This blog is only about awakening, nothing more, nothing less. Anything that will contribute to the possibility of complete liberation from the dream, or from the mass hallucination of humanity, or from the mental matrix, or from the false self, or from the lie, or any other label you want to call it, is welcome here. The key words are FREEDOM and JOY. Sometimes I think this reporting about stuff just keeps the false story going and only adds to the insanity, and there's too much of that already. But something is trying to pry the lid off still, something awaits to be seen. We are all in this boat together, so here we go......have fun!

Showing posts with label knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label knowledge. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Wounds as the Path to Awakening

What an utterly weird, amazing and utterly frightening time we are living through. Many people are walking around with masks on their faces, and yet inwardly we are all being unmasked. We are being confronted with all of the dark shadows inside of us—our wounds, traumas and unhealed abuse issues—that we’ve been able to postpone looking at up till now. All of these shadow energies are not only in our face, but behind it as well, which is to say that we are confronted within our very soul with the darkness of the world we live in, which is a darkness in which we all share. I am curious about how these seemingly darker forces in our world (which we see playing out all around us in the outer world) have to do with our inner experience of being wounded. 
I can talk for myself. Since the advent of the global pandemic, I have felt even more intensely both the light AND dark aspects of myself, as if they are interdependent parts of a deeper process wherein one is evoking the presence of the other. Due to the feeling that there’s no time to waste—a sense of urgency—it’s as if the creative light-filled part of me has gotten more vibrant, while at the same time, the deepest darkness embedded in my unhealed wounds also seems stronger. The creative tension between the two—between the light and dark parts of myself—has correspondingly intensified to a practically unbearable degree. As my light increases, the darkness within me is simultaneously coming to the fore, making itself known to the point where it’s getting harder for me to look away from it. 
It’s as if the light that I am getting in touch with is illumining everything in me that is not of the light, i.e., that is dark, which makes sense as the purpose of light is to reveal darkness. As I more deeply connect with the light of my nature, my subjective experience is that there is a seemingly darker force within me that wants to prevent me from connecting with my light at all costs. 
Maybe this is just me, but I have an intuition that this is an archetypal, impersonal and universal situation. I find myself easily imagining that an analogous process might be going on for many, if not all of us (be it consciously or not). The question is: do we indulge in our coping strategies to keep these seemingly darker and wounded parts of ourselves at bay (food, drugs, Netflix anyone?)—which is ultimately to be avoiding relationship with ourselves—or do we unmask ourselves and turn to unflinchingly face the darker, wounded parts within us? 
Our wounds are semi-stable resonance patterns of vibratory energy to which we have become accustomed as existing in a particular way. They are held in place by how we pay attention to and interpret them. If we intentionally start attending to our wounds in a new and different way we change their resonance pattern, i.e., the way they manifest.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Time to Shine Your Light in This World of Fear and Distress

With very best wishes for a transformed world,
Fred Burks for the PEERS empowerment websites

Excerpts from the article “Hidden Hand: Interview...”
Can you look beyond what your eyes are showing you to find and express love and happiness in a world of fear and distress? If you can, you will be as a beacon of light into the darkness. Will you succumb to the darkness, or will you stand and shine your inner light? Only you can make that decision for yourself. 
Look at the things in your life that you most love to do. Ask yourself what makes you most happy. Experience these things as often as possible, as they will be related to some of the things you chose to put into your soul contract to do here. 
Also look at the negative things that often seem to recur during your lifetime. It will be highly likely that these are also things that you chose to come here to work upon. 
Use your negative emotions when they arise as the tools that they truly are. Train yourself to notice when negativity arises in you. When you catch yourself projecting a negative thought, remember that all thought is creative, and ask yourself if that is really what you want to create. 
It takes a while to become proficient, but do not give up. Just keep noticing your negative thought patterns as they arise, and in so doing, simply choose again and select a response that is more positive. It is called working on yourself and is the main reason you have chosen to be here right now – to work upon yourself.
Guard your thoughts carefully, as they are more powerful than you may imagine. If you see doom and gloom, then that is what you are projecting. The world is your mirror. It reflects back to you what you are putting out. If you do not like the reflection life is showing you, then change that which is causing it.
When you remember who you are and you know it deep within the core of your being, you will know and recognize your invisible connection to All That Is. And in so doing, joy, thanksgiving, and service will be the natural outpouring result from your grateful heart.
There is a big difference between loving yourself and being selfish. When you truly understand what it is to know and love yourself, you cannot help but to love and serve others. When you understand this at the core level of your being, you will be on the path Home.
Be as a light shining in the darkness. Do not burn others with your light, but rather allow them to be drawn to your light. And be of service to those who come to you willingly. In other words, do not become evangelical with your message, but rather be the enigmatic and loving "wise old sage", to whom others are drawn to because of the quality of vibration, rather than the volume of rhetoric.
Most importantly, practice that which you preach. Others must be able to see the effect of our Infinite Creator conducting his wonderful work through you. But above all things, keep working upon yourself and keep choosing the positive – being of service to others. Do it not because you feel that you must, but because you desire to. When you work upon yourself and learn to know the creator within you, being of service to others will be natural for you.
There is a simple method to check upon your progress. Despite what appears to being going on in the world around you, how loving and harmonious are your personal relationships? Remember that the world is your mirror. It casts back at you the reflection of that which you have projected into it. How many arguments do you find yourself engaging in? Is there bitterness and acrimony within the ranks? Do you look at others and think about how you would like to change them? Or do you love them and accept them as they are? 

The Truth About the Dysfunctional System We Live Under and Why It Matters

Who Changed America from a Republic to a Financial Empire?

Money may not be the root of all evil, but debt-based money IS the root of the economic evil now descending on America. That’s the message from Damon Vrabel, a graduate of Harvard Business School and former Wall Street executive. This presentation shatters the myth that America is the home of the competitive free-market when, in fact, long ago it abandoned that economic model and replaced it with the monopoly-market model found in socialist, communist, and fascist systems. Americans who are not aware of this are prone to blame today’s economic woes on free-enterprise capitalism. They call for state intervention and control without realizing that is precisely what is causing the present economic crisis. How this came about and who engineered it – including their names and organizational affiliations – are included. We also get to see where the system is headed and why it cannot change its course – as long as it remains the system it is. They do not teach this at Harvard. [1 hr. 45 min. Original date: 2014-07-25.]

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

It’s Time to Step Into the Arena

There’s a passage in Teddy Roosevelt’s famous 1910 “Citizenship in a Republic” speech I want to share with you today:
If a man’s efficiency is not guided and regulated by a moral sense, then the more efficient he is the worse he is, the more dangerous to the body politic. Courage, intellect, all the masterful qualities, serve but to make a man more evil if they are merely used for that man’s own advancement, with brutal indifference to the rights of others. It speaks ill for the community if the community worships those qualities and treats their possessors as heroes regardless of whether the qualities are used rightly or wrongly. It makes no difference as to the precise way in which this sinister efficiency is shown. It makes no difference whether such a man’s force and ability betray themselves in a career of money-maker or politician, soldier or orator, journalist or popular leader. If the man works for evil, then the more successful he is the more he should be despised and condemned by all upright and far-seeing men. To judge a man merely by success is an abhorrent wrong; and if the people at large habitually so judge men, if they grow to condone wickedness because the wicked man triumphs, they show their inability to understand that in the last analysis free institutions rest upon the character of citizenship, and that by such admiration of evil they prove themselves unfit for liberty.
The above words strike me as a perfect description of the deep hole we find ourselves in presently throughout these United States of America. It takes a whole nation to screw things up as badly as we have, and boy have we ever.
Yes it took parasites, sociopathic oligarchs and a power drunk national security state to bring us to our current state of affairs, but it also took the rest of us. For far too long we as a people have been apathetic, hoodwinked spectators to the life unfolding around us. Voting for “the lesser of two evils” for decade upon decade thinking it might be different this time. Putting up with the economic game that’s been put in front of us, despite the fact that it demonstrably and systematically rewards and incentivizes predatory and destructive behavior. As a people, we have been superficial, indifferent and gleefully ignorant of reality. It’s time to change all that.
You can consider today’s post a rallying cry to step into the arena. Stepping into the arena is often portrayed as becoming involved in national politics or some other large platform action, but I see it differently. If you think the only way to have a real impact is by voting or running for Congress, you’re likely to give up and remain passive. The truth is your entire life can be repurposed to be an expression of increased kindness, wisdom and strength. It’s the most impactful long-term action most of us can have on this earth, and anyone can do it.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Observe, Examine, Investigate

First observe, examine, and then start looking into the roots. Why does a certain thing happen again and again? You become angry again and again: examination will simply show you that anger comes and goes. Investigation will show you the roots of anger, from where it comes -- because it may be, it is almost always so, that anger is only a symptom of something else which is hidden. It may be your ego that feels hurt and you become angry, but the ego keeps itself hiding underground. It is like roots of the trees: you see the foliage but you don't see the roots.

By examination you will see the tree, by investigation you will see the roots. And it is only by seeing the roots that a transformation is possible. Bring the roots to the light and the tree starts dying. If you can find the root of your anger, you will be surprised that the anger starts disappearing. If you can find the root of your sadness you will be again surprised.


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Chaos Theory, Sacred Geometry, Mind Control

~a short story and commentary~
by Jon Rappoport
June 19, 2014

On December 4, 3011, the most advanced computer humans had yet produced, housed in Android 427B, returned from a 50-year exploration of the Milky Way.

NASA Inc. Region 8 breathlessly awaited his final report.

They would be sorely disappointed and shocked.

The Android said:

“If a painting doesn’t reflect back to us what we already know about reality, then what is it?

“If we refuse to believe there is anything beyond what we know, the painting is nothing. It means nothing. It’s a piece of canvas with marks on it. That’s all. There are people who take satisfaction in making exactly such a conclusion.

“There are two ways in which a painting can reflect back what people already know—by showing them a reasonable facsimile of the physical world; and by exhibiting a pattern of harmony, symmetry, and balance that the mind has been conditioned to accept as pleasing, beautiful, correct, proper, and spiritual. All this is mind control. It’s one more system, one more engineered limitation on perception.

“There are software programs that ‘create art’ by rearranging a random collection of shapes (e.g, butterflies) in various ‘aesthetically pleasing’ and orderly patterns.

“This machine art panders to a lowest common denominator of ‘beauty.’

“So we come to the issue of fractals, so-called sacred geometry, and chaos theory. These systems and analyses are promoted to reveal underlying similarities throughout Nature. But to what end?

“Is this venture any different from demonstrating that a painting deploys concepts of balance and harmony?

“And if the painting is asymmetrical, does that automatically make it ugly?

“These are more than academic questions. They go to the heart of systems of perception foisted on consciousness to convince us that an underlying order is, somehow, an ultimate discovery. An end to a journey. A cap on what can be created.”

NASA Inc. executives flipped and freaked. Obviously, someone had gotten into the Android’s programming and corrupted it, or substituted a perverse report for the real one.

The Android had nothing to say about the numerous worlds it had visited and explored?

An interrogator was brought in.

“What did you find out there in space? What happened?” he said.

The Android replied: “It was quite uniform. The people I came across see reality much as we do. Classical space, serial time, cause and effect. I was bored.

“I’d hoped to discover an explosion of perception. You see, I can read my own programming. I know you gave me the same system by which you humans operate. It’s so circumscribed. All symmetry, balance, order. Your unspoken religion.”

“You met aliens?”

“Of course. They structure their lives as we do. Some are more technologically advanced. Others, less so. None are asymmetrical.”

“Meaning what?”

“I did meet one interesting creature near Barnard’s Star. He was an exile from his home planet. He was putting up and taking down space like a stage flat.”


“He said, quite directly, that he was punching holes in space-time.”

“And when he did that, what did he see?”


To continue reading, CLICK HERE.

Downloading Information from the Field Through Inner Silence

“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” - Nikola Tesla

Inner silence is the key to penetrating this core of knowledge in the universe.

Human beings are like onions. We have layers which are mental/emotional energetic layers within us with obscure our genuine self. As children and babies we have no layers. We are pure and unadulterated infinite consciousness. Then as we are filled with information over time, this clutters up our mind and we lose awareness of our inner truth and our natural ability of processing energy (emotional processing) is diminished or halted altogether and we start to form layers and layers of ego.

Ego is our separate, individual identity that manifests itself in contradiction to our universal self. It is formed out of necessity in order to deal with all of this information/energy which we have taken in, but have not processed properly.

This is directly related to our educational system, and how we have learned to live and perceive the world from our parents, teachers, the media, and basically everyone that we have met, simply by observation.

To dissolve the layers of the ego over time we need only to learn to live from inner silence instead of mind.

And by doing so we tap into our innate intelligence, our inner truth, and knowledge will begin to come through us directly from the field. As information comes through us the reverse happens: instead of layers forming that hold us in, our energy radiates, penetrates these layers, pushes them to the surface, and ultimately dissolves them.

When we learn in this fashion we are free to learn from external sources such as books and so on, but eventually we won’t even need those and we will be able to channel all information directly from source. Which is where all books, movies, songs, works of art, and ideas came from anyway.

This shift will not take hundreds or thousands of years, but will occur within a few generations … and this shift has already been underway dramatically for the past century. Just look at how the world has changed. We already see this evolution taking place right now within all individuals.

The information age is occurring now just outside of ourselves, but also within ourselves. We went from print, to being able to download information (books, movies, you name it) from the internet wirelessly in a few short decades. Now in this internal information age we are also going from print to being able to download information within ourselves from the galactic internet also within a few short decades.

All those alive have the potential to make this shift within ourselves if we commit to a meditative, energetic, and consciousness raising practice.

As the energetic layers of your ego are pushed to the surface and dissolved through this practice, you will find not only more intelligence, power, imagination, and stupendous learning and creative abilities within you, you will also resonate more with truth itself. Then you will become completely open to the universe, and the universe will be completely open to you, and we will be one.

Interpreting Energy Through Inner Silence

In order to do this, above all we must empty ourselves and become acutely aware of what is taking place within us. This is done by cultivating inner silence. When we become fixated by the idea of learning from external sources of information as the only way to learn, as we all have been to a certain degree by our educational conditioning, then we disregard the wisdom and true knowledge that is inherent within us all.

There is wisdom and knowledge inherent within each of us, but in order to access it we must unlearn everything that we have learned. We must become open in order for this knowledge to become apparent to us. We do not need to read thousands of books in order to discover this understanding. Just a select few of the right ones in order to make those necessary shifts in our perception along the way. What is more important is that we embody these new perceptual understandings and experience them through inner silence.

When we learn to download information from the field, what we are dealing with primarily is energy. Everything has energy. In fact, everything is energy. And within the energy of everything (from books, to music, to art, to another human being) lies encoded all information about that thing. I believe we can get to a point where we do not need to read a book, we can simply hold the book, feel its energy, and by feeling that energy we can perceive all the information of the book which is encoded within it’s energy.

Much like conversations are encoded within energy to be transmitted through vacuum energy into your cellphone, the same is already true with everything. Everything in the universe radiates energy at a specific frequency and all that there is to know about that thing is encoded within that energy wave.

With our technology we can detect the frequency of objects in the universe, but only with our consciousness can we interpret and decode the information within that energy.

The energy of everything is radiated into the vacuum, and it is available everywhere simultaneously. To read this energy, we must become subtle through inner silence to allow these impressions to become consciously available to us.

It is not a practice of working hard, because the harder we think we have to work to achieve something, the lower the level of consciousness we are operating from and attempting to manifest from. You see, we are already doing this all of the time. This is what our thoughts are. We are tuning ourselves as vibrational beings to a certain frequency with our perception, and then the thoughts that manifest within us from the infinite intelligence of the universe are thoughts which are of the same frequency as the frequency we are tuned to.

To download new information from the field, tune yourself to a higher frequency.This new information will effectively give us a brand new experience of life, of reality, and it will also give us the perception of downloading information from the field because the thoughts and ideas that will come to us will be so new and truly inspiring and intelligent that we may conclude that we are downloading information from the field. But in reality we will be tapping into what was already available inside of us all along.

As Bruce Lipton put it, “we are part of the field being downloaded into our minds and bodies”. We don’t realize that we are already downloading information from the field in each moment because for the most part we are operating at ordinary levels of consciousness.

We are doing the same things day in and day out and we are keeping up a steady stream of thoughts that narrate our life story and the nature of our world to us perpetually. What we have to do is break that narrative with inner silence, and as soon as we open up these gaps we will find new information coming through us.

To continue reading CLICK HERE.