This blog is only about awakening, nothing more, nothing less. Anything that will contribute to the possibility of complete liberation from the dream, or from the mass hallucination of humanity, or from the mental matrix, or from the false self, or from the lie, or any other label you want to call it, is welcome here. The key words are FREEDOM and JOY. Sometimes I think this reporting about stuff just keeps the false story going and only adds to the insanity, and there's too much of that already. But something is trying to pry the lid off still, something awaits to be seen. We are all in this boat together, so here we go......have fun!

Showing posts with label illusion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illusion. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spiritual Deconstruction: What is "Mind"?

This is the third video in my spiritual deconstructions series. This material is meant to present the possibility of liberation occurring in this lifetime, as is your birthright. It is a matter of re-identifying oneself with non-localized consciousness itself instead of the content of one's personal "mind". By questioning unexamined assumptions, one can open the door to this realization and be a conduit for the evolution of consciousness expressing through humanity on this planet.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Quantum Simplicity

... Quantum Simplicity ...

The universe, high and low, is really a "Divine-Make-Work" project. Everything runs on Universal Energy most people call God or TIL - The Infinite Light.  It's a Vibration of Energy and it's Neutral. The actual "Divine-Work-Makers" are Beings equivalent to what we could call animal-trainers. They control or program the lower worlds. Naturally, they are a few steps higher than the average lion tamer, for they are Divine Beings or Co-Creators. Meanwhile, all things are relative...

All worlds are similar to global size circuses and all the "Make-Work" is created so that Souls or Universal-Energy-Units are able to have experiences. Actually, many of these Units create their own experiences since all Units are Holograms of the ICU - the Infinite Creative Universe...

The ICU is The One Mind imagining that it is The Many and it lets its imagination run free within, or throughout all of its aspects. The trick is to enjoy this imagination, including the experiences it creates, without comparing them to others. If it was not for the Divine-Work-Makers, loosely called the Programmers, the universe would be totally stagnant or dead. It would be an infinite Computer without Software!  This way - all Aspects are busy and most have the idea that they are going some place...

Naturally, no one Being or Entity goes any place, because all happenings are dreams that take place in their own infinite Mind or Imagination. By design, no Being can pop out of its own dream at will. However, this does occur when True Awakening takes place. This happens to all dreamers or co-creators when they have reached the end of their Creative-Program or when they fully realize that the entire universal activity is nothing but a Divine-Make-Work project. All Beings or Entities cycle within the universe from Top to Bottom and up again. One cycle is called an Infinity. The universe is a Structered-Movement within Awareness or Consciousness. It is on an Infinite Journey without a specific destination - except the final goal of Full Awakening! We are Unborn Awareness cycling up and down as well as sideways...

Most Beings (and especially Human Beings) who speak to their fellow Beings about the Divine-Make-Work project are declared insane immediately! As a rule the masses are too busy to notice that they have been hit by the Truth. Most people, for example, hate the Truth and shun it like a plague. Yet, all of them are looking for it without realizing that they Are The Truth. All are very self-involved by trying to fix or save the world. They work the Light so to speak. Fixing and saving the world is a selfish addiction I call Feeling Important! Notwithstanding this nasty addiction - the allover effect of the Divine-Make-Work project gloriously declares the universe a win-win proposition. In other words - there are no losers...

It is mandatory for all humans and other creatures to be subjected to the Divine-Make-Work project. It's an automatic or a default situation!  Eventually, all of them move up and become Divine-Work-Makers themselves. There is lots of room and work at the Top. All Beings and Entities are basically Creative Energy Units raising themselves. If one becomes really good at it, one is promoted to Divine-Work Programmer or Co-Creator. All Galaxies are full of them...

The work at hand in the universe is divided according to the ability of forgetting OneSelf and playing any role convincingly without revealing the secret that "anything goes" or "flipping out" like I did by telling you all this (Please Grin). In the mean time, very few actors make universal history by becoming a Christ or a Buddha immediately. Some already were when they landed - but no Master will tell that s/he is a Master! Last but not least, it is useful to mention again that the entire Universe is... 

! A Divine-Make-Work-Project of Love !


To read more, CLICK HERE.

*Quantum Physics* Welcome to the Matrix!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

There is Nothing for the Ego in Enlightenment

If I was to translate the enlightened state down into human terms, I'd have to describe it as contentment. Being nobody, going nowhere, needing no reason to exist. To the ego, that probably sounds a little boring, and of course to an ego it is. But then again, there's really nothing for the ego in enlightenment. In enlightenment, the egoic false self is rendered an irrelevant illusion, a mask, a character that nothingness wears while pretending to be human.

Not only is there nothing in enlightenment for the ego, the ego is really nothing but a defense against enlightenment. I'm not saying that ego is bad or evil because its not. I'm saying that ego is a social and personal construct and therefore an illusion. But there's nothing wrong with an illusion. A painting is an illusion; a movie is an illusion; a good novel is an illusion. The problem isn't with illusion; the problem is with the emotional attachments and addictions of ego.

~ Adyashanti