This blog is only about awakening, nothing more, nothing less. Anything that will contribute to the possibility of complete liberation from the dream, or from the mass hallucination of humanity, or from the mental matrix, or from the false self, or from the lie, or any other label you want to call it, is welcome here. The key words are FREEDOM and JOY. Sometimes I think this reporting about stuff just keeps the false story going and only adds to the insanity, and there's too much of that already. But something is trying to pry the lid off still, something awaits to be seen. We are all in this boat together, so here we go......have fun!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

COVID: Going to the Root of the Poisonous Tree

Before I jump in, I want to point to a film that hacks away the leaves, the branches, the trunk and the roots of the poisonous tree of vaccination all at once: VAXXED II (at vaxxed2[dot]com), directed by Brian Burrowes.  I urge you to watch it.  "Urge" is too light a word.  What is coming down the pipeline at us, in terms of attempts at vaccine mandates...this film will only strengthen your resolve, even if you're quite sure you don't need strengthening.  The film contains many interviews with parents of vaccine-devastated children, and the children are there, too.  The children who have died are there as well.  Nobody has ever made a film like this.

A month or so ago, a reader made a crucial point: researchers and writers should make it clear whether they are operating from WITHIN the official paradigm of the epidemic, in order to reveal gross inconsistencies and internal contradictions; or whether they are standing OUTSIDE that paradigm and attacking its basic foundations.

Going further, we need to drill down to the roots of the poisonous tree.

Some people make this calculation: "I don't want my view to appear too radical.  That would drive the audience away.  So I'll cut myself off at a certain point and try to give the audience pieces of the puzzle they can digest..."

For example, they would assert: "I'm not against vaccines.  I just want to make them safer."

They would say: "We have to agree there is a new virus spreading around the world.  If we don't, people will reject everything we say.  So let's focus on whether the virus is as dangerous as health officials claim it is."

They would say: "We have to accept official case numbers as a starting point, even if untold numbers of people are being diagnosed with COVID by a casual glance at their symptoms, and even if the tests are inaccurate..."

Bit by bit, and piece by piece, people would be accepting the official COVID story, until there is very little to argue about.

Let's take the issue of safer vaccines.  How are they going to be made safer?  Manufacturers are going to throw in the towel and just eliminate the toxic adjuvants?  They'll eliminate the injected germs which are the very basis of the exercise?  They'll make vaccines in outer space, where, hopefully, contamination with random viruses would be avoided?

Deeper still, why do immune systems need a "rehearsal for the real thing"---which is the foundational hypothesis underlying vaccination.  Nature isn't sufficient?  We must fight off every conceivable germ with a shot in the arm?

Why not try to improve the strength of immune systems through non-medical means?  Nutrition, for instance, was the key reason for the historical decline of traditional diseases. Along with improved sanitation.  No matter how many vaccines you inject in a person with a weak immune system, he is going to get sick (aside from the obvious toxic effects of the vaccines).

"No, let's not go there.  Too many people will reject us if we reject vaccines."

I beg to differ.  We are in a long-term war against the medical cartel.  It's not going away.  Think ten thousand years into the future.  That's a reasonable estimate of the length of the battle.

Dell Bigtree of “Vaxxed” Fame Interviews Dr. Zach Bush

How Big Wireless Lobbied Governments to Build 5G for Citizen Data Collection and Surveillance

While the debate continues around 5G’s potential impact on human health, the environment and wildlife, often overlooked in the discussion about 5G  is how the technology will be used for data collection and surveillance. Big Wireless has spent over three decades lobbying  state powers to build this technology while selling it to the public as a means for faster downloads.
In that time the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association – an organization whose leadership has maintained a revolving door relationship with the U.S. Federal Communication Commission – has collaborated on or guided regulatory policy related to not only 5G, but the roll out of cell phones and other digital technology. The CTIA annually lobbies for the industry to the tune of millions of dollars, making them one of the most powerful telecom lobby groups.
The COVID19 pandemic has caused governments around the world to lockdown their nations, cancel public school sessions, and cost millions of people their jobs. Fears of spreading the virus and overloading the healthcare system are triggering an authoritarian response from many of these governments — including the United States. For many Americans, these aggressive measures have halted typical daily activities. Taking a trip to the gym, work, school, or out with friends – are no longer an option.
However, while most non-essential activities have stopped, the controversial expansion of the 5th generation of cellular infrastructure has continued. With the support and lobbying of the CTIA, Big Wireless’ 5G agenda is quickly expanding. Records from ProPublica show the CTIA lobbied for 2 recents bills related to 5G infrastructure.
On March 23, the 5G rollout took one step forward in the U.S. when President Donald Trump signed a bill aimed at “securing America’s 5G infrastructure.” The Secure 5G and Beyond Act calls for Congress to present a comprehensive plan for accelerating the nation’s 5G network “not later than 180 days.” The building of the next generation network has rapidly advanced due to the passing of the Secure 5G and Beyond Act and the Broadband Deployment Accuracy and Technological Availability (DATA) Act, which passed the House in December  2019.
In April 2019, President Donald Trump held a press conference where he stated his intention to expand the U.S. wireless infrastructure as part of the effort to defeat China in the so-called “Race to 5G”. During the press conference Trump stood next to the head of the Federal Communications Commission and telecommunication employees as he declared, “The race to 5G is on and we must win.” While Trump is certain that America must win this apparent race – even during the middle of a pandemic – determining exactly who is the driving force behind the push towards the 5th generation of cellular technology requires digging through decades of lawsuits, industry corruption, and captured agencies.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
In part I of this investigation, this report will take a deep dive into the web of Big Wireless, who those companies are, it’s lobbyists, law firms and industry as a whole that are spending millions of dollars pushing for 5G around the world. This report will expose the murky history of Big Wireless working within telecom companies that work with the US government to collect data on citizens, while also looking at how Big Wireless has worked to bully and silence critics who have expressed concern over its health impacts and civil liberties. 
Part II of this series will look at how 5G will be used as a surveillance tool by governments to collect data on citizens and will work to fulfil the overall goal of creating a techno-tyranny state that should concern any American citizen that upholds their civil liberties.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Revelation: Our Creative Nature Goes Viral

Dark times are usually times of great revelation. “Revelation,” to quote C. G. Jung, “is an ‘unveiling’ of the depth of the human soul first and foremost.”

Oftentimes humanity is not saved from a crisis by what we consciously think, but rather, the saving grace comes from something being revealed to us that emerges unexpectedly as a result of the crisis. Revelations—which can be likened to timeless treasures waiting to be discovered in time—come in many forms and in many ways. Sometimes they first emerge seemingly outside of ourselves through—or are triggered by—some external event in the world like the coronavirus outbreak, for example. Ultimately speaking, however, the deepest revelation is something that lies hidden within the creative nature of our soul awaiting discovery.

There are treasures literally buried within us, concealed within our unconscious. These hidden treasures are like precious jewels or diamonds in the rough that are encoded within the fabric of the unconscious psyche. They can be conceived of as existing in a higher-dimension relative to our conscious mind, and as such, are typically invisible to our conscious intellect. These treasures, having lain buried and dormant in the collective unconscious of our species from time immemorial, are typically awakened in times of great need. When the time is ripe, our intuition—due to its connection to our unconscious—divines and begins to “see” the heretofore formless creative revelation that is brewing in the cauldron of the unconscious. Our task then becomes how to bring forth and creatively express the revelation in a form that helps it come to fruition as we realize it more clearly within ourselves. To quote Jungian scholar Erich Neumann, “These images, ideas, values, and potentialities of the treasure hidden in the unconscious are brought to birth and realized by the hero [the creative individual] in his various guises.”

The Full Interview With Dr. Judy Mikovits That’s Been Deleted By Social Media Platforms

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: They Want To Genetically Modify Us...

There’s much about this stuff that is unknown to me within my own experience. Yet when more and more people are beginning to question the trend toward intrusive surveillance and mandatory, unsafe medical procedures performed whether we want them or not, then it is worth paying attention to. These are usually the people that are found suicided by two bullets to the head.

Waking up is hard to do....

Monday, April 27, 2020

MSM & Governments are Losing Control of People [Video]

The mainstream media and governments are losing control of people all over the globe. Humans are finally standing up for their rights to live not as slaves, but as free sovereign people capable of making their own decisions without rulers and elitists calling the shots.
Never before have we seen global tyranny at this scale. But, never before have we seen a mass uprising against governments and their propaganda outlets (the mainstream media) either.  As more and more people get off their knees and stand up for their basic human right to live freely, governments and the elitists that control them lose power. We are at that point where power will return to the people and the elitists will be the ones living in fear. All we have to do, is be free.
The mainstream media is going to continue its smear campaign against anyone who dares to believe they have the right to live freely so long as they aren’t harming others and take life’s risk upon themselves. But as fewer people tune in to listen to their propaganda, fewer people will be brainwashed by it. A lot of people have lost everything in the tyrannical liberty-crushing demands put upon them, and now that they have nothing to lose, they are finally realizing their rights don’t come from the government or elitists. And no smear campaign by government lapdogs will stop people from waking up at this point. The media has been enslaving our minds so the government won’t have to enslave our bodies.  But it’s out now and in broad daylight and people have had enough. The veil has been lifted.
People are realizing that we own ourselves. And we are finally standing together to let the “masters” know that we are not their slaves. The quote in the movie, a Bug’s Life can be applied today with a simple change of words.  “It’s not about food. It’s about keeping those ants in line!” We all know at this point, “it’s not about health. It’s about keeping those people in line!” [Watch....]

Take notice of the clips of this movie on YouTube.  The comments have been disabled, not by those posting the videos, but by YouTube.  It’s just another means to keep people “in line.”  They censor us, they brainwash us, and they expect us to obey their commands stay as their slaves. But people have had enough!
Mass civil disobedience, where people are going to cease to obey laws that control them is already happening. Governors who locked people in their homes and barked commands that some close their businesses will lose the power to dictate once enough people disobey, and that day is coming.  This horrific cycle of violence and slavery is ending and it’s panicking those who have had control of us for so long. You can read it in their headlines. “Fear the second wave.” “Anti-government extremists.” “We can’t reopen or people will die.” Well, guess what? You don’t own us. And your fear-mongering is falling on deaf ears.
Free platforms are rising up during the mass censorship and fear-mongering propaganda pushing:

Humanity is finally moving in the right direction.  The last step is to just live.  Protesting is begging the master to let you be free.  Just live free. Don’t ask permission. Conduct your life as the free, sovereign human being you were born as, and let the ruling class panic. If you don’t buy their fear, they cannot control you. The fact that humans are finally realizing they had this power all along is incredible. Live your life your way! That’s the biggest middle finger we can give to any tyrant, whether it be a cop, a governor, a politician, an elitist, or anyone else who wants our compliance and enslavement.
Freedom is not negotiable and rights are not gifts from governments or others.  We all have the basic human right to be free and live our life the way we see fit.  As more people realize this, our power grows and the mainstream media’s fear campaign fails. After all, if there are no order followers, there are no orders.
It’s about time we all stand together and abolish the last shred of modern-dayslavery! I will not sit back and allow anyone to continue life as a slave if I can help it! I might not be able to do much, but I can promote peace, liberty, and the abolishment of all forms of slavery.
Some say the pen is mightier than the sword, maybe that’s true, maybe it’s not.  But I am tired of being told I have to give up my rights to live free for a false sense of security. I will no longer be owned or commanded. This is MY life and I am peacefully choosing to be free.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Big Secret They Don’t Want You To Know - David Icke

(Doesn’t seem to be such a big secret anymore, does it...)