stop overlooking the awareness that is always present.

'nothing to get', we do need to recognize that we already have this awareness.

This realization, or recognition, of the deeper level of pure awareness is easily accomplished by directly investigating our own moment-to-moment experience. My book aims to provide a simple straightforward framework in which this investigation can take place. However even after the recognition of this deeper level we do need to cultivate, and establish, this by further investigation/ contemplation for as it says in The Tibetan Book of the Dead:

All those of all [differing] potential, regardless of their acumen or dullness,
May realize [this intrinsic awareness].

However, for example, even though sesame is the source of oil and milk of butter,
But there will be no extract if these are unpressed or unchurned,
Similarly, even though all beings actually possess the seed of buddhahood,
Sentient beings will not attain buddhahood without experiential cultivation.

Nonetheless, even a cowherd will attain liberation if he engages in experiential cultivation.

For, even though one may not know how to elucidate [this state] intellectually,
One will [through experiential cultivation] become manifestly established in it.
One whose mouth has actually tasted molasses,
Does not need others to explain its taste.

Even after one has 'tasted molasses' this taste will dissipate after a time, requiring further ingesting for the taste to reappear. In the same way the effect of 'awakening' to the reality of the deeper level of pure awareness will dissipate if one 'nods off' again and re-identifies with the mind/body. So one needs to continually inquire into/investigate/ contemplate the nature of Self and Reality for this 'awakening' to become established. It is only in this established awakening that all existential anxiety is banished.

Beyond the Separate Self, by Colin Drake,
is available at http://nonduality. com/btss. htm

Friday, February 12, 2010

Be at Peace

I have been reluctant to write anything for a long many are so much more articulate than I and I am a horrible typist as well. Every time I have a revolutionary thought, it is swept clean so quickly, and I am back to no-mind before I know it...

If there was anything of value that I could say, it would be that whatever you are thinking is true, let go of it as quickly as possible and come back to HERE. All of thought is a secondary notion, a borrowed contrivance, a story believed. Awakening is an unraveling, an undoing of all that was and is, a return to the delight of pure emptiness.

And this is exactly what is happening in the world, and it is so interesting to watch the scrambling for position, the attempt to hold on to the melting icicle of an illusionary world with no substance. It is like an actor who has so succumbed to his role that at the end of the movie he cannot remember the truth of who he was before the story began. YOU ARE NOT YOUR STORY!

The fear and tension only comes because you have so identified with this earthly coil that the Truth of you seems to be a fantasy...but there was a time not so long ago that you saw through the veil clearly and let it fall away. The dream is fading now....just let it, allow it to came here to awaken so let it happen!

The events in the world are the natural result of humanity's decision to be the butterfly breaking from the chrysalis, or a child being born, there is discomfort and struggle. But the result is inevitable and ultimately joyous. Find a quiet place to sit with a few good friends and enjoy the ride!

We are here in Costa Rica, evolving community, allowing it all to unfold....

There is no way to define this by any prior definitions as the moment unfolds itself...and here words fail and I am again rendered speechless....

Be at Peace, All is Well...


Channeling by David Wilcock


The reason you are up in the middle of the night asking yourself these questions is very simple. We have an agenda to perform. The simplest requests are often not heard by you, so it takes diligence and patience to perform some of these operations.

You know as well as I do the stakes that are involved. Nothing less than the survival of the human race as it goes through this critical transition. Therefore, be at peace with the coming changes and allow yourself to rectify that which is not understood in the glow of honest acceptance of that which is.

What we have for you is a new view of humanity from this clear perspective that speaks only of love and light.

For in love and light is a vista of consciousness that opens the door to mastery.
That has always been the way it works. Spirit melds with matter and produces majesty. All is revealed in a nanosecond to those who are ready for it. The law of love approaches the law of infinity, and there is a merger of the mortal with the sublime and limitless.

(Click here to continue reading....)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Return to Silence

Silence is the language of God, all else is translation

-- Rumi

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"I have a capacity in my soul for taking in God entirely.
I am as sure as I live that nothing is so near to me as God.
God is nearer to me than I am to myself..."

-- Meister Eckhart

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"The silence of a quiet mind is the essence of that beauty. Because it is silent and because it is not the plaything of thought, then in that silence there comes that which is indestructible, which is sacred. In the coming of that which is sacred then life becomes sacred, your life becomes sacred, our relationship becomes sacred, everything becomes sacred."


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You are not what happens; you are the space in which it happens. You are not your thoughts; they come and go. You are the vastness in which these thoughts appear and disappear because underneath all your thinking there is the stillness of pure being,... pure consciousness, the timeless dimension of yourself.

- Eckhart Tolle

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"Choose silence, and love is apparent.

When we choose silence, we choose to give up the reasons not to love,
which are the reasons for going to war, or continuing war, or separating,
or being a victim, or being right. In a moment of silence, in a moment of
no thought, no mind, we choose to give those up.
This is what my teacher invited me to.

Just choose silence. Don't even choose love. Choose silence, and love is
apparent. If we choose love we already have an idea of what love is.

But if you choose silence, that is the end of ideas. You are willing to
have no idea, to see what is present when there is no idea, past,
present, future. No idea of love, no idea of truth, no idea of you, no
idea of me. Love is apparent."

--Ganga Ji

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When we are empty of ego we, too, can carry on in calm acceptance of
life's varying events. When we cease making prejudicial distinctions -
gentle or harsh, beautiful or ugly, good or bad - a peaceful stillness
will permeate our mind. If there is no ego, there is no agitation.

-- Master Han Shan

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Live in your Unborn Buddha-Mind. Then there's no regression. No need for advancement. Any idea of wanting to make progress is already a regression from the place of the Unborn. A man of the Unborn has nothing to do with advancing or backsliding. He's always beyond them both.

Since the Buddha-Mind takes care of everything by means of the Unborn, it has nothing to do with Samsara or Nirvana. Seen from the place of the Unborn, both are like shadows in a dream. There can be no death for what was never born.

The marvelous brightness of the Buddha-Mind, by means of words, is able to enlighten people and deliver them from their illusions one by one. And when someone hears these words, understands and affirms them, he will know for himself that the Buddha-Mind' s wonderful brightness surpasses even the brightness of the sun and moon.

What an incalculable treasure is your Buddha-Mind!

--Writing: The Unborn: The Life and Teachings of Zen Master Bankei
Translated by Norman Waddell

Monday, June 8, 2009

Why Wait?

Scott Morrison

To be sure, we all have a great deal to learn from each other. However, the process of subtle arrogance and self deception in the spiritual arena is perhaps the most damaging of all illusions. I am a Buddhist, or a Yogi, or a Pagan, or a student of the Fourth Way or the Kaballah or some other mystical or ecclectic school, and I imagine that Christians are at least somewhat deluded. Or I am a Christian, perhaps a Catholic or an Evangelical, or a Course in Miracles student, or a Muslim, or a Jew, and maintain some pretense that my version of "God" or "Love" is somehow more accurate than "theirs." But in fact, when we think "Jesus said so-and-so," or "The Buddha taught thus-and-such, " we might ask ourselves, "How would I know, and why am I repeating this?" If we face it sincerely, it is hard to avoid the discovery that all we are doing is trying to justify our own opinions and their connected feelings, perhaps seeking to be tied in with some powerful authority figure(s) which is fortified by our own conditioning. So we each have our private and group stories about things, and continue to surreptitiously elevate ourselves and put each other down.

But in fact, there is no private liberation or salvation. (Where is the "one separate" from the rest, to be saved, except in some mental fiction?) Of utmost importance, finally, is putting an end to this devious and hurtful process of "spiritual ego," of imagining there's some kind of competition, and that there's someone who has to defend his or her particular spiritual turf against others. If you stop using your transient body or your thoughts or feelings as points of reference, it will be obvious that there is no "someone" and there are no "others." That whole thing is a paranoid fantasy, a pathological delusion, in this case in the name of whatever religion to which we happen to subscribe. So let's call a spade a spade: God, the Absolute, does not belong to anyone, nor to any particular group.
(So why pay homage to a limited god?)

Furthermore, Enlightenment, Self Realization, does not belong to anyone either. (In fact, everything belongs to Enlightenment. So why pay homage to a limited enlightenment? ) Although it may occur in virtually any context - Buddhist, Christian, Yogic, Sufi, Hindu, Fourth Way, Muslim, Taoist, Jewish, Wiccan, 12-Step work, shamanistic, agnostic, scientific and so on, Spiritual Awakening, the Realization of Emptiness, the Tao, cannot be owned. How could That which is infinite be possessed by any religion, tradition, path, lineage, teacher, or hierarchy, all of which are limited? Is God a Christian, or a Jew, or a Muslim? Is Enlightenment controlled by Buddhists or Yogis or Hindus? How could That which is formless be made to conform to any set of assumptions about liberation, past or future? (If you still find yourself resisting that possibility, you might ask yourself how you would know, one way or the other, and what motives are tied up in thinking about it in any specified way, for or against. Why maintain beliefs or disbeliefs at all?) Is truth really a matter of subjective opinion? Is not truth, if that word means anything at all, an ongoing process of careful observation and uncompromised, undefended honesty?

It's time we stop pretending, subtly or overtly, that our particular group is superior in some way. That's a hidden way of saying, "I'm superior," (and therefore not inferior). Let's bring our woundedness, our childhood fears and hurts of inferiority, covered over by the pretense of individual or collective superiority, to a total and absolute halt. Completely. Now. If we need to weep, then let's weep together. And let those tears of shame be tears of relief, tears of joy, in finally putting down this burden of trying to defend and justify what we have imagined ourselves to be. What doesn't exist doesn't need to be defended. It never did.

Particularly in recent years, many of us have had very powerful awakenings, but these experiences, in and of themselves, do not mean that much unless we allow ourselves to be transformed, completely, by what we have discovered. If we try to use them to validate our religious and peer identities and opinions, with our various secret and subtle motives and perceptions so shaped, we corrupt our awakening, and are already entangled in delusion. (And when we make ourselves or our group or our path or the teacher we've identified ourselves with special, we make ourselves separate.) The most any spiritual institution can do is to support and celebrate what is already real and true without reservation.

Full awareness, peace, freedom, clarity and joy can, and do, only exist now. If any of us still find ourselves suffering from the symptoms of ignorance, divisiveness or competition, that is to say, fear, envy, anger, sorrow, frustration, disappointment, jealosy, self-loathing, guilt, depression, loneliness, despair, or confusion, it is because we are still negotiating with God, still negotiating with Truth, still negotiating with Love, still negotiating with Freedom, still negotiating with Serenity. The pain is none other than the agony of lying to ourselves about what we want more than anything else. It is like finally finding the lover we have always longed for, but holding back in terror of losing that love.

Why put this moment off? That which you seek is That which you already are, and always have been - you are not separate, you cannot be separate from the Absolute, from Infinite Consciousness Itself. If you dare to stop pretending that you and your life are based on some mental version of things that arises out of memory, you will find out beyond any doubt! This is not some kind of wishful thinking or grandiose mental trick. Rather, with total and unflinching sincerity, with no psychological defense or self deception whatsoever, search your heart and find out what you permanently are, what you've been all along. Find out if there has ever been a separate "Other." If you discover there never has been an other, is there one now? Could there ever be? Why pretend anymore?

If you dare to give your heart, your soul, your mind, your body, and your life, unconditionally, to what you discover to be true, you will know an infinitely deep and abiding peace that has never been even a breath away. This bliss, this tranquility depends on nothing, and It is not capable of ending. Furthermore, it doesn't make a bit of difference what you've ever done. or not done. You can put an end to the battle. Yes, that's correct, just walk right out of the war, right now. All you have to do is surrender, absolutely and completely, not to me, not to some authority figure, or some organization or institution, but surrender only to your own deepest Purity.

God and your own Unbounded Love are not different. If you truly give yourself up completely, it will shock your whole system. It will suddenly dawn on you,

"Oh my God, what a fool I've been! What was I thinking?"

Then the absolute insanity of giving yourself to anything else will become apparent. Why wait? Why put off your own complete and total liberation? In your innermost and outermost places, in every single moment, Love waits for you everywhere. Is there really something else you would rather do? Is it possible that the thing that you fear the most, the thing that you avoid the most, is what you truly desire the most? It cannot abandon you. Even if you choose to ignore It, betray It and walk away, It is always closer than your next breath. Suspend all opinion and debate, and find out for yourself.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Reveries on Awakening

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I had always had a sense of 'innerness', a sense of a 'center' within. Then at one point it struck me that my sense of center could be an "assumption", not a fact. I suddenly realized that that assumption created a sense of inner/outer, of a 'me' inside and of a 'world' outside. With that realization I was able to 'let go' of that assumption. With that letting go consciousness became as a point that was everywhere at once. There was no longer an 'outside'. Everything was included in that expanded sense of spaceless presence. It was as if the 'subjective geometry' of experience became radically simpler, indeed as if there were no geometry at all!

~Peter Dziuban in Consciousness is All

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The gate was opened to me ... in one quarter of an hour I saw and knew more than if I had been many years together at a University ... I saw it as in a great deep in the internal; for I had a thorough view of the Universe, as a complex moving fullness wherein all things are couched and wrapped up.

~Jacob Boehme

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If I were to spend years and years imagining how to invent anything so beautiful, I could not do it, and I do not even know how I should try, for, even in its whiteness and radiance alone, it exceeds all that we can imagine.

~Saint Teresa of Avila

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Our true nature is not limited ... it is like the vast ocean. ... When we touch Supreme Consciousness through meditation, then we are boundless, we are everywhere, we are eternal.

~Amma Karunamayi

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At midnight I abruptly awakened. At first my mind was foggy, then suddenly that quotation flashed into my consciousness: "I came to realize clearly that Mind is no other than mountains, rivers, and the great wide earth, the sun and the moon and the stars." And I repeated it. Then all at once I was struck as though by lightning, and the next instant heaven and earth crumbled and disappeared. Instantaneously, like surging waves, a tremendous delight welled up in me, a veritable hurricane of delight, as I laughed loudly and wildly: "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! There's no reasoning here, no reasoning at all! Ha, ha, ha!" the empty sky split in two, then opened its enormous mouth and began to laugh uproariously ... Shakyamuni and the patriarchs haven't deceived me!"

~from "The Three Pillars of Zen" by Phillip Kapleau

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Behold what wonderful rest is in the Supreme Spirit
! and he enjoys it; who makes himself meet for it.
Held by the cords of love, the swing of the Ocean of Joy
sways to and fro; and a mighty sound breaks forth in song.
See what a lotus blooms there without water !
and Kabir says"My heart's bee drinks its nectar."

What a wonderful lotus it is,
that blooms at the heart of the spinning wheel of the universe!
Only a few pure souls know of its true delight.
Music is all around it,
and there the heart partakes of the joy of the Infinite Sea.
Kabir says: " Dive thou into that Ocean of sweetness:
thus let all errors of life and of death fiee away."


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These spiritual windowshoppers,
who idly ask, "How much is that?" "Oh, I'm just looking."
They handle a hundred items and put them down,
shadows with no capital.

What is spent is love and two eyes wet with weeping.
But these walk into a shop,
and their whole lives pass suddenly in that moment,
in that shop.

Where did you go? "Nowhere."
What did you have to eat? "Nothing much."

Even if you don't know what you want,
buy something, to be part of the exchanging flow.

Start a huge, foolish, project,
like Noah.

It makes absolutely no difference
what people think of you.

~Rumi, version by Coleman Barks, from "We Are Three"

Various Pointers to Non-Duality

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There is no attainment and no cultivation
of original nature. You are Consciousness,
not a farmer! Why work for that which you
already are? Do not mentate, do not stir a
thought. Trying to get out of superimposed
bondage, which is the notion that you are
separate from Existence, you will land in
superimposed freedom.

- From "The Truth Is" by Sri H.W.L. Poonja

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"When you become more sensitive to the body you have the impression that the inhalation-exhalation is no longer localized. It is all around you. It is important to see how we live mainly in our heads. Think with your whole body, feel with your whole body.

In the whole feeling, the global sensation, you go into your room and touch your whole room. You go outside and touch the clouds, the trees, the water. You do not live in isolation.

In your radiation you are in communion with all things. In this expansion there is no place for the ego because the ego is a contraction. Love is expansion, a feeling of spaciousness. "

- Jean Klein

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This is from New Seeds of Contemplation, pg 226, in the chapter called "The Gift of Understanding"

"A door swings open in the center of our being and we seem to fall through it into immense depths which, although they are infinite, are all accessible to us; all eternity seems to have become ours in this one placid and breathless contact. Where already, supernatural instinct teaches us that the function of this abyss of freedom, which has been open within our midst, is to draw us utterly out of our own selfhood and into its own immensity of liberation."

- Thomas Merton

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The Trap of Meaninglessness

There are other traps that are inherent within this process of going from the initial glimpse of awakening to real abiding awakening. There are several of them that come up and again these traps or these cul-de-sacs, these delusions aren't inherent to awakening itself but they arise with the mind's relationship with the awakened view because the awakened view is so far beyond the mind that the mind truly can't contain it but the mind's inherent nature is to try to contain everything that it sees. And so one of these very common traps that people can get into is a sense of meaninglessness.

Now this can arise because from the stand point of reality we are free from the egoic desire to find meaning. We see that the ego's desire to find meaning in its life is actually a surrogate, a substitute for having a direct connection with life, for having the perception of 'you are life itself.' But if we don't feel that, if we don't know that, we don't experience that, then we need surrogates, we need something to stand in to fill the gap as it were. And as egos, what the ego uses is meaning, 'I'm trying to find the meaning in my life, what's the meaning to my life.' Only someone who is disconnected from life itself will seek meaning. Only someone that's disconnected from life will look for purpose. I'm not saying that people shouldn't look for meaning or shouldn't look for purpose. Actually they are probably wise strategies that are used to help people cope with life. But remember that these egoic yearnings for 'what's the meaning of my life?, what's the meaning of my existence?, what's the purpose of my existence?' are ultimately derived from a state where we have no real knowledge of what we are, where we're disconnected from our true nature. I don't mean actually disconnected, I mean unconscious of.

So when there's a true realization, when we wake up from the dream state, when we wake up from the ego, what is realized, part of the realization is the search for meaning is now no longer appropriate. When one has a direct connection with life, all of a sudden to find one's meaning, to find one's purpose seems to be a rather paltry thing, to be a small thing, to be insignificant. It's no longer really a drive in our life. The drive for meaning and purpose falls out of our life because we are literally in a different perspective. In a perspective where such things don't really exist or certainly they don't exist in the old way, they don't exist from the egoic standpoint.

Now the mind will perceive this, this truth, this truth that when we wake up from the dream state we see that the dream state is a dream state. How could a dream state have meaning? How could a dream state have purpose. It's a dream. And that's very true but as I say over and over, there's still a human being and there's still a human mind. And the mind is trying to make sense of all this. The mind is even trying to make sense of awakening itself. It's trying to make sense of the view of awakening. And as I have also said, for most people there's not a total disappearance of the ego, of that which is the experience of division. And so the mind is in relationship with the insights of reality, at times. And the mind will start to say, 'Oh God, there's no meaning!' And what's left of the ego will say, "There's no meaning! I now have no purpose or meaning! It's like you've seen too much of Reality to believe in purpose or meaning.

From "The End of Your World" - Adyashanti

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I Don't Know

A Dialogue on Intuition

An Interview with Robert Rabbin by Lourdes Billingsley
(Published in the Spring 1995 issue of the Institute of Noetic Sciences Review.)

Editor's Note: Intuition, like consciousness itself, has puzzled both scholars and laypeople for centuries. When we try to pin it down in words, it seems to forever elude precise definition. Yet many of us believe we have some sense of what it is. Lourdes Billingsley decided to interview workshop leader and author Robert Rabbin because "he has a way of responding that circumvents the mind." Rather than answer questions, he enquires into the motivation of the questioner. In the following interview, Billingsley demonstrates how the meaning of intuition is experienced rather than explained.

Lourdes Billingsley: I used to think that intuition was something which would somehow make me a better person, that intuition would be IT. Many people want to develop their psychic or intuitive abilities. Why do you think there is this interest in intuition?

Robert Rabbin: I think people are initially interested in what you call intuition because they do indeed think it will bring benefit. But you know it's hard to answer a question before first asking questions about the question. So let's begin with, What is intuition? I was thinking that if we just start talking about intuition, we'll never become intuition, we'll only know something about it. If we only come to know something about intuition, instead of becoming it, that knowledge will imprison us and reinforce the barrier against it. However, if we can end up inside intuition without knowing something about it, that will have value.

Let's talk about what you were saying initially, which is to ask why we have an interest in intuition. Do we think that intuition will positively affect something in our lives? Let's first find out what it is we want to affect through knowledge of intuition or the experience of intuition. Because the question, What is intuition? may be the wrong question. It may be that our pursuit, if it's unexamined, is misguided, it may not really feed and satisfy our hunger. So let's talk about intuition only if it turns out it's necessary to talk about it. Let's first ask, What is it about our lives that we feel intuition is an answer or an antidote for? Is intuition a medicine that's going to cure a condition? Why do we want to know what intuition is? That's my question to you.

At this point I feel my role and agenda as interviewer slipping away. When I am asked a question I can no longer hide behind the role of interviewer. The question brings me out into the open.

LB: I wanted to satisfy an inner yearning for a certain something that I could not name. I just knew there was something beyond what I knew. I have felt it deeply for years and have always felt a compulsion to seek it out, discover it, bring it out of hiding.

RR: I want to be precise about the condition that was motivating you to seek out this something. If you have a sense that there is something more in life to experience or become aware of, we would have to assume there is an a priori condition that is motivating you. That condition might just be curiosity, but from what you have said it sounds more like dissatisfaction, or perhaps unhappiness, emptiness, sadness, loneliness, insecurity. So those might be among the conditions in our lives that we feel intuition will mitigate. Already we could significantly alter the inquiry of our conversation from "What is intuition?" to "What is the nature and source of isolation, sadness, confusion, doubt, alienation, longing?" We might do better to inquire into the nature of those states—what are they, how do they arise, and what can we do about them? Developing our capacity for intuition may be the correct path" it may also be a colossal waste of time. We should carefully examine and clarify what we are doing. Let's look at what motivates us to explore intuition, and then let's look at what we are calling intuition. We shouldn't rust forward blindly.

An inquiry into the place from which questions arise produces not an answer, but a resolution of the tension from which the question appears. This is something much more profound and useful than any answer. The mind will swoon and fall back into its source. That's what we've been doing. We haven't answered anything. We haven't thrown ourselves carelessly into the world of abstraction. We are inquiring into the question itself. This inquiry creates a new space from which we can ask the question, should that still be necessary. Lourdes, would you say that in the few minutes of our inquiry anything has shifted for you?

I feel very quiet inside. The question is startling, I can't find an answer to the question I think he's asking. As far as my mind can tell, nothing has changed. I feel the same about intuition as when I arrived here for the interview.

LB: No.

RR: Are you sure ?

LB: Yes. Shifted from what? I can't really answer the question.

RR: Your mind has become more still. Your body has become more relaxed. Your senses have become more open. You can, if you take a moment, feel a current of subtle energy moving through and around you.

My mind has not yet got wind of the changes. I slowly begin to realize that he's right. I am more relaxed, my senses are more open. As I sense the changes that have occurred I begin to laugh and I feel bathed by light and lightness. Nothing is funny, yet I am laughing and I am in a state of joy. There is nothing: no thoughts, no me—just space. My body is laughing and there is joy. The person who thought of and was conducting the interview is no longer present. I am experiencing the quality of being that Robert describes continuously throughout the interview. His eyes and voice are bubbling with laughter as we laugh together. An understanding of what is happening is present without words or thinking. In the laughter, he continues:

RR: Now we're getting somewhere. Intuition is not something that can be understood. What we're going to do is end up being possessed by intuition without knowing anything about it. Rumi said, "You are the whole ocean. Why send out for a sip of dew?" If we want only to collect information or have an experience of intuition, aren't we sending out for a sip of dew when we are the whole ocean? Let's go into this a bit more.

We love that momentary excursion into the relaxed and unconstricted state of intuition. But we haven't yet questioned the structure of the reality from which we assert intuition, we just take it for granted. So we want to know about intuition to enhance who we think we are while we're living in that structured reality: how it can help us, how we can use it, how we can access it. The world of intuition exists only because it exists in relation to where we stand now, outside intuition. If we were standing over there, in intuition, wouldn't our situation be like a fish in the ocean trying to find its way to water? What could we say? "Hey, fish, wake up. You're already in the water! "

So we also need to question the place that we're standing in from which we think there is something called "intuition" that we want to know something about. Do we remain as we are in our structured reality and then take a momentary excursion into a relaxed and unconstricted mental realm, or do we remove ourselves totally as we journey into the water of intuition? Which happened to you a moment ago when you started laughing? Our absence becomes the presence we call intuition, and this absence of ourself takes over. What we call intuition takes over; it does not serve our hopes and aspirations but dissolves the one who hopes and aspires.

Intuition is really an ending of ourselves. Even though we think we want to add something, we really want to lose something. In this ending of ourself, there is silence. There is love. The lack of this love which exists only in the moment we end ourselves is the cause of our sadness. One's own self is the barrier to love. One's own self is the sadness. That's why you can't do anything about it, you can only see it. Then it ends, by itself.

I start to laugh again. This time I'm laughing because I can't imagine writing an article about intuition. It's true that when intuition takes over there is no desire for it. It stops existing in the way that it does when we want it. So from this place why write an article, why care? It's like wanting to make love when you're making love. You miss what is already there by wanting it, and you are drawn further and further away from the experience.

RR: The yearning for the serenity and exhilaration of intuitive insight is a fragment of the desire to become whole, the longing of the drop to become the ocean. Can we approach the subject of intuition objectively? Remember, we really want to know how to escape the heavy coat of sadness, loneliness. Can this be dealt with objectively? There is a clue in the unitive flash of total being glimpsed in the intuitive moment. This is the real candy. Not the information. Not the knowledge. The real allure is in the instant of total being. What we are describing occurs when our conventional dualistic reality is dissolved, when all of the conditions that propelled you to seek something more disappear. They are only symptoms of fragmentation, symptoms of duality. In the nondual instant, which can never be objectified or known, there is no separation of knower and known.

There is no object of experience. Not a sensation or a perception or even a thought. Pure awareness alone exists. This is a key. The attraction of intuition is in the momentary dissolution of the subject and object. In the instance in which there is the "aaha", there is no knower and known, there is only knowing. It passes so quickly that we are then left with the knower and the known again. This is why, even as you went deeper in your exploration of intuition, you ended up sad all over again. You returned too quickly to this habitual pattern of dualism. Of course, we all do. You are left with the memory of your absence, and this remnant will not feed your soul, it will not respond to the conditions that are symptoms of your fragmentation. The habit of living in the subject-object world kicks in. We're not ready, we're not ripe enough for full dissolution of ourselves, to live fully in knowing. So we become the knower and the remembered. Then we try to use what is remembered to enhance who we are in the subject-object world.

We are having this conversation about intuition because we all want to become real. We a want to be delivered from those conditions that you talked about before for which we may think intuition is an answer. But do you see how, without dismantling the structure of reality that puts intuition "over there", we will continue to be sad? That sadness will not be brightened for long by a mere remembrance of who we are. We want more than a periodic glimpse. We want to be taken by that.

As I'm listening, I see my many years of frustration and sadness. I had taken what was an awakening to the possibility of something deeper and richer in my life and turned it into a salve for my deflating ego. I kept reinventing the problem. This explains why my joy would always slip away.
RR: We need to understand that what we truly want is a dissolution of the barrier to the intuitive world, the world of nonduality. We want this world to possess us, so that the pain of isolation gives way to the joy of being. Then there is only that. The world of duality that creates intuition collapses. There's no more intuition.

LB: Everything disappears.

RR: Just you, you disappear. Our inquiry into intuition has led us here, to this curious place. Isn't one's interest in intuition really the desire to be free from suffering? Can't we see, through persistent and honest inquiry, that the end of suffering is in the disappearance of the separate self? "In this absence is our presence," says Jean Klein. That knowingness of life itself appears, magically and beautifully.

Once again I am reminded of how I became caught up in the phenomenon of intuition. I tried to hold on to it the best I could. My thinking made it about me, and my striving to maintain an experience that thinking fundamentally could not understand. It exists in daily living. I was so sheltered from the grace of life that I turned it into something special.

LB: You're just seeing things the way they are.

RR: Yes. In this seeing, there is just awareness itself there is no knower of the objects of awareness.

LB: So when you say that there's no knower, will this "I", the person that I am, disappear? Is there no one there anymore to really notice?

RR: Let's take your experience. When you were laughing a few minutes ago, what was your experience? What happened to you when you started to laugh, when laughter took you over?

LB: I disappeared.

RR: Yes, and it's the same with the experience of intuition, you disappear in order for intuitive knowingness to appear. The problem is that we want to use intuition to enhance what disappears in the moment of intuition, instead of seeing how what disappears in the moment of our fullness appears in the first place!
If we were to undertake a journey of inquiry into the knower and the known, we would become that vast frontier of pure knowledge that we call intuition. We wouldn't use it. We would be it. It would be us. We would have erased the ground from which we look out and say, Aaha! Intuition must be over there.

LB: So does that mean [laughter], so that would mean that I would disappear? There would be no one there to notice that intuition was happening?

Every time I disappear, I laugh and become blind to the world as I usually know it. The furniture is here, Robert is here, my body is here; but it's not here as it usually is. I see it, but I am not of it.

RR: Excellent question. Let me ask you to look as clearly as you can into the intuitive insight. It's like a lightning flash. When you look up at a dark sky and you see a flash of lightning it's as though it cracks open the darkness of the sky and reveals another dimension. Go in and find out where the knower, the "I", the experiencer goes in the lightning flash of intuitive awareness. You can look and see a person being struck by the lightning of intuition and it is as if the entire conditioned habitual mechanism of the I-thought, of the knower, the person, disappears. For the briefest instant, just like lightning shattering the sky, you can see what we're calling "intuitive insight" shatter the person that exists in duality.

Over the years I have had experiences where who I am and all that I know is instantaneously erased. It's a beautiful experience of deep simplicity and beauty. Then slowly it disappears, and I am back in the painful place of wishing I was still in the beauty.

RR: Can you ever know who you are, or can you only discover who you're not? If the intuitive flash, the absence of ourselves, is a resolution of duality, then there can't be a knower of one's own self. So how can one know who one is? We can't do that. Let's not be satisfied with this as an idea or a philosophy. Let's look directly into what happens, because there is always enough space in between thoughts to discover the truth of what happens. We can find our way into and between the otherwise relentless stampede of thinking to see, not to know and remember, but to see.

As I look directly at what happens as Robert suggests, I experience a release from thinking and, instantaneously, spaciousness occurs. I disappear, then reappear. I can only describe it as being poor one day and winning Lotto the next. Then losing it all and winning it again. In an instant your concerns disappear and all is well. Until you fall back into thinking again.

LB: Can this spaciousness happen for longer periods of time?

RR: If we ask the question in this way, we're again asserting the reality of the world of duality. You're asking, "How can we make that happen for long periods of time?" Isn't this an escape? What is it that we want to escape from? Do we want to become free from the pain of isolation, from duality? Let's look at this and see if we can directly see, without explaining, without creating abstractions. The lightning flash that fractures the dark sky, the intuitive insight that stops duality within a person, this merging of beauty and silence, if we see that, is that in itself not the answer to your question, "Does that occur? Can that occur more frequently?"

How can what is eternally present occur more frequently?

Why don't you first find out how you create the perception that what is in actual fact always present seems to be distant and remote? You are sitting on the treasure right now.
What we want is freedom from the self. We want to be free from knowing. We want to be free from remembering and becoming. We want to be pure being. Our own seeing will reveal this. If we learn how to see, we'll know this. See how quickly the dissolution of the self in the intuitive insight reappears as the knower and the remembered.

LB: How do you learn to see that?

RR: Just begin to look at it. It's there. You can see it right now. When I asked you, "Lourdes, what happens when intuition strikes you?", you said, "Well, there isn't me. There's just pure knowing." That's seeing. You don't have to do much more than be assisted in seeing what is, and in this seeing the false self drops away. Unfortunately, we have mostly been supported in believing that what isn't, is, which then leads us to ask, How can we develop intuition to solve our problems? figure out which way to go in life? decide which person to marry?

I feel a split within myself. I am very aware of the peacefulness within me. I am also aware of something being afraid of it. I simultaneously feel a sense of relief and a fear of myself disappearing. I feel joy, and also terror, because everything that I thought I was here for no longer matters. I tell Robert about this.

RR: This has never been a problem in the moment of your total absence. Then there is only the joy of pure being. When the joy of pure being dissolves back into the knower and the remembered, then you become afraid, not of that joy, but of the lack of that joy in duality. That fear, that anxiety, is the primary experience of the limited self. We can never truly do anything about that because we have so identified with all that limitation: body, mind, and patterns. We can only see that we are fundamentally not that.

Duality doesn't want to erase itself. So of course the thinking "I" will always suggest fear about its own death. So we say, I'm kind of happy, but I'm also terrified that I'm not going to exist. Of course, but when you don't exist there is no terror. There's nothing but ecstasy, joy, and complete lucid clarity that is more compelling than anything you as a person could ever create on your own.

When we see that we are the joy of being, we won't need any more strategies in life because the fundamental condition that we need strategies in life to deal with has disappeared. So much of our life is spent trying to feed the monster of our apparent separation from life. That comes to an end. You won't need intuition any more.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Freeing Yourself From The Past

by Leonard Jacobson

In truth, there is no life outside of the present moment. Sooner or later, we must all come to terms with this simple fact.

If you are to awaken fully into the present moment, and remain fundamentally grounded in Presence, then you will have to liberate yourself from entanglement in your own past. It is not the true past. It is the remembered past, which you access through the mind whenever you think. You will also have to free yourself from the imagined future, which is nothing more than the past projected forward. It is simply a fantasy.

The true future does not exist in the world of the mind. The true future unfolds through the doorway of the present moment, just as the true past is accessible through the doorway of the present moment.

To free yourself from the past, there are a number of steps you will have to take.

1. If there are feelings from the past, which have been repressed within you, will have to allow these feelings the opportunity to surface into conscious and responsible expression. You are not trying to get rid of these feelings. You are simply allowing them to express. Everything in existence has a right to exist, including the feelings of need, hurt and anger. If they were denied the right to exist when you were young, because they were too painful then or simply not allowed expression, they will have to be restored into the flow of conscious expression that was once denied them.

2. Forgiveness is a powerful force, which can release the past from you and you from the past. Forgive all those who have hurt you and seek the forgiveness of everyone you have hurt. The forgiveness must be authentic. Sometimes, the pain and the anger at those who have hurt you must be experienced fully, before forgiveness can occur.

3. With some people, healing of the past is necessary before forgiveness and release can truly arise. The good news is that, through the power of awakened Presence, which is a state of Oneness with God, emotional and soul healing is possible in a way that defies all reason and is beyond belief. In working with others, I have so often seen their lives transformed, as we successfully bring to consciousness some traumatic experience from the past, either in this lifetime or some earlier life time, which has been unconsciously projecting into and affecting their current experience of life.

4. To the extent that you maintain yourself in resentment, guilt or blame, you cannot be present, simply because these feelings keep you imprisoned within the past. You must bring these feelings to the surface. Bring them to consciousness in a loving and accepting way. Identify, own, confess and express these feelings, but do not project them onto anyone. Do not believe in them. You are allowing them into consciousness, simply so that they are no longer hidden and so they can no longer control you unconsciously. Feelings of resentment, blame and guilt are an indication that you are not taking responsibility for your life or for yourself. It is easier to blame someone, than to take responsibility for yourself.

5. This next point is the most difficult to understand and is the most easily resisted. If you continue to generate good feelings by remembering happy experiences from the past, you will remain in bondage to the mind and ego forever. Identification with happy memories holds you in the world of the mind and locks in place all those unhappy and painful memories you would rather avoid. This is because the mind is a world of duality, and there is no way to avoid duality, other than by becoming so fully present that Oneness is revealed as the fundamental ground of your existence. It is the same with deriving pleasure from the anticipation of a future event. Only the present moment can fulfill you. It is only when we awaken fully into the present moment that duality is transcended and Oneness is revealed.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Transparency of Things - Rupert Spira

Excerpt from The Transparency of Things: Contemplating the Nature of Experience, by Rupert Spira

Whatever it is that is seeing and understanding these words, is what is referred to here as 'Consciousness. ' It is what we know ourselves to be, what we refer to as 'I.'

Everything that is known is known through Consciousness. Therefore, whatever is known is only as good as our knowledge of Consciousness.

The mind has built a powerful edifice of concepts about Reality that bears little relation to actual experience and, as a result, Consciousness has veiled itself from itself. These concepts are built out of mind and therefore their deconstruction is one of the ways through which Consciousness comes to recognise itself again -- that is, to know itself again.

Consciousness is in fact always knowing itself. However, through this deconstruction of concepts, Consciousness comes to recognise itself, not through the reflected veil of apparent objects, but knowingly and directly.

Concepts are not destroyed in this process. They are still available for use when needed.

In the contemplations that comprise this book it is acknowledged that the purpose of reasoning is not to frame or apprehend Reality. However, it is also acknowledged that the mind has constructed complex and persuasive ideas that have posited an image of ourselves and of the world that is very far from the facts of our experience.

These ideas have convinced us that there is a world that exists separate from and independent of Consciousness. They have persuaded us to believe that 'I,' the Consciousness that is seeing these words, is an entity that resides inside the body, that it was born and will die, and that it is the subject of experience whilst everything else, the world, 'other,' is the object.

Although this is never our actual experience, the mind is so persuasive and convincing, that we have duped ourselves into believing that we actually experience these two elements, that we experience the world separate and apart from our Self, and that we experience our own Self as a separate and independent Consciousness.

In the disinterested contemplation of our experience we measure the facts of experience itself against these beliefs.

The falsity of the ideas that the mind entertains about the nature of Reality, about the nature of experience, is exposed in this disinterested contemplation.

All spiritual traditions acknowledge that Reality cannot be apprehended with the mind. As a result of this understanding some teachings have denied the use of the mind as a valid tool of enquiry or exploration.

It is true that Consciousness is beyond the mind and cannot therefore be framed within its abstract concepts. However this does not invaldiate the use of the mind to explore the nature of Consciousness and Reality.

Ignorance is composed of beliefs and belief is already an activity of mind. If we deny the validity of mind, why use it in the first place to harbour beliefs?

By reading these words, we are, consciously or unconsciously, agreeing to accept the validity and, by the same token, the limitations of the mind.

We are giving the mind credibility in spite of its limitations. We are acknowledging its ability to play a part in drawing attention to that which is beyond itself or outside the sphere of its knowledge.

It would be disingenuous to use the mind to deny its own validity. Our very use of the mind asserts its validity. However, it is a different matter to use the mind to understand its own limits.

It may well be that at the end of a process of exploring the nature of experience, using the full capacity of its powers of conceptual thinking, the mind will come to understand the limits of its ability to apprehend the truth of the matter and, as a result, will spontaneously come to an end. It will collapse from within, so to speak.

However, this is a very different situation from one in which the mind has been denied any provisional credibility on the basis that nothing it says about Reality can ultimately be true.

As a result of the exposure of beliefs and feelings that derive from preconcieved, unsubstantiated notions of Reality, a new invitation opens up, another possibility is revealed.

This possibility cannot be apprehended by the mind because it is beyond the mind. However, the obstacles to this new possibility are revealed and dissolved in this investigation.

They are dissolved by our openness to the possibility that in this moment we actually experience only one thing, that experience is not divided into 'I' and other, subject and object, me and the world, Consciousness and Existence.

We are open to the possibility that there is only one single, seamless totality, that Consciousness and Existence are one, that there is only one Reality.

The edifice of dualistic ideas, which seems to be validated by experience, is well constructed with beliefs at the level of the mind and feelings at the level of the body, which are tightly interwoven, mutually substantiating and validating one another.

In the disinterested contemplation of these ideas and feelings their falsity is unraveled. We see clearly that our ideas do not correspond to our experience. This paves the way for experience to reveal itself to us as it truly is, as in fact it always is, free from the ignorance of dualistic thinking.

We begin to experience ourselves and the world as they truly are.

Our experience itself does not change but we feel that it changes. Reality remains as it always is, for it is what is, independent of the ideas we entertain about it.

However, our interpretation changes and this new interpretation becomes the cornerstone of a new possibility.

This new possibility comes from an unknown direction. It does not come as an object, a thought or a feeling. It is unveiled, in most cases, as a series of revelations, each dismantling part of the previous edifice of dualistic thinking.

And the unfolding of this revelation, in turn, has a profound impact on the appearance of the mind, the body and the world.

The Transparency of Things: Contemplating the Nature of Experience, by Rupert Spira com/dp/095582905 4?tag=nonduality sal-20&camp= 14573&creative= 327641&linkCode= as1&creativeASIN =0955829054& adid=1APWTZTX1ZW B40YJE2X4&

Monday, February 2, 2009

First 3-Day Silent Retreat in Costa Rica

0Our first silent retreat is finally complete with glowing results, at least it seemed so from the look on participants faces. It was small and intimate, only 5 of us and all women.

Our Zendo

We began on a beautiful, sunny Wednesday afternoon, with plenty of time to settle in private rooms, tour the grounds, and go over the schedule before dinner. After a meal of fresh fish, whole grains, and salad, we gathered for questions and answers in preparation for 3 days of silence. Everyone was ready to enter that now moment arising when we give our full attention to the Source of our Being.

Our Daily Focus

The schedule was very precise, incorporating three 40 minute sittings in the morning, a 2 1/2 hour break for lunch, and another 3 sittings in the afternoon. Sittings were alternated with 20 minute breaks for stretching and personal care. Following the evening meal, there was another sitting followed by a short satsang and & A session. Our only concern was the variable winds that sometimes are very strong in the mountains of Atenas. In fact, our first morning was punctuated by a gust that knocked down and shattered a small vase that held a bundle of sage. So we moved indoors for all of Thursday, only to realize in the evening that we preferred being out of+doors, even with the periodic blusters.

The Buddha Watches....

Though some were certain that maintaining silence would be difficult, each were dedicated to respect it as the medium for realization. We recognized collectively that every Master has pointed to the power of Silence as the gateway beyond concepts and beliefs and into experiential Oneness. Though 3 days is really the minimal amount of time within which the veil of thought becomes noticeable, everyone had a taste of that deep peace pre-existing before the mind takes one step.

Reflecting Stillness...

Saturday, the quiet was so compelling, no one wanted to leave. In silence, we discovered what is behind the rattling of our endless thoughts....just awareness. We used the Awareness Watching Awareness Method as a tool to help us focus our attention on Awareness itself, not easy when the mind is busy narrating everything you do. But all it takes is a glimpse....

Beauty Is...

Thank you to Juan Enrique and Unity of Costa Rica for your continuing support, and thank you M.S., S.V., C.M., and S.C. for your courage, sincerity, and willingness to trust me as your guide. It was truly wonderful to share this with you. Namaste.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monetary Reform and How a National Monetary System Should Work

By Richard C. Cook in Global Research, May 11, 2007

The author has received an overwhelming response to his recent Global Research report entitled, “An Emergency Program of Monetary Reform for the United States.” The introduction to that report stated that, “the U.S. financial system headed by the Federal Reserve System has failed, and…only an emergency program of monetary reform can address conditions which may be leading to a catastrophe like the Great Depression or worse.”

This new report on “Monetary Reform and How a National Monetary System Should Work” continues the dialogue by outlining the principles and mechanisms available to help guide the creation of a monetary system for any nation that wishes to enjoy economic democracy with prosperity. This would be in contrast to the collapsing debt-based monetary system overseen by the Federal Reserve and the other central banks of the world, coordinated at the top by such institutions as the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, and the Bank of International Settlements.

Note that all the banks of the Western world are ultimately private institutions owned by the world’s super-rich. The international banking structure is operated by and on behalf of the world’s monetary elite primarily for their own profit.

Just below the banking system are the giant corporations of the global economy which derive capital from and funnel profits into the financiers’ empire. Bringing up the rear are the populations and debt-serfs of the no-longer-sovereign nation states, including those of the United States, whose participation in the system as consumers is essential, but whose jobs continue to disappear as manufacturing is increasingly automated.

The author had realized as early as 1970 that the central problem with the world’s economy lay on the side of distribution, not production. He came to Washington, D.C., that year and spent most of the next thirty-six years working within sight of the Washington Monument, learning how things really work, and pondering the methods that might be more in concord with such founding documents of American democracy as the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Twenty-one of these years were with the U.S. Treasury Department.

Now, for the first time, this report builds on the findings of many of the world’s monetary reformers past and present by offering a complete prescription for a new and better world. This prescription is radically different from most progressive reform agendas that address only symptoms of the underlying systemic failures.


When setting out to study monetary principles, we must realize how little we know of the real facts of monetary history. Economics is an extremely limited discipline rife with untested assumptions and unchallengeable dogmas. Its most pernicious doctrine is the assertion that there is something called “the market,” where there is an “invisible hand” that makes everything work out the way it is supposed to.

Actually, an economy functions according to the principles according to which it is designed and regulated. If it is designed to funnel wealth into the hands of the monetary controllers, then that is what the “market” and the “invisible hand” will do. If it is designed to foster “the general welfare,” as it should according to the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, then the “market” and the “invisible hand” will tend in that direction.

Unfortunately, we march today to the tune of the monetary elite, so they are the ones who reap the profits and the benefits. They are the ones on whom the “invisible hand” lavishes the wealth of the world.

It is done through the process of bank-created credit. While during the nineteenth century other forms of money circulated, such as large quantities of coinage, silver certificates, and government-issued greenbacks, almost all the money that exists today originates through a loan by a financial institution to an individual or a business.

When a loan is made it is issued as a liability on the bank’s ledger. When it is repaid, the liability is canceled. With today’s computer systems, all transactions are digitized, of course. The bank keeps the interest on the loan as its combined administrative fee and profit. The money that is lent had no prior existence.

Once money is created as credit, it takes many forms according to how the loan recipient spends it. Some credit is used by businesses or individuals as investment in order to generate profits over and above the amount they must repay to the bank with interest. If the money is used simply for consumer purchases, the individual consumer must pay back the loan through future earnings. In those cases where the borrower defaults on the loan or goes bankrupt, the money simply remains in circulation however it was spent.

Unfortunately, large amounts of credit are used mainly for speculation, not for any benefit to the producing economy. This includes securities bought on margin and borrowing by hedge funds where the fund may make a profit even if the value of its investments goes down. Bank-created credit in this case is little more than chips in a casino.

Other borrowing takes place by equity funds and other types of investors for leveraged mergers or buyouts of entire companies, where the predators wreck a company’s infrastructure by reducing costs and selling its assets, then pay back their bank loans before unloading the business on someone else.

The most important thing to realize about the banking system is that the money which enters into circulation as purchasing power must eventually be returned in the repayment of loans. This is why the Federal Reserve’s monetary measures—M1, M2, and M3—are meaningless, because so much of it has liens against it.

We are taught that paying it back is the way things should be—obviously, if we borrow something, we should pay back what we owe.

But the peculiar thing is that because the borrowed money pays for labor, commodities, rent, etc., it becomes part of the prices that are eventually charged for goods and services. However, when the money goes back to the bank to cancel a loan, that purchasing power disappears. Neither the banks nor economists ever make note of the fact that this process creates a chronic shortage of purchasing power which must be filled by more loans and more bank profits. The economy is thus a treadmill that borrowers must constantly trudge along in order to have enough money for survival.

So a system which is seemingly grounded in the simple adage that if you borrow you should repay is all wrong. The reason it is all wrong is that in most cases, individual consumers should never have to borrow in the first place. And we never ask ourselves why, with the abundance that is possible from modern science and technology, should people have to borrow money at interest for the necessities of life—a house, a car, household expenses, an education, etc.

Click here to read full article...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

He Who Hesitates is Lost

Well, there aren't hundreds stampeding to view my site. Am I too radical? How can this be? It's just the truth as I see it, and the possibility of CHANGE. Maybe there are few who really want to change...

I guess people still believe if they pray, chant, meditate, march, and talk enough, the change will take care of itself. Well, it will, in one sense. Whatever will happen, will happen. Maybe Ron Paul will be President and global warming will not cause any problems for the next 100 years (but I'm not holding my breath!) It would be nice to believe we have all the time necessary so we can continue living the lives we've worked so hard to create so far. So much easier to be on automatic, to continue to believe in a God who will save us, to think clicking away at the internet will do some good. I mean, why make waves?

Maybe your life is basically good, and you are relatively content. You are able to pay the bills, you have a little in savings for a rainy day, your children are doing well in school. It's nice to come home, put up your feet, watch your favorite show on TV, pop something in the microwave. Maybe you have a satisfying relationship with someone who likes similar activities. Maybe your sex life is improving. It's just so much easier to not look around too much, not read too much, not be too aware of the rest of the world. Just keep keeping on making the mortgage and car payments, paying taxes, accumulating more gadgets to make life easier. I mean isn't that what it's all about?

You look around you and everyone else is pretty much doing the same thing. It's interesting to get together and talk about the insanity that is happening, how Joe can't sell his house and it may go into foreclosure, how Bill lost his job at the Company, how the price of gas keeps going higher, how you might not be able to send Billy to soccer camp this year. You join in the communal venting for a bit, then go home to continue the routine. Maybe you only put a dollar in the collection plate instead of five, but you have hope. You have faith that someone will fix it.

The Truth is that there is no one "out there", no separate something that will save you. YOU are the answer you seek, YOU are the one to make the changes. That undercurrent of doubt and fear you keep hidden is trying to get your attention so that you will ACT. The wolf is at YOUR door, and ignoring that fact will not keep you from getting eaten.

The engineers in New Orleans knew for many years that the levees were inadequate, but failed to act on that knowledge. The cost has been immeasurable, so many freedoms and lives lost, so much profiteering taking place. Humans have a predilection for procrastination, but remember, he who hesitates is lost. Do you think it can't happen again, that it can't happen to you?

Your government has sold you down the river. It only cares about itself and its agenda for expansion. Those with money get the life rafts while the rest go down. It is beyond borders, it is a global corporate elite calling the shots, and they don't care if they have to sacrifice America to get what they want. The game is World Domination, and our Constitutionally protected sovereign rights are the last hurdle. They are evaporating as we speak. What to do, what to do....?

I can't really answer that question. YOU know what you need to do, the question is will you do it? And I'm not talking about all the ways you distract yourself so you don't have to deal with the Truth another day. Part of the problem is the numerous ways we can distract ourselves - drinking, smoking, shopping, TV, working, sex, etc. Is any of it helping to alleviate your growing anxiety? Wake up, stop dreaming, grieve for your broken illusions if you must, and then get moving.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


There are dozens of organizations and web sites that discuss the possibility of awakening in this life time as a precursor to any real change occurring on the planet at large and most of them I agree with. However, few offer any real practical way to create a lifestyle that supports this on an ongoing basis. There are definitely some retreats that give one a taste of what it is to be awake and I highly recommend them (please check out some of my links), but most people come away finding themselves still immersed in a lifestyle not really conducive to growing further in embodying this awakening. It is to those who are seeking a viable way to incorporate their realization into a mode of action that I offer this proposal.

I have done much research concerning patterns of earth change and its impact on the countries of the world, and presently have chosen Costa Rica as one of the places where we can implement our plan of creating a haven for awakening individuals that is self-supporting. We aim to attract investors who wish to remove themselves from the insanity being played out by the industrial/military/pharmaceutical corporations wishing to dominate our lives, and want to support awakening consciousness while still making a living. We believe that if only a handful step forward with the initial financial help needed, we can make it worth their while by offering an ongoing income plus land upon which to build a home, making it an investment that will increase in equity and help others who seek to deepen in this process of awakening.

Consider the many ways your money is now spent that works only to continue a system that is obviously unsustainable and no longer serves anyone. One only has to look at the world stage, with its wars of aggression, trade agreements that end up impoverishing nations, and corporate greed, to see how out of control things are. Though there are precious few ways in the physical realm to completely step away from what is currently in place, it is plausible to consider that one can reduce one's reliance on governments or other authorities whose aim is to eliminate sovereignty and keep us compliant and enslaved to their agendas. But governments are working overtime to close any loopholes that allow us to live freely, so time is of the essence. The escalating fear that has most people in denial is gathering strength; the outcome of this is unknown, but it does not bode well for human beings as a whole. So I am calling out to men and women of integrity to put your money where your mouth is and make an uncompromising decision to to jump from the sinking ship of life as we once believed it, and to create something new and life-promoting.

We are drafting an executive summary that explains thoroughly how the money will be used to create a center for awakening that offers silent retreats, as well as an opportunity to continue to live and work together to help this continue. Investors will receive a share of profits plus land to develop. We will create organically a community that has only one agenda: to assist in the awakening of consciousness by allowing those who are ready to not only step out of the box, but to stay out of the box. We do not promote any complicated processes, ideologies, or particular individuals. We do realize that there is one way most conducive to the awakening that caters to all individuals, and that is silent sitting. It cuts through all the myriad concepts and puts one immediately in touch with the thought processes that have one hypnotized and unrealized. And by continued sitting, these are seen for what they are, and one has the possibility of release.

I know there are many that feel stymied as to what they can actually do to help create change. They browse the internet daily, signing up for newsletters and clicking on petitions. They do their best to buy organic and live more simply. They gather at places of worship, in each others homes, and out on the streets to discuss, organize, and protest. But still the big wheels are turning. And they turn because still we buy gas for our SUV's, still we pay taxes, still we sign driver's and marriage licenses, still we go to work for the corporate machine. Our daily lives are monopolized by the very system we are raging against. This is an inner conflict that can only be resolved by walking one's talk. There's no getting away from it in even the minutest detail of our lives. It's no different than surrendering to an abusive relationship, where you are getting beat up every day, but continue to live as if everything were OK, putting on makeup to hide the bruises.

The Truth is difficult to bear at first. We go through stages with it. Denial is the first stage, but one can't stop there. Anger is next, the body's signal that an injustice is perceived, but ineffective anger often turns into depression unless there is an outlet for action. To act effectively is important, but it is to our own hearts we must turn to discover the way. No one else has the answers you seek, or knows the secrets you keep. You are the one to be the change you want in the world.

So if your path has you feeling more beat up than free, consider an alternative. Dialogue with us, explore the possibility, see if it fits. The heart will leap towards freedom, if given a chance to. How many more times will you plow it over with excuses? I'm sorry I can't soften this message with lovey-dovey, airy-fairy, New Age-speak, but that is just more pablum for the masses. This is only for those warriors who have the courage to SEE what is True and ACT on it.