This blog is only about awakening, nothing more, nothing less. Anything that will contribute to the possibility of complete liberation from the dream, or from the mass hallucination of humanity, or from the mental matrix, or from the false self, or from the lie, or any other label you want to call it, is welcome here. The key words are FREEDOM and JOY. Sometimes I think this reporting about stuff just keeps the false story going and only adds to the insanity, and there's too much of that already. But something is trying to pry the lid off still, something awaits to be seen. We are all in this boat together, so here we go......have fun!

Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts

Friday, January 8, 2021

Every Thought, Etched Upon the Sky...


Friday, January 8, 2021

A band of wanderers who traveled by thumb[1] or caravan to places they regarded as spiritually potent once gathered in the Tetons to Omfor world peace. They asked around for a tipi to use for the Om circles and somehow found me, and thus my tipi was enlisted for their mission. Among them was a songwriter whose haunting voice I can still hear, many decades later. Although her name is lost to me in the far canyons of memory, I still remember the lyrics she sang, which were something like this: “The world outside is a reflection of within. / We have the power to change it. / We can rearrange it.” Attempting to rearrange the “world outside” was the intent of those Om circles. 

When I was not on Teton trails or paddling the river, I joined the wanderers to Om a few times, entranced by the harmonics through which I sometimes heard clear voices that I could never identify, saying puzzling things like: I found them. Over hereHere they are. The seeming dedication of these wanderers to serving the world was so strong that when Anwar Sadat — the Egyptian president who had won a Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating a treaty between Egypt and Israel — was assassinated, at least some of the Om folks took it personally, rededicating themselves to “rearranging” the world within that gives birth (in this view) to the world “outside.” As far as I could tell, from their perspective, rearranging the world within was mostly supposed to happen on the “inner planes,” through Om-ing. 

From my viewpoint four decades later, I could not say that these wanderers were psychospiritually — or emotionally — mature (nor could I say that I was), though the Om practice did seem to offer, at least for moments, a palpable sense of peace and generosity of spirit, even compassion, toward others. The wanderers were the first spiritual seekers I’d encountered who believed — or who wanted to believe — that they were intimately connected with the unfolding of greater consciousness in the world, or with the devastating unraveling. Though even in those days, I recognized a shadow dissonance that I could not name when the seekers were soliciting money or food or airline tickets from folks with jobs rather than enacting their Om practice, I also found deep resonance with a possibility that my own manner of presence might be reflected in the “world outside” — a possibility that I was entangled in not only unspeakable beauty, but also in the aggression, rage, and divisiveness of human beings.


At the time, I was not familiar with the (apparently true) story that Jung was fond of telling about an old Taoist rainmaker who was called to a drought-stricken area in China. Upon arrival, the rainmaker asked to be left alone in a cottage outside the village. His meals were left outside the door. After three days in solitude, the clouds opened. When the old rainmaker was asked how he had delivered not only rain but also unseasonable snow, he declined to take credit for it. When further pressed, he offered his own explanation: “You see, I come from a place where the people are in order; they are in Tao; so the weather is also in order. But directly I got here, I saw the people were out of order and they also infected me. So I remained alone until I was once more in Tao and then, of course, it snowed.”[2]


I write these words the day after the U.S. Capitol building was breached by throngs of enraged people. I am enraged, too — and feel a strong, practiced impulse to loudly demean and violently condemn all those whose viewpoints and actions I find abhorrent. The “outer world” is in utter disarray with a radically divided populace, an on-going pandemic, climate instability, social and economic inequities, and more. It is easy to furiously believe that “those other people” are the ignorant, the deluded, the power-hungry, the “deplorables” or whatever other distinction I can identify separates them from me.  

And meanwhile, an immense psychospiritual drought withers all of the land. The world outside may be (at least in part) a reflection of within. Just now as I write, I remember a quote that was psychically-implanted long ago: “Think as if your every thought were etched in fire upon the sky for all and everything to see. For so, in truth, it is.”[3] Do I dare to bring to consciousness the tyrants, insurrectionists, enablers, entitled ones, perpetual victims, indoctrinated conformists, know-it-alls, or heartless ones that are hidden (or maybe not so hidden) in my manner of presence, in my psychic habits, in my way of being in the world? 

Over hereI found them. Here they are.


Of course it’s not enough to shudder with recognition when we encounter the deplorable in ourselves; of course it’s not sufficient to only Om for the world. But perhaps when we find the top-secret chambers where the tyrants, victims, conformists and others hide, we might hear and feel the tremendous grief cry that we share with all of those who are broken, lost, betrayed, oppressed, repressed, and trying to survive in worn-out systems that depend on pitting human beings against each other. From that recognition, we might find a way toward common ground.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

The Way I See It...


I’ve been watching the narrative unfold for quite some time now, at least since 1991 when George Bush Senior announced the Iraq war and the ushering in of a New World Order. Hearing those words froze my blood because I knew where they were heading. I had already become immersed in discovering the Matrix nature of reality from reading “Trilaterals Over Washington” soon after is was published, as well as G. Edward Griffin’s tome “The Creature From Jekyll Island”. The veil between the life I was attempting to live and the reality slowly creeping into every aspect of that life, was wearing thin at that point....I had choices to make. So I dove deep into spiritual technologies I had learned over the previous decades and honed my ability to tune into and follow natural and innate capabilities of the human organism to attune to healthy life affirming frequencies that emanate from our organic biome. That’s a long sentence!

I have used these innate abilities to inform me how to survive the worst of the physical, emotional, mental, economic, and spiritual chaos that is ensuing around the world in varying degrees. It requires a great deal of flexibility and patience, long term spacial-temporal awareness, and only a loosely held identification with the personality aspect of your Being.

The only way to completely break with the societal and personal program you are identified with is to either :

1) travel around the world for at least a year, much as a vagabond, and interact with, live with, and hear the stories of the daily lives of real people.

2) go to an intensive, weeks long, silent retreat in a remote location immersed in nature.

3) take plant medicines in a focused, safe environment with an experienced Shaman.

And even of these tried and true methods, nothing is guaranteed in the end. 

I will tell you, however, if you do not at least try to confront and tell yourself the truth about your existence, and what raw life force working through you is destined to do, you will never return to joyously thriving on this living, breathing world that we were designed to share. The narratives of personalities in power because of a deep belief in money magick are telling you one story. Do you believe it? Or has the whole thing started to crack open, and your previous sense of security been hijacked?

When I went back to college after my divorce, I ended up with a degree in Sociology. Sometimes I wish I had studied electrical engineering, but that’s water under the bridge. What I was tasked to study, and what I discovered, proves that there has been a long term plan to hijack reality, and using Pavlovian principles to “train” the populace to fit smoothly into a technocracy, managed by an algorithm designed by our self-styled “rulers”. If any of you do research on Edward Bernais, he is a darling of the technocrats because his psychological research showed how easy it is to steer group mentality through choosing the information fed to a populace by controlled media sources. For many decades, if not centuries, a handful of discreet power brokers have controlled the newspapers, publishers, movie studios, television, radio, and now, a great deal of the internet (which is presently slowly deleting alternative views from mainstream platforms).

Bernais is the godfather of advertising. His principle have formed the action plan of the New World Order, starting with programming the minds of the entire planet, starting as young as possible. And so from the very beginning, we were plunged into a virtual, planned reality, much like one would design an intricately plotted role playing game.

We were trained to be consumers. We were ignorant that we were participating in a Ponzi scheme that sucked the rest of the world of resources so we in the western world could buy cheap goods, and pattern our lives after “Father Knows Best”. The industries that have flourished consistently, are the military industrial complex and pharmaceutical industry. 

When home computers and cell phones arrived, they got us carrying around surveillance tools to give them information in order to refine selling points. Getting a LIKE on Facebook had the same effect as a cattle prod but with dopamine. It is well understood the humans have a propensity to want to gather in communities, and so they are good at creating insular groups within which to bolster a pre-packaged view, slogans and all.

The deep state players keep most people divided and resentful as gradually people’s lives are invaded  and made more intolerable. Then, people like Soros take advantage of the people’s unrest and fund groups using mega bucks to draw people’s attention away from the fact that they are being robbed to pay for the insane level of debt accrued by this Ponzi scheme, and all those assets, represented now by bits of paper, are about to be sucked into the back pockets of people like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, et al.

You do not have to believe me, but you must pay attention to what your innate intelligence is trying to do to save your ass. You cannot ignore the call from your evolutionary imperative. The wisdom gained from understanding the process of how a human brain engram can be captured and trained through belief, much like the movie “The Truman Show” depicts, is incalculably valuable in awakening from the trance we have been under.

You know you are awake if the push to fly out of the nest is greater than the comfort of staying in it.

You know where you need to be and you are doing what is necessary to assist humanity’s return to the Original blueprint engrained in our DNA and frequential signature.

By relaxing back into our natural state of pure consciousness, we relinquish the control the invented reality has over us. We can clearly see choices, moment by moment, opening before us as our frequency quickens. It is a matter of becoming attentive to this process. This is what meditation is for, to help us discern between what is false and what is true using one’s own tools of perception. 

We are attempting to reawaken the innate code sequence that resides in the human template and has since the beginning and has not yet been corrupted. Frequency and vibration is the default switch, and is protectively encoded into certain medicinal plants that act as triggers. Sunlight radiation also acts on us this way, as does living oxygenated water (like standing under a waterfall). Tantra, yoga, breath work through Rebirthing, singing, chanting and drumming...these activities bring forth elemental vibrational forces that open us to tribal wisdom, which leads me to the direction within which I am now headed.

To heal the story of mankind, we must tell a new story. We must build communities based on the best principles we have as a collective discovered so far, and put them into daily practice. We have to think outside the box, be open to new perspectives, to discuss and hash out all the intricacies of communication and relationships, to be a living experiment of what works and doesn’t work, and commit to grow together toward something fulfilling to every member.

Also, we must practice radical honesty, kindness, compassion, and integrity with ourselves and everyone we connect to or meet. We must never contrive to coerce or force another to see things our way, knowing intimately that ”our way” is derived from programming and does not take into account the trained perspectives of others. Once you see the Being in a person, and see “through” the program, compassion is automatic.

Ultimately you will see that even the concept of “I” and “other” is a part of how we are psychologically captured. Using mostly imagery and emotion, television and movies teach us to see ourselves according to how the market wants us to see ourselves in order to sell us oodles of unnecessary stuff (how else to explain the Barbie dolls and doll houses and toy ironing boards that were foisted on me as a little girl?) “I” is the accumulation of experiences along a timeline which then gets catalogued into your cranial living library so that is can be retrieved at a moments notice according to emotional impact. Those memories with the most emotional impact are relived repetitively and form the basis of self belief. You gravitate toward what is perceived as positive feedback and that survival instinct keeps us steered toward whatever perception of “success” looks like. 

“I” is a program. Mind is a program. You are the consciousness that perceives the program. 

You can do this because your consciousness preceded the program.

Delve into the question “Who/What am I” and get to the root of it.


Monday, August 24, 2020


When I contemplate what is at the very bottom of the insanity—and evil— that is playing out in out world, I keep on coming back to one and the same thing. the cause—and solution—of the multiple world crises we are facing, when traced back to their very root, all have to do with that we are not in touch with our own creative power and agency. We are powerful magicians beyon—and only limited by—our imagination, but to the extent that we don’t realize this and believe otherwise, our own creative power is wielded unconsciously and boomerangs against us in destructive ways which undermine the fulfillment of our conscious aims and stifles our own creative genius. The collective evil that s playing out in the world’s body politic is reflecting—and revealing—this deeper process of unconscious self-sabotage that is being acted out within each one of us.

It is an archetypal idea, expressed in every spiritual wisdom tradition in a myriad of ways, that the powers of light and dark are mysteriously connected, and that the forces of darkness parasitically feed off of and require the energy and support of the light in order to maintain and perpetuate their seeming existence so as to appear real. This is to say that the powers of darkness have no independent objective existence on their own separate from their connection to the light. When translated back to its deeper implicit meaning, this reveals that the light has for some reason used its own creative energy to constrain and delimit its infinite radiance, as if the light has cast a spell upon itself. We—as potentially both emissaries of light and/or agents of darkness—somehow play a key, participatory role in this process.
Seen as a reflection of a dynamic happening within each one of us, this expresses how something so incredibly powerful (i.e., ourselves as the radiant plenum – the boundless sentient luminosity which is the very fabric of our being) can fall under the spell of a nonexistent phantom appearance that arises from nowhere but the immense creativity of our own mind such that it entrances the light within us into believing that this imaginary, illusory phantom of darkness is more powerful than the light that we are. These apparition-like darker forces have no intrinsic existence or creativity of their own, but can plug into and mimic our own creative power such that they can use our own disowned and unrealized creativity against us. These darker powers can only take on a convincing, apparent existence by tricking us into believing that they have power over us. These darker forces only have power over us, however, to the extent that we don’t see through their illusory nature, but rather, unwittingly give our power over to them by investing them with an undeserved objective reality, making them appear more powerful than is warranted.  
One thing that we are indisputably geniuses at is deceiving ourselves – we are masters beyond compare at fooling ourselves, at tricking ourselves out of our (right) minds and then falling for our own ploy. This is pointing to our unfathomably vast and unrealized latent genius to creatively shape our own experience - both all around us (in the world) and inside of our heads. If used without awareness, however, we have a great propensity, as if hypnotizing ourselves, to fall under our own self-created illusions – which is a chief feature of unconsciousness. This whole process is potentially revealing to us that this same creative energy with which we bewitch ourselves, if used consciously and channeled so as to shed light on itself, can help awaken us from our self-created nightmare to become conscious participatory agents in our own evolution. 
It is as if we are unknowingly in possession of a magic wand that is powerful beyond measure, but not only do we not know how to use it to benefit ourselves and the world at large, most of us do not even suspect that we have such great creative power. Many of us are unconsciously wielding our creative genius to entrance ourselves so as to think that we are not in touch with our creativity—which is then immediately confirmed by the experience we create for ourselves—which ironically, is itself a direct and immediate expression of the enormity of our creative power. Not knowing we possess undreamed of creative power, our power to create then possesses us from beneath our conscious awareness, which then fuels our worst nightmares – both of the sleeping and waking variety.  
To quote the great psychologist William James, our situation is “much like a man who, out of his whole bodily organism, should get into a habit of using and moving only his little finger.... We all have reservoirs of life to draw upon, of which we do not dream.” To amplify James’ metaphor, let us dare to dream. Let us fully incarnate into the rest of our multi-dimensional organism—both material and immaterial—and draw upon the untapped over-flowing reservoirs of creative inspiration that potentially fills us to the brim and surrounds us on all sides. The question arises: why not do this? What is stopping us? And the answer: nothing at all.   

Monday, August 17, 2020

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Globalization of Goodwill

Lhasa, Tibet, Saturday 8/8/20
ANY motion can be turned to humanity’s advantage. The current cranky and ill-conceived effort by somewhat demented tinkerers to control the planet is no exception.
Several great positives have emerged from their psychological warfare offensive against the people.
One is that they have revealed themselves, their methods and their collaborators and accomplices a little too much for their own comfort.
Another is that they have thereby made themselves the common enemy in the minds of many people throughout the human community and that, at last, is the CORRECT TARGET.
Another is that they have inadvertently increased the sense of brotherhood among people, the concept of humanity as one race wherein our nations – ideally at least – are self-governing neighbourhoods confederated into a broader global community.
Another is the speed with which the culprits – the global crime syndicate of psychanthropists, would-be authoritarians and utopian tinkerers who just LOVE to use the planet’s human community as their experimental laboratory –  were found out.
Another has been the speed with which resistance has flourished, a growth that is now almost exponential and promises to sweep the globalist criminals aside in a massive groundswell of popular revolt – PROVIDED we persist.
But there’s another from which we should all take even greater heart. Consider:

  • There are MANY good people out there willing and able to speak out and fight back even at personal risk. This has been a revelation and one should take great pride in belonging to species capable of such courage and character, man’s habitual defamers and detractors notwithstanding.
  • Among these heroes of the evolution are a veritable army of medical professionals, people of great honour who take the Hippocratic oath seriously and are not about to let the politics of totalitarian turds force them into violating it.
  • There are millions of people of goodwill willing and able to get along. Among the vast majority of human beings there is NO thirst for war, destruction or mayhem, no desire to rob or deceive or cheat or disenfranchise their fellows.
  • Among them are people of immense ingenuity, capability, creativity and constructive power. And YOU are one of them.
  • There are advanced technologies capable of producing wonders in so many fields thanks to the powerful minds of generations of thinking men and women.
  • There is a sane pro-survival desire among the human communities of Earth for unity and the protections afforded self and others by just laws applicable to all. It is that very desire that has been hijacked by the globalists and perverted into the incremental process of enslavement. Yet that human drive for cooperation, peace and unity as a species is nonetheless real and worthy.

The point I am making here is that, right here and now, we the people of the human community of Earth have in our possession ALL the ingredients, components, skills, resources, willingness and desire necessary for the construction of a new and betterg lobal  civilisation.
They comprise the wherewithal for a new kind of globalism infinitely more desirable, beneficial and endurable than the shabby, tawdry and uninspiring imitation put forth by the globalists, a global community not enforced or imposed by trickery and deceit but GROWN from the grass roots and which consults the willingness and desire of people of good will, which the planet has in great abundance.
The globalists, intent upon their self-serving mockery don’t want you to know this. Hence the turmoil, the infiltration and sabotage of decent movements, the divide-and-rule and the relentless injection of dismay into the affairs of men.
But their crime syndicate is of no service or help to Man and therefore of no value. They have nothing to offer humanity and stand merely as an impediment to our  creation of something vastly superior
They are getting in our road.
Sweep them aside.
For we can conceive and play a better game.

Saturday, August 8, 2020




Dylan Charles, Editor

During the run up to 2012 the world was fascinated by the idea of the shift, that is, an awakening that first takes place within the individual, then radiates outward into our communities and societies at large, changing the world for the better.
At that time, attention was mainly focused around the personal dynamics involved in this, including the work of navigating the upheaval and turmoil that precedes inner peace and profound transformation. Much of this shift was triggered by newfound awareness of the corruption and deception in our political and social institutions. The pain of realizing that the material world is built on lies left us with no place to go but inward.
We explored meditation and energy healing, radically altered our diets, opened our minds to different ways of thinking and relating to the world, embraced ancestral wisdom, and we fearlessly answered the call to purge, heal and connect. The energy around this was very intense, but it inspired a tremendous sense of wonder and creativity.
But, as all things do, the flow in this new space began to ebb, and since around 2016 it has felt like a major regression happened, taking us back into the dense, murky energies of cognitive dissonance and willful ignorance. So much so, that the last few years has had many of us wondering what the hell the point was in all of this. We began to doubt that our willingness to change had any real value in a world so hopelessly shipwrecked in the shallow end of the pool.
When 2020 began, nothing had substantively changed in the world around us, and for many of us, this muddled our sense of purpose and direction. Many of us fell back into old habits and old pursuits. Business and pleasure.
And then all of a sudden, boom! Here we are.
No denying it now, the train has left the station and everything is being exposed. All of the darkness, depravity and evil that we’ve been collectively covering up and ignoring for generations is squealing and squirming in this flash of bright light. The powers that be see what’s happening, they’ve revealed their hand, and they’re pulling out all the stops in order to maintain the illusion of control.
Indeed, we find ourselves in quite a vulnerable position, and since we’ve been quarantined from all of the distractions that’ve helped to blanket us from reality, we can no longer avoid the truth. A new awakening is happening now, and this time it is global. We can no longer numb ourselves to this.
“We numb vulnerability — when we’re waiting for the call… This is the world we live in. We live in a vulnerable world. And one of the ways we deal with it is we numb vulnerability…
And I think there’s evidence — and it’s not the only reason this evidence exists, but I think it’s a huge cause — We are the most in-debt … obese … addicted and medicated adult cohort in U.S. history. The problem is — and I learned this from the research — that you cannot selectively numb emotion. You can’t say, here’s the bad stuff. Here’s vulnerability, here’s grief, here’s shame, here’s fear, here’s disappointment. I don’t want to feel these. I’m going to have a couple of beers and a banana nut muffin.” ~Brené Brown
As the awakening rolls forward, it’s taking everyone with it. How it ends is anyone’s guess, and since we’re all along for the ride, it may be insightful to connect some of what we’re feeling to the bigger picture of the change that is coming our way.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Solitude vs Loneliness In Our Pandemic

This virus has taught us something profound, and what that is is a reflection of what motivates us. We have spent some rare moments alone, and some have come away with depression, feelings of negative isolation, while others have found a sense of self-worth, with an elevated and positive revelation. Everything is attitude, isn’t it? While a lot of people ate and drank excessively, becoming a couch potato, others studied, exercised, and lost weight… some stayed at their businesses and tried to save them in methods that had never occurred to them before…
“Our language has wisely sensed the two sides of being alone. It has created the world of loneliness to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word solitude to express the glory of being alone.” -Paul Tillich
We all have known loneliness. Those who know it well, know it isn’t just being alone, but a negative state of mind. It can be a dull sense that something is missing, or that something is not quite right, and it saps both joy and happiness from our lives. It is in fact a form of depression.
It can be described as a hungry feeling, and dull empty mood deep inside, and this is the primary reason people gorge themselves with food, take drugs, or smoke. They want to fill that void.
Being alone has nothing to do with loneliness, as we can feel alone in a crowded room, even with friends and family, and this might be the most bitter form of loneliness of all.
So let’s start off with a broad, and yet very unexplored statement that we have been taught: solitude is chosen, and loneliness is not.
We are taught that solitude is a state of being alone, without being lonely, that it can produce a positive and fulfilling state. That with time, it can construct an opportunity to replenish both mind and spirit. It is a state where we can depend on ourselves entirely for both company and motivation, and all of our decisions too. Yes, there is truth here, but an important factor must be considered… both loneliness and solitude are choices.
It is often stated that loneliness is a burden others impose on us, but the reason for this truth mostly alludes us, and it is a very important concept. Loneliness, you see, is the affect of relinquishing responsibility for self, and is the power that we have given to others, trustworthy or not. It is the control we have given them to impose their state of being on us. The old adage, “No one can hurt you unless you let them.” is a classic example of how loneliness can grip our hearts, souls and minds. And just as loneliness stems from the relinquishment of responsibility, so too does solitude create it. Now stop here and take pause…One cannot be lonely and accept responsibility of self. Loneliness is an inability to cope, whereas the responsibility we learn in solitude, if we so choose, is the ability to cope.
Your solitude might suggest peacefulness, an inner dialogue stemming from a state of inner richness, but there is no guarantee. A quiet surrounding does not mean it will quell a noisy and cluttered mind, in fact, it may have just the opposite effect. One might think that solitude is refreshing, an opportunity to renew and replenish ourselves, but there is no assurance this will occur. You see, first off, there must be a place that you have previously developed inside of your mind, a quiet place, a place you can withdraw into or from… It is doubtful that this can be developed in a solitude experience, and those who do not previously possess it, or realize how to access it, may become more confused, and disoriented… Some people are just too dependent on outside influences…

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Wounds as the Path to Awakening

What an utterly weird, amazing and utterly frightening time we are living through. Many people are walking around with masks on their faces, and yet inwardly we are all being unmasked. We are being confronted with all of the dark shadows inside of us—our wounds, traumas and unhealed abuse issues—that we’ve been able to postpone looking at up till now. All of these shadow energies are not only in our face, but behind it as well, which is to say that we are confronted within our very soul with the darkness of the world we live in, which is a darkness in which we all share. I am curious about how these seemingly darker forces in our world (which we see playing out all around us in the outer world) have to do with our inner experience of being wounded. 
I can talk for myself. Since the advent of the global pandemic, I have felt even more intensely both the light AND dark aspects of myself, as if they are interdependent parts of a deeper process wherein one is evoking the presence of the other. Due to the feeling that there’s no time to waste—a sense of urgency—it’s as if the creative light-filled part of me has gotten more vibrant, while at the same time, the deepest darkness embedded in my unhealed wounds also seems stronger. The creative tension between the two—between the light and dark parts of myself—has correspondingly intensified to a practically unbearable degree. As my light increases, the darkness within me is simultaneously coming to the fore, making itself known to the point where it’s getting harder for me to look away from it. 
It’s as if the light that I am getting in touch with is illumining everything in me that is not of the light, i.e., that is dark, which makes sense as the purpose of light is to reveal darkness. As I more deeply connect with the light of my nature, my subjective experience is that there is a seemingly darker force within me that wants to prevent me from connecting with my light at all costs. 
Maybe this is just me, but I have an intuition that this is an archetypal, impersonal and universal situation. I find myself easily imagining that an analogous process might be going on for many, if not all of us (be it consciously or not). The question is: do we indulge in our coping strategies to keep these seemingly darker and wounded parts of ourselves at bay (food, drugs, Netflix anyone?)—which is ultimately to be avoiding relationship with ourselves—or do we unmask ourselves and turn to unflinchingly face the darker, wounded parts within us? 
Our wounds are semi-stable resonance patterns of vibratory energy to which we have become accustomed as existing in a particular way. They are held in place by how we pay attention to and interpret them. If we intentionally start attending to our wounds in a new and different way we change their resonance pattern, i.e., the way they manifest.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Global Days of Unity

Global Days of Unity is a unifying field for all forces, voices and expressions of love to co-create a whole that transcends the sum of its parts. It’s an invitation for the community of love and consciousness to come together on the 3rd weekend of every month to infuse the collective field with vibrations of Unity, Peace and Love.
Change will not come to us, it will come through us when we are awake to the fullness of who we are and connected to the fundamental truth of oneness. As we change, the world will change. Infusing the collective field with energies of love is the beginning of a new humanity.
The time is now…
Not marching, not fighting, and not legislating, but co-creating an intentional energetic impact. Wherever you are, let us co-create an ever growing circle of connection from all across the earth to resonate, amplify and infuse the field of consciousness with vibrations of Unity, Peace and Love.
This isn’t a one-off moment of mediation. This is the moment that so many of us have been longing for; the beginning of an unprecedented shift in consciousness which creates the spaciousness for a whole new paradigm to emerge.
We all have a role to play, and we are all needed.
While actions are essential, transformation will only come when we first transform ourselves and allow our actions to rise out of this new energetic reality.
This is about the courage to fly together on the wings of the unknown and the humility to co-discover the unimaginable.
Welcome home.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Resist the Crazy

Where’s evil? It’s that large part of every man that wants to hate without limit, that wants to hate with God on its side. It’s that part of every man that finds all kinds of ugliness so attractive – it’s that part of an imbecile that punishes and vilifies and makes war gladly.
– Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night
As things felt like they were spiraling out of control last week, as Americans and people around the world were inundated with endless videos of street violence in addition to reactionary calls to deploy the U.S. military to cities across the country, the temptation to lose control of one’s mental faculties and basic humanity was heightened.
I saw evidence of this all around me. There was a dark and vicious energy in the air, and it felt contagious.
“I’m sensing a very dark and vicious energy out there which seems to be affecting all sorts of people who normally wouldn’t be sucked into it. 
I need to make a conscious effort to not have it influence me or my thoughts. If you’re feeling the same, try to retain sanity.”  
Michael Krieger on TWITTER
The responses to the tweet above were encouraging and demonstrated many others sensed the same thing and were likewise troubled by it. The overall madness of last week reminded me of the months following Donald Trump’s election. In both cases, the worldview of large numbers of people was shaken to its core. I think the root cause of the breakdown in both instances was that many people’s model of what is “normal” was suddenly shattered.
For example, the idea of Donald Trump being elected president was so incomprehensible and concerning to so many, they completely lost it when he won. Likewise, images of American cities burning amidst widespread looting caused another group to crack. Neither group had fully come to grips with how broken and corrupt the U.S. economy and society had become, and that these sorts of things happen when states begin to fail.
The reaction to Trump being elected from many of those traumatized by it was to try to remove him at all costs, even if this meant spreading an outlandish Russiagate theory for three years straight. Likewise, the knee-jerk reaction from many to the riots was to send in the military to crush them. In both cases, those who had their comfort zones shattered responded by trying to make the uncomfortable situation go away as soon as possible. Nobody wanted to ask why.
Why was Trump elected? People are angry. Why did cities erupt into civil disobedience? People are angry. Lots of people are angry, but why? We should probably try to honestly answer that question sooner rather than later. There are a lot of very good reasons to be angry.
That being said, unless your life is in immediate danger, the best response to an event that shocks you to your core is to step back and take a deep breath.  You don’t have to like what’s happening, but you should consider what a productive or creative response to the situation might look like, as opposed to immediately resorting to an instant-gratification, emotionally charged, reptilian response. The response to a crisis is often worse than the crisis itself.
Someone mentioned to me that he tells all his friends: “you must stand guard at the door of your mind.” Great advice in general, but particularly necessary during times like these. This is also partly what it means to be more conscious, a topic I’ve written about extensively in recent years (see my series on Spiral Dynamics)
It’s never been more important for those who are somewhat conscious to remain that way, because just as consciousness can evolve, it can also devolve. Characteristic of an evolved consciousness is being able to acknowledge one’s own flaws and vulnerabilities. It means being aware of your more base instincts as a human, which means admitting that just as you have the capacity for love, compassion and generosity, you also have the capacity for hate, apathy and selfishness.
Being honest about this and attempting to confront it is key to evolving one’s consciousness, but ego tends to get in the way. The ego has an image it needs to maintain and protect, which ends up acting as a severe roadblock on the path to sustainable self-improvement. It affects and stifles everyone to varying degrees.
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.
“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”